Can you believe what’s happening with Lizzie, Jonathan, and Tammy? I think their story has gotten absurd!
They were once this great trio, banding together against Alan in order to protect Lizzie and her unborn baby. It put a damper on Jammy’s relationship, but it’s Jonathon’s baby too. I admire Tammy for sticking by her man and helping him protect his child when it’s not her own. It was cute seeing all three come together for the sake of the baby and work out a living arrangement so that Lizzie didn’t have to reside in the Spaulding mansion.
The trio seemed to be handling Alan’s machinations very well, and despite being worried about his every move, they put on a brave front. They were not going to let him push them around and ruin their lives, and they certainly weren’t going to let him control the baby’s life/future.
But of course the tables turned, and Lizzie was the one to crack and make a mistake. I don’t remember the full story with the almost shooting of Alan, but it definitely sent the trio down a hole. Lizzie’s predicament looked grave, and the options were slim. I understand there wasn’t much for the trio to do to keep Lizzie and the baby from Alan’s clutches. Can’t say I blame Jonathon for coming up with a last-minute stunt; what else could he do to “save” his daughter?
Jonathon and Lizzie have been married for a while now, right? It’s getting to be a little too long, and the trio is no more. After all Tammy sacrificed before with letting Lizzie practically live with them, now she has to let Jonathon go. She can’t even be anywhere near Jonathon and Lizzie without it looking suspicious. Tammy has been shut out!
I understand that they’re all doing this for the baby; it’s an important cause. And Jonathon & Lizzie are doing a terrific job with their façade; they’ve proven their dedication to their baby. But as a Jammy fan, this story is starting to get out of control. It’s becoming all bad news for the cousin lovin’. They have to sneak around for everything, even to share sweet, loving gazes, not an easy thing to do since Alan has eyes and ears everywhere. How frustrating! To make matters worse they’ve got Lizzie and Remy coming between them. Oh my goodness!
Lizzie is in love with Jonathon without him knowing it. Remy is falling for Tammy without her knowing it. Lizzie is deliberately trying to come between them, and Remy has already shared a kiss with Tammy. When will Jonathon and Tammy realize what’s really happening? And what more will happen as this story progresses?
The big question on my mind – how much longer will Jonathon and Lizzie’s marriage last? It can’t go on forever, especially since I don’t see Jonathon falling for Lizzie anytime soon. Maybe they’ll keep it up until the baby is born, or maybe Alan will lay off them. Both predictions are pretty far-fetched, but there has to be a new twist that causes the marriage to backfire.
And I hope that twist happens soon because I’m ready for the next phase of the trio plus baby girl. Bring it, GL!
Lover of all things All My Children, One Life To Live, and General Hospital. And even a little Days Of Our Lives and The Young & The Restless. RIP, Guiding Light and As The World Turns. Read my thoughts here, and share your own. :)
ATWT - Storm Baby
Who would have thought that an ice storm would bring on the death of a baby? Am I right?
Well…maybe I’m not…since Emily was pregnant and about to leave town while the storm was happening. What was she thinking?! Don’t tell me that she was so paranoid that she couldn’t even think of her child’s safety and well-being!
Oh, Emily…
I understand her desire to leave town somewhat because you never know what Paul might do, but to leave town when a fierce storm is coming? That has trouble written all over it! Meg was so right in trying to stop her, but it’s a shame that Emily is completely against her. Storm + Meg = stress for her and the baby. If Emily wasn’t so angry with Meg, I’m sure things would have gone differently. Meg might have gotten through to her and wouldn’t have had to lock her in the barn. But alas…
I wish Emily were more rational; she practically put herself in danger with all the ranting, fighting, and pleading. She doesn’t make a very good pregnant woman. Luckily Meg was the sensible one and a nurse. She knew what she was talking about where the baby was concerned, even though Emily wanted none of her help. But what could she do?
And of course Emily went into labor. Everyone knew that would happen, right? She had to put complete trust in Meg to take care of her and the baby, but she didn’t do that very easily. Can’t say I blame her since she hates Meg.
But who would have thought that a fire would start? I mean, that kinda came out of nowhere. Luckily Emily wasn’t pushing yet, hehe. But why didn’t they head to the house in the first place? The barn isn’t sanitary/sterilized, and the walk to the house can’t be that far. And there are more supplies in the house, but I guess Meg wasn’t thinking. The storm also must have been so bad that they just couldn’t go out at all in it…until they were forced to, of course.
Paul showed up at just the right time, didn’t he? I can’t believe that Meg even got through to him on the phone! It was blizzard conditions out there, and yet their cell phones still worked and they could hear each other. But yes, Paul saved the day by saving them from the fire, which only took a couple of blankets and speed.
And Emily’s labor process went forth at Emma’s house with all kinds of helpful supplies and a very sturdy kitchen table. I guess ATWT couldn’t spring for a living room set where Emily could be comfortable, or they didn’t have much time to get Emily to anywhere but the table.
The labor looked extremely unpleasant (kudos to Kelley Menighan Hensley for the realness), but Emily gave birth to a baby girl, Jennifer. How sweet of her wanting to name the baby after Paul’s sister. And of course the baby wasn’t crying because she wasn’t breathing, which is how Friday’s show ended.
I expected the baby to be born early from this storm and to not initially breathe; it’s happened countless times before on numerous shows. And naturally, I expected her to start crying because ATWT just wanted to give us a little scare, right? Low and behold the terrible news in the latest Soap Opera Digest: Paul and Emily’s baby DIES!
RIP: Baby Jennifer Stewart Ryan. Your auntie Jennifer will look after you now.
How could ATWT do this?! It’s unbelievable! This show doesn’t carry the baby-killer reputation, right? I was looking forward to see what this baby would do to Paul and Emily’s relationship – whether unite them or cause custody battles. I was looking forward to this baby girl going through her teen years and acting out like Paul and Emily have done so many times in the past. But this baby doesn’t have a future, which is extremely sad since Emily is one of my favorite soap characters.
I feel Emily’s pain due to being very empathetic, and it doesn’t surprise me that she blames Meg for the tragedy. It’s typical Emily, right? But it’s just as much Emily’s fault too because she planned on traveling in a STORM and kept fighting with Meg. She brought on some of the stress, and the storm did too. The whole situation brought on the possible death of the baby, but Emily is blinded by her hatred of Meg. I wonder what Paul will do in response to everything. Yes, he’s devastated too, but what’s he gonna do about Emily vs. Meg?
All I can be sure of is that this will be an ugly, on-going war. Tears will be shed, and catfights will ensue. Look out, Oakdale!
Well…maybe I’m not…since Emily was pregnant and about to leave town while the storm was happening. What was she thinking?! Don’t tell me that she was so paranoid that she couldn’t even think of her child’s safety and well-being!
Oh, Emily…
I understand her desire to leave town somewhat because you never know what Paul might do, but to leave town when a fierce storm is coming? That has trouble written all over it! Meg was so right in trying to stop her, but it’s a shame that Emily is completely against her. Storm + Meg = stress for her and the baby. If Emily wasn’t so angry with Meg, I’m sure things would have gone differently. Meg might have gotten through to her and wouldn’t have had to lock her in the barn. But alas…
I wish Emily were more rational; she practically put herself in danger with all the ranting, fighting, and pleading. She doesn’t make a very good pregnant woman. Luckily Meg was the sensible one and a nurse. She knew what she was talking about where the baby was concerned, even though Emily wanted none of her help. But what could she do?
And of course Emily went into labor. Everyone knew that would happen, right? She had to put complete trust in Meg to take care of her and the baby, but she didn’t do that very easily. Can’t say I blame her since she hates Meg.
But who would have thought that a fire would start? I mean, that kinda came out of nowhere. Luckily Emily wasn’t pushing yet, hehe. But why didn’t they head to the house in the first place? The barn isn’t sanitary/sterilized, and the walk to the house can’t be that far. And there are more supplies in the house, but I guess Meg wasn’t thinking. The storm also must have been so bad that they just couldn’t go out at all in it…until they were forced to, of course.
Paul showed up at just the right time, didn’t he? I can’t believe that Meg even got through to him on the phone! It was blizzard conditions out there, and yet their cell phones still worked and they could hear each other. But yes, Paul saved the day by saving them from the fire, which only took a couple of blankets and speed.
And Emily’s labor process went forth at Emma’s house with all kinds of helpful supplies and a very sturdy kitchen table. I guess ATWT couldn’t spring for a living room set where Emily could be comfortable, or they didn’t have much time to get Emily to anywhere but the table.
The labor looked extremely unpleasant (kudos to Kelley Menighan Hensley for the realness), but Emily gave birth to a baby girl, Jennifer. How sweet of her wanting to name the baby after Paul’s sister. And of course the baby wasn’t crying because she wasn’t breathing, which is how Friday’s show ended.
I expected the baby to be born early from this storm and to not initially breathe; it’s happened countless times before on numerous shows. And naturally, I expected her to start crying because ATWT just wanted to give us a little scare, right? Low and behold the terrible news in the latest Soap Opera Digest: Paul and Emily’s baby DIES!
RIP: Baby Jennifer Stewart Ryan. Your auntie Jennifer will look after you now.
How could ATWT do this?! It’s unbelievable! This show doesn’t carry the baby-killer reputation, right? I was looking forward to see what this baby would do to Paul and Emily’s relationship – whether unite them or cause custody battles. I was looking forward to this baby girl going through her teen years and acting out like Paul and Emily have done so many times in the past. But this baby doesn’t have a future, which is extremely sad since Emily is one of my favorite soap characters.
I feel Emily’s pain due to being very empathetic, and it doesn’t surprise me that she blames Meg for the tragedy. It’s typical Emily, right? But it’s just as much Emily’s fault too because she planned on traveling in a STORM and kept fighting with Meg. She brought on some of the stress, and the storm did too. The whole situation brought on the possible death of the baby, but Emily is blinded by her hatred of Meg. I wonder what Paul will do in response to everything. Yes, he’s devastated too, but what’s he gonna do about Emily vs. Meg?
All I can be sure of is that this will be an ugly, on-going war. Tears will be shed, and catfights will ensue. Look out, Oakdale!
GH - Island Adventure
I know this happened last month, but it was the storyline that kept me tuned in every day...
For all you long-time viewers, could you imagine seeing Luke, Robert, and Holly together again?
Now, I wasn't watching back then, but my mom filled me in on how funny those three were. So I made sure to watch The Hilarious Trio, as I called them. Although the plot this time around was unimportant, the trio proved to be funny enough for it to not matter. And what was the plot exactly? Running from authorities & bounties while hiding out & bickering about who gets the jewels. It may not have been a life-or-death situation, but the trio made it watchable. I loved every second of it!
My memory is fuzzy on how it all started and why they were wanted in the first place. But I do remember how the three of them ended up back together... Luke fleed his wedding to Tracy; with the help of Robert? And they were on a mission to find Holly for some reason. Maybe it was to get to her before the bouny hunters did. They found her in a nice hotel room on Marco Island. And before you know it, they were behind bars.
The humor and fun officially started with the jail scenes. The trio tried to figure out how to escape, coming up with plans they've used in the past. They eventually out-did the guards and donned disguises, but it's a shame I don't remember the exact wisecracks. Oh, but I do recall when one plan didn't work and they were stuck in jail in disguise...all three were sitting on the bench - Holly in between the sleeping Luke and Robert. I'm sure it was funny when they woke up or when Holly woke them up.
After jail, the trio found themselves in the woods close to dusk. Somehow they had camping gear, but not much. The best part of that stage of the adventure was the sleeping arrangements. There was only one sleeping bag, which appeared to be big enough for the three of them. But Holly refused to slip in there with the two of them. She was determined to find her own bed...until she heard a howling sound, made by either Luke or Robert. And the three of them shared the sleeping bag - Luke and Robert were snug as a bug while Holly seemed pretty uncomfortable. It made for a hilarious night and morning...
Holly "suddently" remembered she owned a villa not too far away, and then the so-called plot really took off. The trio stayed on the island in that house for weeks, or so it seemed. It was all about the jewels and winning Holly's affections. The trio had a great time together no matter what they'd say. When the crowd increased with Lulu, Dillon, Robin, and Patrick, it only got better...
Luke: "All right, the party's over. Three may be a crowd but seven is an ugly mob!"
Oh, there was so much humor to remember with the whole trip...
I don't think too much happened with just the seven of them. So, just when you think it couldn't get any better, it did with the one and only Anna Devane showing up in spy style - climbing down from a helicopter in all black clothing. And what's the first thing she does - kick and punch Robert to the ground. So beautiful! I was giddy with excitement since I had gotten to love Finola Hughes from her AMC days. Seeing Anna with the rest of the gang was such a joy. She brought so much to the table - number one being a family reunion with Robert and Robin.
The best part of there being eight people was the jewels being gone the next morning. It was a riot seeing everyone try to figure out who took them. But soon the bounties finally caught up to the trio, but Holly got the upperhand. She was going to run with the jewels and leave everyone tied up. Luke, being the charming one, convinced her that she needed a partner. So just when they were about to get away and you think nothing could stop them, Tracy showed up! And weren't you all thinking she'd arrive sooner or later?
Luke: "Spanky! You came all this way to see me. I'm so touched."
Tracy saved the day for everyone since she hired the bounties in the first place. But of course there was one last laugh... Tracy and Robert ended up passed out from drugs (sleeping pills?) and sharing a bed while Luke was free to shmooze Holly. Oh, how hilarious!
And Anna left with a bang... Just when Holly was on her plane with the jewels, Anna joined her. But she took the jewels and jumped out of the plane with a parachute.
Anna: "So I'll take these. Thank you. I hope you have a safe flight, and -- sorry there's no peanuts."
Just like that she was gone...for now. She'll be back later this month for the whole summer.
And then you thought that's it, right? No?
Robert: The jewels?
Luke: Every last gem.
Robert: What did Holly get away with, then?
Luke: Spanky's traveling jewelry.
Tracy: The junk!
HAHA!!! Luke, that sneaky devil!
What an adventure! I've never seen anything so full of fun, excitement, and laughter. I may not recollect every punch-line, but it's still quite an unforgettable story. I laughed my head off! A story with Luke Spencer could never disappoint.
Side note: if this entry seems too much like a summary, I apologize. It is what it is; it's how it came out.
For all you long-time viewers, could you imagine seeing Luke, Robert, and Holly together again?
Now, I wasn't watching back then, but my mom filled me in on how funny those three were. So I made sure to watch The Hilarious Trio, as I called them. Although the plot this time around was unimportant, the trio proved to be funny enough for it to not matter. And what was the plot exactly? Running from authorities & bounties while hiding out & bickering about who gets the jewels. It may not have been a life-or-death situation, but the trio made it watchable. I loved every second of it!
My memory is fuzzy on how it all started and why they were wanted in the first place. But I do remember how the three of them ended up back together... Luke fleed his wedding to Tracy; with the help of Robert? And they were on a mission to find Holly for some reason. Maybe it was to get to her before the bouny hunters did. They found her in a nice hotel room on Marco Island. And before you know it, they were behind bars.
The humor and fun officially started with the jail scenes. The trio tried to figure out how to escape, coming up with plans they've used in the past. They eventually out-did the guards and donned disguises, but it's a shame I don't remember the exact wisecracks. Oh, but I do recall when one plan didn't work and they were stuck in jail in disguise...all three were sitting on the bench - Holly in between the sleeping Luke and Robert. I'm sure it was funny when they woke up or when Holly woke them up.
After jail, the trio found themselves in the woods close to dusk. Somehow they had camping gear, but not much. The best part of that stage of the adventure was the sleeping arrangements. There was only one sleeping bag, which appeared to be big enough for the three of them. But Holly refused to slip in there with the two of them. She was determined to find her own bed...until she heard a howling sound, made by either Luke or Robert. And the three of them shared the sleeping bag - Luke and Robert were snug as a bug while Holly seemed pretty uncomfortable. It made for a hilarious night and morning...
Holly "suddently" remembered she owned a villa not too far away, and then the so-called plot really took off. The trio stayed on the island in that house for weeks, or so it seemed. It was all about the jewels and winning Holly's affections. The trio had a great time together no matter what they'd say. When the crowd increased with Lulu, Dillon, Robin, and Patrick, it only got better...
Luke: "All right, the party's over. Three may be a crowd but seven is an ugly mob!"
Oh, there was so much humor to remember with the whole trip...
I don't think too much happened with just the seven of them. So, just when you think it couldn't get any better, it did with the one and only Anna Devane showing up in spy style - climbing down from a helicopter in all black clothing. And what's the first thing she does - kick and punch Robert to the ground. So beautiful! I was giddy with excitement since I had gotten to love Finola Hughes from her AMC days. Seeing Anna with the rest of the gang was such a joy. She brought so much to the table - number one being a family reunion with Robert and Robin.
The best part of there being eight people was the jewels being gone the next morning. It was a riot seeing everyone try to figure out who took them. But soon the bounties finally caught up to the trio, but Holly got the upperhand. She was going to run with the jewels and leave everyone tied up. Luke, being the charming one, convinced her that she needed a partner. So just when they were about to get away and you think nothing could stop them, Tracy showed up! And weren't you all thinking she'd arrive sooner or later?
Luke: "Spanky! You came all this way to see me. I'm so touched."
Tracy saved the day for everyone since she hired the bounties in the first place. But of course there was one last laugh... Tracy and Robert ended up passed out from drugs (sleeping pills?) and sharing a bed while Luke was free to shmooze Holly. Oh, how hilarious!
And Anna left with a bang... Just when Holly was on her plane with the jewels, Anna joined her. But she took the jewels and jumped out of the plane with a parachute.
Anna: "So I'll take these. Thank you. I hope you have a safe flight, and -- sorry there's no peanuts."
Just like that she was gone...for now. She'll be back later this month for the whole summer.
And then you thought that's it, right? No?
Robert: The jewels?
Luke: Every last gem.
Robert: What did Holly get away with, then?
Luke: Spanky's traveling jewelry.
Tracy: The junk!
HAHA!!! Luke, that sneaky devil!
What an adventure! I've never seen anything so full of fun, excitement, and laughter. I may not recollect every punch-line, but it's still quite an unforgettable story. I laughed my head off! A story with Luke Spencer could never disappoint.
Side note: if this entry seems too much like a summary, I apologize. It is what it is; it's how it came out.
AMC - Bitter Reunions
I'm about to admit something that I NEVER thought I'd ever say...
Dixie was right. She never should have come back to Pine Valley. All she did was cause hurt to those she loves.
Don't get me wrong... I'm beyond thrilled that my Dix is alive and that she's back in town. Welcome back Cady McClain, lets drink to the occasion, and all that. And I couldn't wait for her to see Tad and JR; I couldn't believe that it'd be painful like she said it would be. But it was...
While I thought there'd be more than just an ounce of happiness, both reunions were too sad to watch. Let's begin with Tad, the love of Dixie's life. The first episode was sweet... I loved all the flashbacks as they stared at each other, completely blocking out David. It's great that Tad pretty much ignored David and punched him while walking out with Dixie's hand in his. I've always loved seeing Tad in protective mode around her. And then they talked... You can't blame him for not believing it's really her; he's been fooled before. Then Dixie said the trigger that made him believe and made viewers smile: Ozzie and Harriet. It's the exact same thing that Tad said when he returned from the dead over 10 years ago. Once upon a time, Tad said they'd be in the Hall of Romantic Couples along with Ozzie and Harriet (you know, that old TV show).
And then the pain started... Tad realized she's been in town for months without telling him and JR. He realized she intentionally stayed away from everyone. He realized she abandoned JR. And he could not help but be hurt. He layed everything on her: from telling her to go to hell to pointing out the struggles that JR has gone through without her. In the end he said, "As far as I'm concerned, you are dead. At least you're dead to me." *sigh* It will take a long time to repair Tad & Dixie's relationship that was once beautiful and full of so much love.
Dixie's reunion with JR, her only son, was the most powerful of them all. Yes, it was weird seeing Dixie with her grown-up son when he's only suppose to be 17. But JR's the one who couldn't believe what he was seeing, thanks to David setting it up and Dixie not expecting him. JR stood silent for the longest time, not knowing what to say. Dixie, being the loving mother that she is, tried soothing him. They left to talk, and it was sad to see JR realize that his beloved mother stayed away from him. Pain was written all over his face as he tried to make sense of it but rejected her. Dixie hardly gave him an explanation, and so JR walked out. He said, "You stopped being my mother four years ago. The loving, sweet Dixie that we all missed so much and remembered really is dead." Evidently, there was nothing sweet about their reunion.
Both reunions made me see that Dixie got what she deserved and should never have returned. But she DID come back, and she's here NOW. That's what matters. She came back, and she can make things right. Everyone deserves a second chance, right?
And besides, she hasn't told a straightforward explanation yet... Kate is alive; Tad and JR just don't know it yet.
Dixie was right. She never should have come back to Pine Valley. All she did was cause hurt to those she loves.
Don't get me wrong... I'm beyond thrilled that my Dix is alive and that she's back in town. Welcome back Cady McClain, lets drink to the occasion, and all that. And I couldn't wait for her to see Tad and JR; I couldn't believe that it'd be painful like she said it would be. But it was...
While I thought there'd be more than just an ounce of happiness, both reunions were too sad to watch. Let's begin with Tad, the love of Dixie's life. The first episode was sweet... I loved all the flashbacks as they stared at each other, completely blocking out David. It's great that Tad pretty much ignored David and punched him while walking out with Dixie's hand in his. I've always loved seeing Tad in protective mode around her. And then they talked... You can't blame him for not believing it's really her; he's been fooled before. Then Dixie said the trigger that made him believe and made viewers smile: Ozzie and Harriet. It's the exact same thing that Tad said when he returned from the dead over 10 years ago. Once upon a time, Tad said they'd be in the Hall of Romantic Couples along with Ozzie and Harriet (you know, that old TV show).
And then the pain started... Tad realized she's been in town for months without telling him and JR. He realized she intentionally stayed away from everyone. He realized she abandoned JR. And he could not help but be hurt. He layed everything on her: from telling her to go to hell to pointing out the struggles that JR has gone through without her. In the end he said, "As far as I'm concerned, you are dead. At least you're dead to me." *sigh* It will take a long time to repair Tad & Dixie's relationship that was once beautiful and full of so much love.
Dixie's reunion with JR, her only son, was the most powerful of them all. Yes, it was weird seeing Dixie with her grown-up son when he's only suppose to be 17. But JR's the one who couldn't believe what he was seeing, thanks to David setting it up and Dixie not expecting him. JR stood silent for the longest time, not knowing what to say. Dixie, being the loving mother that she is, tried soothing him. They left to talk, and it was sad to see JR realize that his beloved mother stayed away from him. Pain was written all over his face as he tried to make sense of it but rejected her. Dixie hardly gave him an explanation, and so JR walked out. He said, "You stopped being my mother four years ago. The loving, sweet Dixie that we all missed so much and remembered really is dead." Evidently, there was nothing sweet about their reunion.
Both reunions made me see that Dixie got what she deserved and should never have returned. But she DID come back, and she's here NOW. That's what matters. She came back, and she can make things right. Everyone deserves a second chance, right?
And besides, she hasn't told a straightforward explanation yet... Kate is alive; Tad and JR just don't know it yet.
GH - Mother & Daughter
Sam is Alexis’s daughter!!! WHAAAT??
Yes, another shocking revelation in the world of General Hospital has surfaced. Here’s a quick recap of the important info:
Alexis Davis Lansing and Sam McCall are in fact mother and daughter. Apparently, Alexis gave up a baby girl for adoption when she was sixteen because of her powerful, controlling father, Mikos Cassadine. And Sam found out from her dying brother, Danny, that she was adopted; he said, “They picked you just for me.” At the EXACT same time, Alexis and Sam tried to find their unknown daughter and mother, respectively. GH made their searches look so easy; in about two weeks Alexis found a file that claims her daughter is dead while Sam figured out that Alexis is her mother.
And then the story slooowwed almost to a stopping point. I guess it was for our benefit so we could take time to stomach the startling truth.
I must repeat since I am STILL trying to grasp the concept:
Sam is Alexis’s daughter!
Two bitter enemies are related. Of course they are because it creates a major story and conflict for them. But I did not see this coming at all. I figured Sam was adopted, but who would have know Alexis had a baby as a teen? She NEVER mentioned it during her ten whole years of being on the show!
Putting storylines aside, the initial thing to wonder is: do they even look alike? Is the age difference correct? Does Alexis look old enough to have had a daughter at 16? Is Sam young-looking enough to be Alexis’s daughter? Being an outsider looking in, does everything look right??
Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn’t. My verdict is still out ‘cause this whole thing is kinda tricky to take in, especially since Alexis is my favorite of the cast.
Either way, the truth is the truth. And it will create amazing story because Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis) and Kelly Monaco (Sam) are talented actors. There will also be a new dynamic to Alexis and Sam’s relationship. Even though they despise one another, I’m sure they’ll be driven to forge a new union. And I know Sam will love having two little sisters (Kristina and Molly).
However, both parties must be in the know first… As I write this, Jason is telling Alexis the truth due to Sam’s impending death. I wonder how Alexis will react… More importantly, what will happen between Sam and Alexis next?
Isn’t it exciting awaiting the very near future?
Yes, another shocking revelation in the world of General Hospital has surfaced. Here’s a quick recap of the important info:
Alexis Davis Lansing and Sam McCall are in fact mother and daughter. Apparently, Alexis gave up a baby girl for adoption when she was sixteen because of her powerful, controlling father, Mikos Cassadine. And Sam found out from her dying brother, Danny, that she was adopted; he said, “They picked you just for me.” At the EXACT same time, Alexis and Sam tried to find their unknown daughter and mother, respectively. GH made their searches look so easy; in about two weeks Alexis found a file that claims her daughter is dead while Sam figured out that Alexis is her mother.
And then the story slooowwed almost to a stopping point. I guess it was for our benefit so we could take time to stomach the startling truth.
I must repeat since I am STILL trying to grasp the concept:
Sam is Alexis’s daughter!
Two bitter enemies are related. Of course they are because it creates a major story and conflict for them. But I did not see this coming at all. I figured Sam was adopted, but who would have know Alexis had a baby as a teen? She NEVER mentioned it during her ten whole years of being on the show!
Putting storylines aside, the initial thing to wonder is: do they even look alike? Is the age difference correct? Does Alexis look old enough to have had a daughter at 16? Is Sam young-looking enough to be Alexis’s daughter? Being an outsider looking in, does everything look right??
Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn’t. My verdict is still out ‘cause this whole thing is kinda tricky to take in, especially since Alexis is my favorite of the cast.
Either way, the truth is the truth. And it will create amazing story because Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis) and Kelly Monaco (Sam) are talented actors. There will also be a new dynamic to Alexis and Sam’s relationship. Even though they despise one another, I’m sure they’ll be driven to forge a new union. And I know Sam will love having two little sisters (Kristina and Molly).
However, both parties must be in the know first… As I write this, Jason is telling Alexis the truth due to Sam’s impending death. I wonder how Alexis will react… More importantly, what will happen between Sam and Alexis next?
Isn’t it exciting awaiting the very near future?
New Orleans FUN!
If you watch ABC soaps at all, then you've most likely seen The Fun in the Sun Tour. And if you were watching a month ago, then you know New Orleans was the recent stop. IMO, it was the best one yet! For one thing, it was on during my spring break, so I got to see every segment. And another thing, my favorite girl attended - Cady McClain. But what made it the best was the fact that New Orleans was a city in much need of a good time.
Every tour is fun and exciting. Each one has different actors doing different activities, and every setting is unique. But New Orleans was extra special because the people were celebrating Mardi Gras. Thus, it was one huge party over there, which is wonderful since Hurricane Katrina hit a couple months ago. And to see soap actors take time out of their busy schedules to help N.O. residents celebrate was touching. I'm sure the fans had tons of fun and appreciated being a part of the tour. I would have loved being there, but at least it was still thrilling to see on TV.
If you saw the N.O. stop, you know who was there. If not, then you missed some young, hot hunks (ie: Kamar de los Reyes) and some fun, lovely ladies (ie: Alexa Havins) . Personally, I don't really care for the guys; I'm just not crazy about them. But it was cute to see Cameron Mathison wearing a green 'Team Monaco' t-shirt as if he's a part of Kelly Monaco's fan club. As for the gals... I loved seeing Kelly Monaco and Cady McClain having fun; they were the highlights for me. You could tell they were enjoying the festivites.
The activites were just as delightful! Three key events were the Q&A sessions, throwing Mardi Gras beads, and visits to a children's hospital. Of course, I only remember what Kelly and Cady said/did. I know Cady talked once, but I can't remember what she said. Two fans asked Kelly, "Who's the better kisser: Maurice Benard or Steve Burton?" She laughed and answered, "I can't say that!" But then she whispered into her mike, "Steve." Everyone was shown tossing the beads to the fans. Cady wrote in her blog that they did that more than anything else. I remember them doing arts and crafts with children; it may have been somewhere other than a hospital. Cady made a red crown with a little boy (probably around 7 or 8); it was full of glittery decorations. It looked like they were having fun, and she placed the crown on his head happily.
Hence, N.O. was the place to be during The Fun in the Sun Tour. All fans who went are so very lucky! Maybe they'll stop at the New Jersey shore next. That's the closest place to me where sun fun would be best. :)
Every tour is fun and exciting. Each one has different actors doing different activities, and every setting is unique. But New Orleans was extra special because the people were celebrating Mardi Gras. Thus, it was one huge party over there, which is wonderful since Hurricane Katrina hit a couple months ago. And to see soap actors take time out of their busy schedules to help N.O. residents celebrate was touching. I'm sure the fans had tons of fun and appreciated being a part of the tour. I would have loved being there, but at least it was still thrilling to see on TV.
If you saw the N.O. stop, you know who was there. If not, then you missed some young, hot hunks (ie: Kamar de los Reyes) and some fun, lovely ladies (ie: Alexa Havins) . Personally, I don't really care for the guys; I'm just not crazy about them. But it was cute to see Cameron Mathison wearing a green 'Team Monaco' t-shirt as if he's a part of Kelly Monaco's fan club. As for the gals... I loved seeing Kelly Monaco and Cady McClain having fun; they were the highlights for me. You could tell they were enjoying the festivites.
The activites were just as delightful! Three key events were the Q&A sessions, throwing Mardi Gras beads, and visits to a children's hospital. Of course, I only remember what Kelly and Cady said/did. I know Cady talked once, but I can't remember what she said. Two fans asked Kelly, "Who's the better kisser: Maurice Benard or Steve Burton?" She laughed and answered, "I can't say that!" But then she whispered into her mike, "Steve." Everyone was shown tossing the beads to the fans. Cady wrote in her blog that they did that more than anything else. I remember them doing arts and crafts with children; it may have been somewhere other than a hospital. Cady made a red crown with a little boy (probably around 7 or 8); it was full of glittery decorations. It looked like they were having fun, and she placed the crown on his head happily.
Hence, N.O. was the place to be during The Fun in the Sun Tour. All fans who went are so very lucky! Maybe they'll stop at the New Jersey shore next. That's the closest place to me where sun fun would be best. :)
Emmy Picks
Here's who I WANT to win ----
Lead Actress: Beth Ehlers or Bobbie Eakes
Lead Actor: Ron Raines
Supporting Actress: Gina Tognoni
Supporting Actor: not too crazy about any of these guys, but... Jordan Clarke
Younger Actress: Leven Rambin or Camryn Grimes (I've seen her stuff; she's GOOD)
Younger Actor: Tom Pelphrey
Writing: One Life To Live
Directing: Days Of Our Lives (they deserve Emmys)
Best Show: Guiding Light
Here's who I think WILL win ----
Lead Actress: Susan Flannery
Lead Actor: Maurice Benard
Supporting Actress: hmm...tough call... Crystal Chappell
Supporting Actor: Tyler Christopher or Greg Rikaart
Younger Actress: Camryn Grimes
Younger Actor: Michael Graziadei
Writing: The Young and the Restless
Directing: General Hospital
Best Show: General Hospital
Post your picks too! :)
Lead Actress: Beth Ehlers or Bobbie Eakes
Lead Actor: Ron Raines
Supporting Actress: Gina Tognoni
Supporting Actor: not too crazy about any of these guys, but... Jordan Clarke
Younger Actress: Leven Rambin or Camryn Grimes (I've seen her stuff; she's GOOD)
Younger Actor: Tom Pelphrey
Writing: One Life To Live
Directing: Days Of Our Lives (they deserve Emmys)
Best Show: Guiding Light
Here's who I think WILL win ----
Lead Actress: Susan Flannery
Lead Actor: Maurice Benard
Supporting Actress: hmm...tough call... Crystal Chappell
Supporting Actor: Tyler Christopher or Greg Rikaart
Younger Actress: Camryn Grimes
Younger Actor: Michael Graziadei
Writing: The Young and the Restless
Directing: General Hospital
Best Show: General Hospital
Post your picks too! :)
It's That Time...
The Daytime Emmys are the hugest deal in the world of soaps. It is a complete madhouse at fan bases everywhere during Emmy season. The pre-nominations and actual nominations drive everyone crazy. You want your favorites to win, but you never know who the Emmy actually goes to. The ceremony is unique each year with the clips, the presenters, and, of course, the wins. You never know what’ll happen… The wins can be wonderful and well deserved or shocking and make fans go, “What the hell?”
But let’s just focus on nominations… They can be so exciting and provoke many predictions on who’ll win. This year’s noms are no different. This year there are surprising and happy ones as well as some glaring omissions. Either way, the acting noms for each show are definitely something to talk about…
AMC: Only three noms?? SAY WHAT?! I mean, congratulations to Bobbie Eakes, Thorsten Kaye, and Leven Rambin, but AMC usually has a nomination in almost each category. What happened this year? Were only three actors good enough or were there just better actors from other shows? (sigh) Although there were few noms, I’m quite happy for Bobbie, Thorsten, and Leven; all three haven’t won an Emmy. I’m not sure what episodes Thorsten submitted, so I’m a little surprised about his nomination. He’s not favored by me to win. Leven and Bobbie have a fairly good chance to win, but they’re among other very talented actors. I hope they win; they’re two favorites of mine. Go Leven! Go Bobbie!
GH: Five noms…not too shabby, but not all that great either. Usually GH has lots of nominations, but not this year. Like I said with AMC…actors must have gotten overlooked, especially Nancy Lee Grahn (my favorite). And how on earth can Kelly Monaco be up for LEAD Actress? To me she seems more appropriate for the Supporting category; has she really done work that’s considered Lead? Congrats to her anyway as well as Tony Geary, Maurice Benard, Tyler Christopher, and Scott Clifton. They all have done amazing work this past year, but I’m rooting for others in their categories. They’re just not top favorites of mine, and a few have already won an Emmy or two. But wouldn’t it be something if Kelly wins since she is co-hosting the event? Good luck to her on Emmy night.
GL: WOW - EIGHT noms with at least one in each category! Is GL finally getting the recognition it deserves? It’s been quite low in the ratings the past few years and usually isn’t up for many awards. But it must have been excellent in 2005 because Kim Zimmer, Beth Ehlers, Robert Newman, Ron Raines, Jordan Clarke, Gina Tognoni, Crystal Chappell, Tom Pelphrey, and Mandy Bruno are all nominated. That’s the most acting noms for any show! I’m rooting for everyone because GL is an underdog show and most of those actors are Emmy-less. However, I’m not rooting for Kim Zimmer. She has, like, six Emmys already; she doesn’t need anymore, lol. While the numerous noms are wonderful, why aren’t Stephanie Gatschet and Ricky Paull Goldin a part of the list? They had huge stories in 2005 and had some phenomenal scenes. I’m sure they had some part in getting their co-stars, Tom Pelphrey and Beth Ehlers respectively, nominated! There’s always next year… And can you believe Beth Ehlers is nominated?! I guess you can; she’s been nominated a few times, but…never for LEAD! She’s the first actress to land nominations in all three acting categories; how cool is that? Anyway…she’s my girl, and I am SO excited for her! GO BETH!!
OLTL: Another poor year for them… They hardly get any nominations, mostly just one or two. It’s a talented little show full of history, but for some reason its actors are usually overlooked. This year their representative is Renee Goldsberry. I’m not really sure if she was great enough to be nominated, for there is always an oddball among the noms. But congrats to her anyway since this is her first nomination. I don’t think she has a good chance, but you never know. She could be all odds and win!
Bottom line: Good luck to everyone on all my shows! I’m sure I’ll be happy with the winners as long as they’re from my shows. ☺
And remember…anything can happen. You never know whom those Emmy judges will choose. Everyone has a chance at winning.
But let’s just focus on nominations… They can be so exciting and provoke many predictions on who’ll win. This year’s noms are no different. This year there are surprising and happy ones as well as some glaring omissions. Either way, the acting noms for each show are definitely something to talk about…
AMC: Only three noms?? SAY WHAT?! I mean, congratulations to Bobbie Eakes, Thorsten Kaye, and Leven Rambin, but AMC usually has a nomination in almost each category. What happened this year? Were only three actors good enough or were there just better actors from other shows? (sigh) Although there were few noms, I’m quite happy for Bobbie, Thorsten, and Leven; all three haven’t won an Emmy. I’m not sure what episodes Thorsten submitted, so I’m a little surprised about his nomination. He’s not favored by me to win. Leven and Bobbie have a fairly good chance to win, but they’re among other very talented actors. I hope they win; they’re two favorites of mine. Go Leven! Go Bobbie!
GH: Five noms…not too shabby, but not all that great either. Usually GH has lots of nominations, but not this year. Like I said with AMC…actors must have gotten overlooked, especially Nancy Lee Grahn (my favorite). And how on earth can Kelly Monaco be up for LEAD Actress? To me she seems more appropriate for the Supporting category; has she really done work that’s considered Lead? Congrats to her anyway as well as Tony Geary, Maurice Benard, Tyler Christopher, and Scott Clifton. They all have done amazing work this past year, but I’m rooting for others in their categories. They’re just not top favorites of mine, and a few have already won an Emmy or two. But wouldn’t it be something if Kelly wins since she is co-hosting the event? Good luck to her on Emmy night.
GL: WOW - EIGHT noms with at least one in each category! Is GL finally getting the recognition it deserves? It’s been quite low in the ratings the past few years and usually isn’t up for many awards. But it must have been excellent in 2005 because Kim Zimmer, Beth Ehlers, Robert Newman, Ron Raines, Jordan Clarke, Gina Tognoni, Crystal Chappell, Tom Pelphrey, and Mandy Bruno are all nominated. That’s the most acting noms for any show! I’m rooting for everyone because GL is an underdog show and most of those actors are Emmy-less. However, I’m not rooting for Kim Zimmer. She has, like, six Emmys already; she doesn’t need anymore, lol. While the numerous noms are wonderful, why aren’t Stephanie Gatschet and Ricky Paull Goldin a part of the list? They had huge stories in 2005 and had some phenomenal scenes. I’m sure they had some part in getting their co-stars, Tom Pelphrey and Beth Ehlers respectively, nominated! There’s always next year… And can you believe Beth Ehlers is nominated?! I guess you can; she’s been nominated a few times, but…never for LEAD! She’s the first actress to land nominations in all three acting categories; how cool is that? Anyway…she’s my girl, and I am SO excited for her! GO BETH!!
OLTL: Another poor year for them… They hardly get any nominations, mostly just one or two. It’s a talented little show full of history, but for some reason its actors are usually overlooked. This year their representative is Renee Goldsberry. I’m not really sure if she was great enough to be nominated, for there is always an oddball among the noms. But congrats to her anyway since this is her first nomination. I don’t think she has a good chance, but you never know. She could be all odds and win!
Bottom line: Good luck to everyone on all my shows! I’m sure I’ll be happy with the winners as long as they’re from my shows. ☺
And remember…anything can happen. You never know whom those Emmy judges will choose. Everyone has a chance at winning.
AMC - Poor Simone
There’s one character who deserves way more than she’s gotten. She’s a sweet person who should be happy and front burner. She’s a person who deserves a chance. That character is the one and only Simone.
What’s great about Simone? She’s strong, independent, witty, funny, entertaining, very likeable, etc. She’s one of the most refreshing characters on the show. She has great potential. But after being around for four and a half years, she shouldn’t she be past the potential phase? And doesn’t she deserve some long-term happiness after having numerous failed relationships?
Well, for some reason Simone is on a bad luck streak.
Her start on AMC was one of the poorest ever. Remember when she was a little part of Hayley and Mateo’s story? She was basically a nobody, but she evolved into the lovable woman she is today. Unfortunately, her storylines haven’t been the best. She’s been involved in all of Greenlee’s drama, and we’ve seen her love life sink again and again. How about a storyline about her and her past? And not only that, but what about some front and center time for Simone? Think about it… Has she EVER been front burner?
I rest my case.
Simone deserves a juicy, meaty story just like everyone else. We know her portrayer, Terri Ivens, can handle it; she’s been great during the loss of Ethan. What do we know about Simone anyway? I say not too much except for the relationships with her family, friends, and men. We do know her personality, but what about who she really is? What has she experienced in her life before Pine Valley that has shaped her into who she is today? AMC has obviously not explored every aspect of her life.
So, poor Simone and Terri Ivens for not getting much of a chance to shine once they won over viewers.
Now, Simone certainly hasn’t had it easy since coming to Pine Valley. She may not have had much story, but she has been wronged by love time and again. Her brother is dead, and her father isn’t too crazy about her. She has wonderful friends, but she hasn’t found the perfect guy yet. Her life has been full of loneliness. She’s had numerous relationships, but they always lead her back to the single life. She’s only been truly happy with Ethan, but TPTB decided to kill him.
Simone deserves true love and happiness. I know on soaps that contentness never lasts because it equals boredom, but it usually lasts enough. Couples have fun falling in love, and they get married and make a family. (Almost) everyone deserves a chance at that kind of life, especially Simone. It’s really all she’s ever wanted, and AMC ruined it by killing Ethan. They were happy for a little while, but we hardly saw them. And now there’s no chance for them. Poor Simone for losing the man of her dreams, the man she planned to marry.
Let’s hope Simone gets a story worthy of Terri’s talent and a better chance at living happily ever after with a man she loves with all her heart & soul. Happy…at least for a little while.
What’s great about Simone? She’s strong, independent, witty, funny, entertaining, very likeable, etc. She’s one of the most refreshing characters on the show. She has great potential. But after being around for four and a half years, she shouldn’t she be past the potential phase? And doesn’t she deserve some long-term happiness after having numerous failed relationships?
Well, for some reason Simone is on a bad luck streak.
Her start on AMC was one of the poorest ever. Remember when she was a little part of Hayley and Mateo’s story? She was basically a nobody, but she evolved into the lovable woman she is today. Unfortunately, her storylines haven’t been the best. She’s been involved in all of Greenlee’s drama, and we’ve seen her love life sink again and again. How about a storyline about her and her past? And not only that, but what about some front and center time for Simone? Think about it… Has she EVER been front burner?
I rest my case.
Simone deserves a juicy, meaty story just like everyone else. We know her portrayer, Terri Ivens, can handle it; she’s been great during the loss of Ethan. What do we know about Simone anyway? I say not too much except for the relationships with her family, friends, and men. We do know her personality, but what about who she really is? What has she experienced in her life before Pine Valley that has shaped her into who she is today? AMC has obviously not explored every aspect of her life.
So, poor Simone and Terri Ivens for not getting much of a chance to shine once they won over viewers.
Now, Simone certainly hasn’t had it easy since coming to Pine Valley. She may not have had much story, but she has been wronged by love time and again. Her brother is dead, and her father isn’t too crazy about her. She has wonderful friends, but she hasn’t found the perfect guy yet. Her life has been full of loneliness. She’s had numerous relationships, but they always lead her back to the single life. She’s only been truly happy with Ethan, but TPTB decided to kill him.
Simone deserves true love and happiness. I know on soaps that contentness never lasts because it equals boredom, but it usually lasts enough. Couples have fun falling in love, and they get married and make a family. (Almost) everyone deserves a chance at that kind of life, especially Simone. It’s really all she’s ever wanted, and AMC ruined it by killing Ethan. They were happy for a little while, but we hardly saw them. And now there’s no chance for them. Poor Simone for losing the man of her dreams, the man she planned to marry.
Let’s hope Simone gets a story worthy of Terri’s talent and a better chance at living happily ever after with a man she loves with all her heart & soul. Happy…at least for a little while.
A Change...
Hi all! Just to let everyone know...
I've expanded my blog subject to be all the soaps I watch. I thought this way it'd be easier to come up with things to write. I'll also probably update it more. And now this is something for more than just AMC viewers.
So, it's a win-win change. Enjoy, everyone! :)
PS: All you Guiding Light lovers know my photo pic is Harley!!! :D
I've expanded my blog subject to be all the soaps I watch. I thought this way it'd be easier to come up with things to write. I'll also probably update it more. And now this is something for more than just AMC viewers.
So, it's a win-win change. Enjoy, everyone! :)
PS: All you Guiding Light lovers know my photo pic is Harley!!! :D
YES, torture! But it doesn't feel like it. It's actually quite wonderful...
Have you seen how close Tad has been to Dixie? And he didn't even know it! True angst! But since it's been nearly four years since any T&D action, I'm okay with it. It may seem like angst on the outside, but it's really not. It's just something extra special to an already exciting storyline.
It's only natural for the powers that be to torture us Tad and Dixie fans; it's been done for years. Whenever there's a reunion on the horizon, it's as prolonged as possible. We watch the show day after day, knowing they will eventually reunite. But we have to wait and wait...and wait - sometimes weeks, sometimes months. We live in angst while seeing them so close to getting back together or seeing each other again. This time will be no different, but this time it's the biggest reunion of them all.
Dixie, the love of Tad's life, is alive, and he doesn't know it. He's never truly gotten over her; he still misses her; he still loves her. She's back and has been so close to Tad that he could touch her. And he was so close to finding her in the explosion rubble. She even called out to him but ended up finding her own way out. For some reason she's not ready for anyone to know she's alive. Oh my God!! This story is total frustration!
But how can we see it as torture when we haven't had any T&D for years? It IS torture and angst, BUT we're fine with it. We embrace it. We're happy about it because we have a reason to watch the show again. Anticipation has been brought back into our lives. Bottom's all good.
Thank you, AMC, for bringing back Dixie. And thank you, Cady McClain, for coming back. We'll stick with the story and wait as long as it takes for Tad and Dixie to reunite, but please make it a story to remember. Make it something we'll love for years to come so that we'll think of it with joy.
Have you seen how close Tad has been to Dixie? And he didn't even know it! True angst! But since it's been nearly four years since any T&D action, I'm okay with it. It may seem like angst on the outside, but it's really not. It's just something extra special to an already exciting storyline.
It's only natural for the powers that be to torture us Tad and Dixie fans; it's been done for years. Whenever there's a reunion on the horizon, it's as prolonged as possible. We watch the show day after day, knowing they will eventually reunite. But we have to wait and wait...and wait - sometimes weeks, sometimes months. We live in angst while seeing them so close to getting back together or seeing each other again. This time will be no different, but this time it's the biggest reunion of them all.
Dixie, the love of Tad's life, is alive, and he doesn't know it. He's never truly gotten over her; he still misses her; he still loves her. She's back and has been so close to Tad that he could touch her. And he was so close to finding her in the explosion rubble. She even called out to him but ended up finding her own way out. For some reason she's not ready for anyone to know she's alive. Oh my God!! This story is total frustration!
But how can we see it as torture when we haven't had any T&D for years? It IS torture and angst, BUT we're fine with it. We embrace it. We're happy about it because we have a reason to watch the show again. Anticipation has been brought back into our lives. Bottom's all good.
Thank you, AMC, for bringing back Dixie. And thank you, Cady McClain, for coming back. We'll stick with the story and wait as long as it takes for Tad and Dixie to reunite, but please make it a story to remember. Make it something we'll love for years to come so that we'll think of it with joy.
AMC Explodes!!!
Wow! What an amazing explosion sequence!!! I could not have predicted such a dramatic turnout! The slow motion, the debris, the music…it all contributes to the trauma.
Characters screaming, falling, and dodging debris…in slow-mo. How painful it was to see our favorites separated and pinned by the tumbling doors and walls… not knowing who is still alive or is seriously wounded. For all we knew, people were dying and dead bodies were simply being scattered about the premise. Our beloved favorites falling to their doom, not understanding what has happened, their fun blasted right out of them… Oh so terrible!
The debris was almost too much to bear as everything collapsed everywhere our characters were. Windows, railings, and doors crashed. Tables, chairs, and flower decorations were destroyed, just getting in the way of everyone trying to flee. And finally the chandeliers falling to their doom, shattering in an instance… Dust and smoke blowing all around as the once-gorgeous ball met its untimely end… What a tragedy!
Everywhere there were blasts and fire creating a booming, luminous environment to easily see the ball’s destruction and our favorite characters literally get propelled to the floor. No matter how huge the fire was it did not last long. Just as quickly as the explosion took place, everything and everyone was still and darkness set in.
But the most haunting thing of all was the music. It was a cool, deadly version of “How High the Moon”. A beautiful female voice sung it nicely, but it set the tear-jerking tone for the horrific catastrophe. I’m not sure how words had anything to do with what happened, but the voice was truly sad as damage after damage happened - one thing right after another.
And afterwards…everything was still. Characters, debris, and almost-pitch black were all across the room. The harm had been done. No one moved a muscle; maybe no one could move at all. Maybe everyone was in complete shock or terribly injured. Either way, it was a deafening sight. The typical drama music started to play but changed to only a piano and a male voice going, “Ohhhh. Ohhhh,” over and over, providing a very chilling sound. And then a sudden heartbreaking silence filled the room as one person was shown to be alive. The silence was extremely painful as Tad asked, “Is anyone alive?”
Such a horrific finale to the fantastic (and expensive) Mardi Gras Ball!
Characters screaming, falling, and dodging debris…in slow-mo. How painful it was to see our favorites separated and pinned by the tumbling doors and walls… not knowing who is still alive or is seriously wounded. For all we knew, people were dying and dead bodies were simply being scattered about the premise. Our beloved favorites falling to their doom, not understanding what has happened, their fun blasted right out of them… Oh so terrible!
The debris was almost too much to bear as everything collapsed everywhere our characters were. Windows, railings, and doors crashed. Tables, chairs, and flower decorations were destroyed, just getting in the way of everyone trying to flee. And finally the chandeliers falling to their doom, shattering in an instance… Dust and smoke blowing all around as the once-gorgeous ball met its untimely end… What a tragedy!
Everywhere there were blasts and fire creating a booming, luminous environment to easily see the ball’s destruction and our favorite characters literally get propelled to the floor. No matter how huge the fire was it did not last long. Just as quickly as the explosion took place, everything and everyone was still and darkness set in.
But the most haunting thing of all was the music. It was a cool, deadly version of “How High the Moon”. A beautiful female voice sung it nicely, but it set the tear-jerking tone for the horrific catastrophe. I’m not sure how words had anything to do with what happened, but the voice was truly sad as damage after damage happened - one thing right after another.
And afterwards…everything was still. Characters, debris, and almost-pitch black were all across the room. The harm had been done. No one moved a muscle; maybe no one could move at all. Maybe everyone was in complete shock or terribly injured. Either way, it was a deafening sight. The typical drama music started to play but changed to only a piano and a male voice going, “Ohhhh. Ohhhh,” over and over, providing a very chilling sound. And then a sudden heartbreaking silence filled the room as one person was shown to be alive. The silence was extremely painful as Tad asked, “Is anyone alive?”
Such a horrific finale to the fantastic (and expensive) Mardi Gras Ball!
Crazy, Crazy, Crazy...
Has AMC gone loco? What were they thinking? What is up their sleeves?
Janet is back in town because of Amanda. And she's gone insane again. What the hell? What happened to her sane life with Trever? Is it because her precious Amanda is all grown up and away from the nest? Is it because she's bored with Trever? Either way, Janet is completely nuts!
I have no clue what Janet is thinking except that she really cares about Amanda and is extra protective of her. And I can't understand why AMC brought her back; she's just creating crazy drama. Kinda stupid, imo. Amanda isn't a good character, and she's one of the people getting blamed for Janet's misdeeds. It's about the Dillon women without Trever, one of the most missed guys of the show.
Janet keeps doing one thing after another, all the while setting up poor Jonathan. Amanda knows but isn't doing anything about it; she just can't rat out her mom. Overall, Janet is so crazy that she's beyond help. So, where's AMC going with this? When will people find out about Janet? I know she creates an enormous explosion for the Mardi Gras Ball just as Amanda wises up and plans to reveal Janet's evil ways. But the place will explode, and of course no one will know Janet was behind it. Janet'll probably go free for another couple of weeks. And hence the story will drag on and on when that's what it's been doing. seems to me that it's been going on long enough without a real purpose. Maybe with the explosion it'll pick up. Maybe there'll be more to Janet's story than plotting/getting revenge. And hopefully she'll be caught soon.
Janet is back in town because of Amanda. And she's gone insane again. What the hell? What happened to her sane life with Trever? Is it because her precious Amanda is all grown up and away from the nest? Is it because she's bored with Trever? Either way, Janet is completely nuts!
I have no clue what Janet is thinking except that she really cares about Amanda and is extra protective of her. And I can't understand why AMC brought her back; she's just creating crazy drama. Kinda stupid, imo. Amanda isn't a good character, and she's one of the people getting blamed for Janet's misdeeds. It's about the Dillon women without Trever, one of the most missed guys of the show.
Janet keeps doing one thing after another, all the while setting up poor Jonathan. Amanda knows but isn't doing anything about it; she just can't rat out her mom. Overall, Janet is so crazy that she's beyond help. So, where's AMC going with this? When will people find out about Janet? I know she creates an enormous explosion for the Mardi Gras Ball just as Amanda wises up and plans to reveal Janet's evil ways. But the place will explode, and of course no one will know Janet was behind it. Janet'll probably go free for another couple of weeks. And hence the story will drag on and on when that's what it's been doing. seems to me that it's been going on long enough without a real purpose. Maybe with the explosion it'll pick up. Maybe there'll be more to Janet's story than plotting/getting revenge. And hopefully she'll be caught soon.
Erica is Josh's mom! Say what? Holy cow!
Yes, newbie Josh Madden is Erica Kane's aborted son with Jeff Martin. How can that be? I can't understand it! What a way to screw with history! Apparently Greg took Erica's egg and planted it in his twisted! In the words of Erica, this is science fiction.
I'm not sure how to feel about this, but I must say they picked the right actor to play Josh. He does look like Erica and Kendall. And I guess he passes as a Martin. Oh man, I can't believe there's another Martin in existence; there are so many already. I guess the Martin and Kane families must keep growing. By being married to Jack, Erica has plenty of offspring. Now she has Josh, who most likely won't be accepted since he's been out to get Erica from the very beginning. Maybe he just wants to run her TV show; there doesn't seem to be a reason for him to hate her. (I could have missed the reason due to not watching all of Josh's scenes.)
Josh doesn't know, and Erica just found out. This'll change their lives immensely. I wonder what Erica will do since she just found out about him drugging her. Maybe she'll have a change of heart about wanting him in jail. She could tell Josh everything, but I can't see that happening. She might have a plan for him. But when Josh does know, what will he do? Will he have a change of heart as well? I know he will be shocked to the bone. He probably won't believe it, just like Erica didn't at first. Who knows what he'll do? He might completely reject the truth and not want anything to do with his newfound family. One thing's for sure...I bet he'll hate his "father" Greg. He's known the whole time, right?
Another sure thing...this will rock a lot of people's worlds. The Martins and Kanes/Montgomerys will never be the same. And Josh will have an identity problem. He isn't the Madden son he thought he was.
This may not be one of the best, most intriguing stories ever and it goes against a prominent historic moment, but it brings about a fallout that will last for months. It's huge drama for our favorite diva, and I cannot wait to see how she'll handle this next chapter of her life.
Yes, newbie Josh Madden is Erica Kane's aborted son with Jeff Martin. How can that be? I can't understand it! What a way to screw with history! Apparently Greg took Erica's egg and planted it in his twisted! In the words of Erica, this is science fiction.
I'm not sure how to feel about this, but I must say they picked the right actor to play Josh. He does look like Erica and Kendall. And I guess he passes as a Martin. Oh man, I can't believe there's another Martin in existence; there are so many already. I guess the Martin and Kane families must keep growing. By being married to Jack, Erica has plenty of offspring. Now she has Josh, who most likely won't be accepted since he's been out to get Erica from the very beginning. Maybe he just wants to run her TV show; there doesn't seem to be a reason for him to hate her. (I could have missed the reason due to not watching all of Josh's scenes.)
Josh doesn't know, and Erica just found out. This'll change their lives immensely. I wonder what Erica will do since she just found out about him drugging her. Maybe she'll have a change of heart about wanting him in jail. She could tell Josh everything, but I can't see that happening. She might have a plan for him. But when Josh does know, what will he do? Will he have a change of heart as well? I know he will be shocked to the bone. He probably won't believe it, just like Erica didn't at first. Who knows what he'll do? He might completely reject the truth and not want anything to do with his newfound family. One thing's for sure...I bet he'll hate his "father" Greg. He's known the whole time, right?
Another sure thing...this will rock a lot of people's worlds. The Martins and Kanes/Montgomerys will never be the same. And Josh will have an identity problem. He isn't the Madden son he thought he was.
This may not be one of the best, most intriguing stories ever and it goes against a prominent historic moment, but it brings about a fallout that will last for months. It's huge drama for our favorite diva, and I cannot wait to see how she'll handle this next chapter of her life.

BIG NEWS: DIXE'S BACK! DIXIE'S ALIVE! Isn't this exciting? I knew it would happen some day.
Dixie is coming home this week. She is the mystery guest at the Mardi Gras Ball. She's lingering around without anyone recognizing her. How on earth is she pulling that off? People must be blind! How can no one notice the beloved saint of Pine Valley back from the dead??
So...Dixie's been in Europe all this time, and Di has known all along. But there are still so many unanswered questions... Why did she stay away? Why is she back now? What will she think of all that's happened while she's been gone? And what happened to the baby she was carrying? Can't wait to find out everything!
And just wait till everyone discovers she's alive! Tad and JR's lives will go through a whirlwind. I know she stayed away intentionally, but I hope she brings some peace back to those she loves. They all need her back, and Little Adam should know his grandmom.
I wonder what it will be like... Dixie has been gone for four years. Things are different. Things have changed. I wonder what Dix will do... I anticipate my girl's return. I'm excited for her to reunite with Tad and JR and to wear her wishing-star necklace again.
And I know Tad and Dixie still love each other; they've never stopped. So, it's only a matter of time...
Dixie is BACK! Lets toast to her and wish for an awesome story! :D
And WELCOME BACK, Cady McClain!!!!
A Stop in Time
A dance. A slow dance. A sweet dance. A dance unlike any other.
Jonathan and Lily's dance at the Mardi Gras ball was quite special, nothing like I've ever seen before. Lily doesn't like to be touched, but she found a way to dance with her boyfriend. They held up their hands as if they'd touch, but they don't. Time stopped, and everyone else disappeared. How that can happen I don't know; I guess it was a dream shared by both of them. They gazed into each other's eyes as if looking into each other's soul. It was magic - sweet, beautiful magic. Then the dance began... Jonathan and Lily moved about the room, twirling all around in ballroom style...without touching. It was an expression of pure, innocent love. And at the end it seemed as if they'd kiss. Each had a hand raised to the other's face, still not touching, but they did not kiss. Then time resumed; all the other guests were back.
It was a special moment away from time, where two people could be in a world of their own. I'm not sure how I feel about Jonathan and Lily, but their dance was truly fascinating.
Jonathan and Lily's dance at the Mardi Gras ball was quite special, nothing like I've ever seen before. Lily doesn't like to be touched, but she found a way to dance with her boyfriend. They held up their hands as if they'd touch, but they don't. Time stopped, and everyone else disappeared. How that can happen I don't know; I guess it was a dream shared by both of them. They gazed into each other's eyes as if looking into each other's soul. It was magic - sweet, beautiful magic. Then the dance began... Jonathan and Lily moved about the room, twirling all around in ballroom style...without touching. It was an expression of pure, innocent love. And at the end it seemed as if they'd kiss. Each had a hand raised to the other's face, still not touching, but they did not kiss. Then time resumed; all the other guests were back.
It was a special moment away from time, where two people could be in a world of their own. I'm not sure how I feel about Jonathan and Lily, but their dance was truly fascinating.
Mardi Gras
The Mardi Gras Ball is happening NOW! Right this second! All this week! And next week too.
Host by Erica Kane, or course, this ball is a charity event, as most balls are, for the Red Cross and most importantly the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Great cause and gracious, center-of-attention hostess…you know this ball is a HUGE deal!
So all of our favorites are brought together at this grand occasion, including ones you hardly see on an everyday basis. (Hello, Brooke!) And of course there are the numerous extras…most are probably professional dancers and/or partygoers. Everyone’s mingling, drinking, and having a good time, not knowing what could happen (and believe me, stuff WILL happen). A typical ball, right?
Why don’t we go into the details that make this ball different from all others…
Charity: Viewers can actually call in and donate. There’s a number for Red Cross advertised during halftime of the show. A line is open! And you could receive a thank-you message from Susan Lucci herself.
Location: Umm… It’s a very spacious, very dazzling place. Inside and outside rooms with a grand staircase… It’s in Pine Valley of course. But where exactly is it??? I have no clue, and I don’t think it’s been revealed. So, nuff said!
Decorations: Beautiful, glittery, sparkley, silver and purple colors...candles... There's a tall fountain thing sitting in the center full of purple flowers and pearly necklaces; it's kinda in front of the stairs. The characters must dance around it. Can't think of anything else that stands out. No other words come to mind for a description.
Costumes: How can I describe them? They're all very different! Well, it is a ball, so of course they're very elegant. The men are wearing handsome suits, some plain and some shimmery. The women are wearing beautiful gowns, each with their own special, stand-out design. All are sparkely in some way, and some have feathers and outrageous patterns. Some are even kinda plain. I could not possibly describe them all; don't know how when they're all so unique. (IMO, though, Erica looks the best.) And this is the Mardi Gras here, so everyone has a mask - those stick masks or whatever they're called. So they're all walking and dancing while holding their mask. The masks are just as stunning as the gowns and decorations - very glittery and delicate. But how on earth does everyone have the money for such a glamerous get-up? Is EVERYONE wealthy like Adam Chandler? One mystery we'll never know.
Music: I think it's just typical ballroom tunes. I can't remember because I focus on my beloved characters too much to notice.
Every ball is different, and this one is no exception. The location and music may be the same (in some instances), but the decorations and outfits are always different. Every ball has its own special look; if every ball were the same, it would be very boring (and the people making the ball wouldn't have much work to do).
There you have it (the best I could)! The Mardi Gras Ball is underway! So what are you doing sitting here reading this? See it for yourself and contribute to the Red Cross Relief Fund.
I'm off to the ball (not literally) to look for the lovely Dixie Martin (set to come back alive this week)! Hope to see you there! :)
Host by Erica Kane, or course, this ball is a charity event, as most balls are, for the Red Cross and most importantly the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Great cause and gracious, center-of-attention hostess…you know this ball is a HUGE deal!
So all of our favorites are brought together at this grand occasion, including ones you hardly see on an everyday basis. (Hello, Brooke!) And of course there are the numerous extras…most are probably professional dancers and/or partygoers. Everyone’s mingling, drinking, and having a good time, not knowing what could happen (and believe me, stuff WILL happen). A typical ball, right?
Why don’t we go into the details that make this ball different from all others…
Charity: Viewers can actually call in and donate. There’s a number for Red Cross advertised during halftime of the show. A line is open! And you could receive a thank-you message from Susan Lucci herself.
Location: Umm… It’s a very spacious, very dazzling place. Inside and outside rooms with a grand staircase… It’s in Pine Valley of course. But where exactly is it??? I have no clue, and I don’t think it’s been revealed. So, nuff said!
Decorations: Beautiful, glittery, sparkley, silver and purple colors...candles... There's a tall fountain thing sitting in the center full of purple flowers and pearly necklaces; it's kinda in front of the stairs. The characters must dance around it. Can't think of anything else that stands out. No other words come to mind for a description.
Costumes: How can I describe them? They're all very different! Well, it is a ball, so of course they're very elegant. The men are wearing handsome suits, some plain and some shimmery. The women are wearing beautiful gowns, each with their own special, stand-out design. All are sparkely in some way, and some have feathers and outrageous patterns. Some are even kinda plain. I could not possibly describe them all; don't know how when they're all so unique. (IMO, though, Erica looks the best.) And this is the Mardi Gras here, so everyone has a mask - those stick masks or whatever they're called. So they're all walking and dancing while holding their mask. The masks are just as stunning as the gowns and decorations - very glittery and delicate. But how on earth does everyone have the money for such a glamerous get-up? Is EVERYONE wealthy like Adam Chandler? One mystery we'll never know.
Music: I think it's just typical ballroom tunes. I can't remember because I focus on my beloved characters too much to notice.
Every ball is different, and this one is no exception. The location and music may be the same (in some instances), but the decorations and outfits are always different. Every ball has its own special look; if every ball were the same, it would be very boring (and the people making the ball wouldn't have much work to do).
There you have it (the best I could)! The Mardi Gras Ball is underway! So what are you doing sitting here reading this? See it for yourself and contribute to the Red Cross Relief Fund.
I'm off to the ball (not literally) to look for the lovely Dixie Martin (set to come back alive this week)! Hope to see you there! :)
Welcome Everyone!
Hey all!
Welcome to the world of All My Children as seen by me. I see this as a place to express my opinions on anything about the show. Don't be afraid to post your own, whether you agree or disagree with me. :)
There might be some humorous or creative things here, so keep a good look out.
Just some FYI's: I've been watching AMC for about nine years all because of my mom. Of everything and everyone I've seen, I love the balls and Dixie Martin most of all. So, there could be numerous posts on Dixie, but I'll try to keep it under control. And one thing I hate is too many new characters at one time, especially when they don't have strong ties to key characters.
That's all for now! Enjoy the view of a Pine Valley Girl. :)
Lover of Dixie's caring soul
PS: My profile photo isn't me, and it has NOTHING to do with AMC.
Welcome to the world of All My Children as seen by me. I see this as a place to express my opinions on anything about the show. Don't be afraid to post your own, whether you agree or disagree with me. :)
There might be some humorous or creative things here, so keep a good look out.
Just some FYI's: I've been watching AMC for about nine years all because of my mom. Of everything and everyone I've seen, I love the balls and Dixie Martin most of all. So, there could be numerous posts on Dixie, but I'll try to keep it under control. And one thing I hate is too many new characters at one time, especially when they don't have strong ties to key characters.
That's all for now! Enjoy the view of a Pine Valley Girl. :)
Lover of Dixie's caring soul
PS: My profile photo isn't me, and it has NOTHING to do with AMC.
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