In July we saw them kiss for the first time in years. Three months later not only do they kiss again, they also admit they're in love with each other. And fans everywhere cry, cheer, and jump for joy.
Bo and Nora have been apart for ten years. They broke up over her sleeping with Sam Rappaport to give Bo a child. The child, Matthew, was Sam's but some years later turned out to be Bo's. Bo could never forgive Nora for her betrayal, even as they formed a friendship and co-parent bond.
Bo & Nora are my first memory of One Life To Live. They were the most fun-loving couple of the show, and it was heartbreaking to watch the stupid triangle with Sam. I always believed Matthew was Bo's, and I've continued to enjoy Bo & Nora's friendship and partnership (in & out of work). But there was still a spark between them, and I never truly gave up on them reuniting, especially since they share a son. Plus, who on Earth actually likes Nora and Clint? They are boring.
Now, finally the story is going fans' way. It's almost like a dream. After all these years, is this finally happening? It's also like an early Christmas gift. Bless you, One Life To Live Powers That Be.
Yes, the spark has been there for years, but Bo and Nora have really been dancing around each other for months. They've grown closer while dealing with Matthew's paralysis and him suing them. They almost kissed in a car at the high school on Matthew's first day back after his accident. Fate led them to kiss outside of the Buchanan Lodge in July, and it seemed like maybe Bo would admit his love for her. But he couldn't hurt his brother, and so, Nora married Clint. I cringed, feeling disappointed that the wedding went off without a hitch.
Bo and Nora have continued dealing with Matthew, and Clint has not been around much. In order to stop Matthew from having a high-risk surgery, they took him to London. Matthew's at a boarding school while they are at Kevin's compound. Being united on something like this without Clint has brought them closer than they've ever been.
In October 29th's episode it was still only Matthew's first or second day at the school. Bo and Nora worried about him and wanted to visit. Their visit didn't go very well. Matthew expressed his anger and not wanting them to be there. Back at Kevin's they vented and threw glasses against a wall. It felt good for both of them, and in that passion they kissed. The 29th ended and the 30th began with that scene. I enjoyed seeing it twice because that was some kissing - way better than the July kiss. There was much more passion, and it continued in the next scene. Kevin interrupted them without seeing them kissing and asked about the glass everywhere. Bo and Nora dodged a bullet there and got him out of the room (twice) in order to talk.
The rest of their scenes were beautifully written, real, and honest. Just brilliant!
Nora tries justifying the kiss, and Bo says they have to deal with everything that's been going on.
Bo: "Oh." Oh, what? We just pretend none of that ever happened?
Nora: Okay. Yeah. I mean, what else are we supposed to do?
Bo: Deal with it.
Nora: Deal with what?
Bo: With us.
[Glass crunches]
Bo: With us, red. It's time. We can't go on like this..
Nora: There's nothing to deal with.
Bo: No?
Nora: No. I'm married to your brother Clint.
Bo: I know that.
Nora: No. You don't know that. I love Clint. End of conversation.
But if she loves Clint, then why does she keep getting closer & closer to Bo? That is the point Bo makes.
And Bo called her "Red" again! Hallelujah! It surprised me because it's been so long since he's done that. He always called her "Red" when they were a couple. Hearing it again touched me, and I couldn't help but cry.
The next scene they hash through Nora marrying Clint, which "proves" that she loves Clint. Bo never stopped the wedding because of what Nora kept saying...
Nora: Then why didn't you just say something? Why didn't you stop the wedding?
Bo: Because you were marrying my brother and you kept telling me that you were in love with him.
Nora: I do love him.
Bo: Then why do we keep doing this?
The last scene said it all and made me cry again. Bo admitted he loves her, and those words are the most beautiful words I've heard on One Life To Live in a while.
Bo: Why do we keep doing this? Do you want to know what I think?
Nora: Oh, please. You seem to have all the answers. I'd love to know.
Bo: Oh, so you're just gonna make me say it, huh?
Nora: Say what?
Bo: Seriously, Nora, you don't know?
Nora: Know what?
Bo: That I still love you, damn it. I love you.
I've been waiting since July to hear that. It was obvious then that Bo still loved her, but he didn't say it. And now he has; it was wonderful. And that's how the October 30th show ended - the best Friday ending ever! And Monday, November 2nd, picked right up where Friday left off. Bo said he's IN LOVE with her! Let's have another Hallelujah!
Bo: I love you, and I'm in love with you.
Nora: I heard you.
Bo: Well, it sure feels better now that it's finally out.
Nora: Yeah? Ok.
Bo: I know you're married to Clint, and it would be tough if -- if he wasn't even my brother, but you know, it is what it is. I love you, Nora. And you know what? I've got a feeling that you love me, too.
That's a pretty good feeling! I think it's obvious she loves him back. After everything that has happened, he loves her. They hash out the Sam crap again. She has been carrying around guilt, and he has never forgiven her. He never could. By going through all this Matthew drama, he has grown up. By not forgiving & forgetting, it has cost him Nora. How real is that? I love how The Powers That Be know their history and keep returning to it.
Bo: What happened with Sam happened because you love me.
Nora: Do you know how many years I've waited to hear you say that?
Bo: Mm. Years and years and years.
Nora: Do you -- can you forgive me?
Bo: Of course. That's the reason I'm able to say any of this.
Another hallelujah and more tears! He FINALLY forgives her! I, like Nora, have been waiting for that to happen. It always hurt as more time passed and he still couldn't forgive. Now he has, and it was like a weight was lifted. Nothing but Clint is in Bo and Nora's way.
And now we have the best part of this entire thing - Nora's confession.
Bo: If you tell me that you don't feel the same, I will never ever bring this up again. So...tell me, red. You don't love me?
Nora: I can't say that. I do love you. You... I love you, too.
First, he called her "Red" again. WE GOT IT TWICE!
Second, she loves him too! OH MY GOD! I was bawling from that. It was pure joy hearing them both say "I love you" after ten long years of suffering & waiting. It was amazing! And it's about time. Bo & Nora are clearly on the path of being a couple again, and I could not be any happier. Monday's One Life To Live was the best episode in years, I swear. I can't remember the last time OLTL made me so happy.
Bo & Nora had David and Destiny to deal with for the remainder of the show, so they still have a lot to talk about. This is not over, and I cannot wait to see the next step/conversation. I feel like telling Clint myself that Bo and Nora love each other because it will still be a while before he knows. It's a soap for God's sake.
So, for now, I continue to revel in the scenes from Friday and Monday. Kudos to actors Robert S. Woods & Hillary B. Smith, executive producer Frank Valentini, and head writer Ron Carlivati. It is true Bo & Nora nirvana, and I'm thinking it's only a matter of time before we start seeing some dancing & hearing some oldies music.
Lover of all things All My Children, One Life To Live, and General Hospital. And even a little Days Of Our Lives and The Young & The Restless. RIP, Guiding Light and As The World Turns. Read my thoughts here, and share your own. :)
9/18 ~ The Day The LIGHT Went Out
I also posted this on the Daytime Confidential website in response to their entry - Live Blogging: Guiding Light's Finale Episode. So, it's on informal, rambling side.
It's like saying goodbye to a dear friend or companion. Not quite family for me. I saw GL through its last decade and liked Harley the most. Watching through it's final months was weird. It never felt like it was ending soon. And I just basked in the joy of seeing Bill & Lizzie, Olivia & Natalia, and Shayne & Dinah in their stories. I was enjoying a lot on the show, except for Mallet & Marina and Reva & Jeffrey. Even when there was 1 month to go, it felt like farewell was a long way off. And even during this last week I wasn't yet moved to tears. I was just like, "Oh, this is happening. These two are getting married. And Alan's dying." No real emotion yet. Just seeing how it all wraps up. I was especially wondering how the Jeffrey story would wrap. What was hard was counting down the days. I had a little bit of tears after each show, thinking "There's 3 episodes left", then "2 episodes left". Today...I was fully prepared to be sad. And I was. I cried through the show. But I was left with a feeling of happiness as well as loss.
Everything was pretty quick. A lot was jammed in these last two episodes since we had to see how things would end for every character. A lot of happiness, as it should be. And everyone having babies, LOL! Of course Shayne & Marina would be together. I liked that. I'm surprised Mallet & Dinah was shown, but YES, they are back together! And Ricky & Mindy and Frank & Blake - love both! Lots of love going around! Wish we had more Otalia lovin - at least one simple, sweet kiss. I loved the Josh & Reva parts of all this because with them I had no clue what was going to happen. I loved how time moved up a year, and Reva met Josh at the lighthouse with Colin. It all goes back to the lighthouse. And Josh & Reva always. I was crying through the whole ending segment as Michelle Branch's "Together" played. I had been waiting 2+ years for Josh & Reva to get back together, and it happens in the finale. Makes it more special and tear-jerking. I feel bad for the Reva/Jeffrey fans, but I assume Jeffrey died after all. Maybe he and Edmund killed each other. Reva belongs with her Joshua...always. So, I'm happy with the finale. It'll really hit next week that this wonderful show is gone. I'll turn the TV on, and it won't be there. *sigh*
Also, have to give a shout out to my girl Harley. I wish she could have returned for this, but of course that couldn't happen since Beth Ehlers is at ABC. Harley could have gotten a mention when Daisy went off to college - like "Harley would be so proud of you." Frank or Buzz could have said that. Or Daisy could have talked to her on the phone. If Beth never left and Harley was a part of all this, I would have been crying more. I'd be sadder. She could have visited Gus's grave, and the GusH pairing could have been wrapped up in some way. Just my wishful thinking, but really, GL's ending (and great 2009 storytelling) has made up for frustrations I've had with the powers that be. We will never forget this legendary soap opera. It'll live on forever and always through us, the fans.
It's like saying goodbye to a dear friend or companion. Not quite family for me. I saw GL through its last decade and liked Harley the most. Watching through it's final months was weird. It never felt like it was ending soon. And I just basked in the joy of seeing Bill & Lizzie, Olivia & Natalia, and Shayne & Dinah in their stories. I was enjoying a lot on the show, except for Mallet & Marina and Reva & Jeffrey. Even when there was 1 month to go, it felt like farewell was a long way off. And even during this last week I wasn't yet moved to tears. I was just like, "Oh, this is happening. These two are getting married. And Alan's dying." No real emotion yet. Just seeing how it all wraps up. I was especially wondering how the Jeffrey story would wrap. What was hard was counting down the days. I had a little bit of tears after each show, thinking "There's 3 episodes left", then "2 episodes left". Today...I was fully prepared to be sad. And I was. I cried through the show. But I was left with a feeling of happiness as well as loss.
Everything was pretty quick. A lot was jammed in these last two episodes since we had to see how things would end for every character. A lot of happiness, as it should be. And everyone having babies, LOL! Of course Shayne & Marina would be together. I liked that. I'm surprised Mallet & Dinah was shown, but YES, they are back together! And Ricky & Mindy and Frank & Blake - love both! Lots of love going around! Wish we had more Otalia lovin - at least one simple, sweet kiss. I loved the Josh & Reva parts of all this because with them I had no clue what was going to happen. I loved how time moved up a year, and Reva met Josh at the lighthouse with Colin. It all goes back to the lighthouse. And Josh & Reva always. I was crying through the whole ending segment as Michelle Branch's "Together" played. I had been waiting 2+ years for Josh & Reva to get back together, and it happens in the finale. Makes it more special and tear-jerking. I feel bad for the Reva/Jeffrey fans, but I assume Jeffrey died after all. Maybe he and Edmund killed each other. Reva belongs with her Joshua...always. So, I'm happy with the finale. It'll really hit next week that this wonderful show is gone. I'll turn the TV on, and it won't be there. *sigh*
Also, have to give a shout out to my girl Harley. I wish she could have returned for this, but of course that couldn't happen since Beth Ehlers is at ABC. Harley could have gotten a mention when Daisy went off to college - like "Harley would be so proud of you." Frank or Buzz could have said that. Or Daisy could have talked to her on the phone. If Beth never left and Harley was a part of all this, I would have been crying more. I'd be sadder. She could have visited Gus's grave, and the GusH pairing could have been wrapped up in some way. Just my wishful thinking, but really, GL's ending (and great 2009 storytelling) has made up for frustrations I've had with the powers that be. We will never forget this legendary soap opera. It'll live on forever and always through us, the fans.
Guiding Light's Tribute In Entirety
Michael Fairman ( has released Guiding Light's full tribute/montage for the fans. This was originally created for the Daytime Emmys but due to time constraints was cut down. Thank you, Michael! Now, if only they didn't cut to commercial and some of the actors could have spoken. Wish we could see a fuller version of the actors on stage & thanking the loyal viewers. :)
Credit goes to Daytime Confidential for brining this to many fans' attention and to YouTube user soapinterviews (
Credit goes to Daytime Confidential for brining this to many fans' attention and to YouTube user soapinterviews (
One Life To Live's Acting Win
Here's my highlight of the night: Susan Haskell's (Marty) win! Her speech is very sweet and endearing. She adorably mentions her husband, Thorsten Kaye (Zach, AMC) and her children. This is her first win, and I can't remember the last time an OLTL actor won for anything. It has been a while.
Credit goes to tkpoetry:
Credit goes to tkpoetry:
Guiding Light's Farewell Tribute
It could have been WAY better and longer!! GRR! The longest-running show got gipped. It was very moving until it was cut, and there were too many clips with the new production model. A lot of great moments, characters, & couples were not included in the montage. And as great as it was seeing the whole cast on stage, there could have been former cast members up there too. Some of the actors could have spoken and thanked all the viewers.
But it is what it is. Just be grateful that there was a tribute.
On the bright side, it was touching. Betty White did a great job mixing humor with sorrow. I'm glad they had a real fan speak. The montage was very well done. There was plenty shown as well as all the wonderful logos. A great song was used, but I can't say what it was. The entire cast looked radiant and appreciative of the tribute & the fans. Everyone stood for television's longest running show. At home in my room I stood too and was moved to tears.
Credit goes to rockermom58 (via YouTube) for this clip:
And credit goes to Daytime Confidential for the pictures:

But it is what it is. Just be grateful that there was a tribute.
On the bright side, it was touching. Betty White did a great job mixing humor with sorrow. I'm glad they had a real fan speak. The montage was very well done. There was plenty shown as well as all the wonderful logos. A great song was used, but I can't say what it was. The entire cast looked radiant and appreciative of the tribute & the fans. Everyone stood for television's longest running show. At home in my room I stood too and was moved to tears.
Credit goes to rockermom58 (via YouTube) for this clip:
And credit goes to Daytime Confidential for the pictures:

36th Annual Daytime Emmy Winners
Here are the grand winners and my thoughts.
Younger Actress: GH's Julie Marie Berman (Lulu)
I was rooting for GH's Kirsten Storms, but I am very happy that Julie won. She completely deserves it. She is a stunning actress, and GH did the best job casting her as Lulu Spencer. Julie also looked so beautiful and classy as she nervously accepted her award. Adorable!
Younger Actor: DAYS' Darin Brooks (Max)
Not who I wanted to win, but this was a tricky category. I didn't really have a favorite. I'm not unhappy with Darin winning because how often does anyone at DAYS win anything? So, congrats to him. He's lucky.
Supporting Actress: DAYS' Tamara Braun (Ava)
This surprised me. Tamara was only on for SIX MONTHS. She was on GH (as Carly) longer and never won an Emmy. But Tamara winning makes me happy to some extent because I love her. She's brilliant. But it makes me wish I saw her as Ava so I know why she deserved to win. Too bad AMC's Alicia Minshew didn't win. She deserves an Emmy one of these years.
Supporting Actor: A tie! AMC's Vincent Irizarry (David) and GL's Jeff Branson (Shayne)
Ties are usually pretty rare, and this one was the first category presented. Vincent is an amazing actor. Even though I don't like his character, I still say he deserves every Emmy he wins. And I was rooting for Jeff. I'm glad that he won for GL because we've truly been able to see how talented he is. When he was on AMC as Jonathan, he didn't get the best material.
Lead Actress: OLTL's Susan Haskell (Marty)
YAY!!!! My pick of the night won! I was so excited that I was jumping up & down. She totally deserves this win. She won for the fallout of Todd raping Marty again (more emotionally than physically). She was brilliant when Marty learned the truth and discovered he lied about her entire life. Marty fought hard against Todd, and Susan got an Emmy for it. Wonderful! And her speech was sweet.
Lead Actor: Y&R's Christian LeBlanc (Michael)
Of course he wins again. I'm the least happiest about his win. It didn't excite me. This was another tricky category, though. I wasn't sure who should win.
Writing: General Hospital
I am appalled at this! I was angry at this because GH does not have the best writing. Mobsters are heros, the Quartermaines are hardly shown, Jason and Sam are back together, and there's almost constant violence. Some of the dialogue is stuff we hear more than once. How could GH win over OLTL? The episodes submitted must have been superb.
Directing: One Life To Live
Yay, OLTL won! It won over AMC's huge CGI tornado event. Wow! I don't know what episodes OLTL submitted, but I'm sure they were brilliant. I've been very happy with OLTL's directing. OLTL looks the way a soap should. Nothing fancy or on location most of the time.
Drama Series: The Bold And The Beautiful
Not what I was rooting for, but good for them. I believe they said it was B&B's first win. Thus, I'm extremely happy for B&B's cast, crew, and executives. But how could they not get to speak? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That is so unheard of! Shame on CW and the people running the show. That's the worst part of the night, in my opinion.
Favorite Parts: OLTL's Susan Haskell winning made my night. As did GL's Jeff Branson's win. The opening of the show was very amusing - Vanessa Williams' in all these daytime scenes as she's singing. I loved seeing GL's Olivia & Natalia a part of that. The little parts of Elmo and Gordon trying to get in past Oscar were funny, and the Lifetime Achievement to Sesame Street was fun. AMC's, DAYS', and B&B's clips for Outstanding Drama Series were captivating. I always love the drama series clips, especially when they include great music. GL's tribute was very moving. I was loving it until they cut it off. I enjoyed the fashion segment because Ricky Paull Goldin (Jake, AMC; ex-Gus, GL) was a part of it. He looked so hot. He & Chrishell Stause (Amanda, AMC) pulled off the James Bond look perfectly. And B&B won Outstanding Drama Series for the 1st time. How fresh!
Bad Parts: The worst was no one from B&B being able to speak after B&B won Outstanding Drama Series. Two performances completely not needed were Vanessa Williams' second musical number and the special fashion segment. The Foof For Children charity segment was moving, but it went too long. That probably wasn't needed either. There wasn't a montage for the people who passed away. There weren't clips for all the acting categories; there is never enough time. Many people were not present to accept awards for Morning Show, Talk Show Host, etc. The Lifetime Achievement Award for Sesame Street was a bit too long. General Hospital won for Outstanding Writing. And finally, Guiding Light's special farewell tribute could have been longer and was cut off without so much as a warning.
Younger Actress: GH's Julie Marie Berman (Lulu)
I was rooting for GH's Kirsten Storms, but I am very happy that Julie won. She completely deserves it. She is a stunning actress, and GH did the best job casting her as Lulu Spencer. Julie also looked so beautiful and classy as she nervously accepted her award. Adorable!
Younger Actor: DAYS' Darin Brooks (Max)
Not who I wanted to win, but this was a tricky category. I didn't really have a favorite. I'm not unhappy with Darin winning because how often does anyone at DAYS win anything? So, congrats to him. He's lucky.
Supporting Actress: DAYS' Tamara Braun (Ava)
This surprised me. Tamara was only on for SIX MONTHS. She was on GH (as Carly) longer and never won an Emmy. But Tamara winning makes me happy to some extent because I love her. She's brilliant. But it makes me wish I saw her as Ava so I know why she deserved to win. Too bad AMC's Alicia Minshew didn't win. She deserves an Emmy one of these years.
Supporting Actor: A tie! AMC's Vincent Irizarry (David) and GL's Jeff Branson (Shayne)
Ties are usually pretty rare, and this one was the first category presented. Vincent is an amazing actor. Even though I don't like his character, I still say he deserves every Emmy he wins. And I was rooting for Jeff. I'm glad that he won for GL because we've truly been able to see how talented he is. When he was on AMC as Jonathan, he didn't get the best material.
Lead Actress: OLTL's Susan Haskell (Marty)
YAY!!!! My pick of the night won! I was so excited that I was jumping up & down. She totally deserves this win. She won for the fallout of Todd raping Marty again (more emotionally than physically). She was brilliant when Marty learned the truth and discovered he lied about her entire life. Marty fought hard against Todd, and Susan got an Emmy for it. Wonderful! And her speech was sweet.
Lead Actor: Y&R's Christian LeBlanc (Michael)
Of course he wins again. I'm the least happiest about his win. It didn't excite me. This was another tricky category, though. I wasn't sure who should win.
Writing: General Hospital
I am appalled at this! I was angry at this because GH does not have the best writing. Mobsters are heros, the Quartermaines are hardly shown, Jason and Sam are back together, and there's almost constant violence. Some of the dialogue is stuff we hear more than once. How could GH win over OLTL? The episodes submitted must have been superb.
Directing: One Life To Live
Yay, OLTL won! It won over AMC's huge CGI tornado event. Wow! I don't know what episodes OLTL submitted, but I'm sure they were brilliant. I've been very happy with OLTL's directing. OLTL looks the way a soap should. Nothing fancy or on location most of the time.
Drama Series: The Bold And The Beautiful
Not what I was rooting for, but good for them. I believe they said it was B&B's first win. Thus, I'm extremely happy for B&B's cast, crew, and executives. But how could they not get to speak? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That is so unheard of! Shame on CW and the people running the show. That's the worst part of the night, in my opinion.
Favorite Parts: OLTL's Susan Haskell winning made my night. As did GL's Jeff Branson's win. The opening of the show was very amusing - Vanessa Williams' in all these daytime scenes as she's singing. I loved seeing GL's Olivia & Natalia a part of that. The little parts of Elmo and Gordon trying to get in past Oscar were funny, and the Lifetime Achievement to Sesame Street was fun. AMC's, DAYS', and B&B's clips for Outstanding Drama Series were captivating. I always love the drama series clips, especially when they include great music. GL's tribute was very moving. I was loving it until they cut it off. I enjoyed the fashion segment because Ricky Paull Goldin (Jake, AMC; ex-Gus, GL) was a part of it. He looked so hot. He & Chrishell Stause (Amanda, AMC) pulled off the James Bond look perfectly. And B&B won Outstanding Drama Series for the 1st time. How fresh!
Bad Parts: The worst was no one from B&B being able to speak after B&B won Outstanding Drama Series. Two performances completely not needed were Vanessa Williams' second musical number and the special fashion segment. The Foof For Children charity segment was moving, but it went too long. That probably wasn't needed either. There wasn't a montage for the people who passed away. There weren't clips for all the acting categories; there is never enough time. Many people were not present to accept awards for Morning Show, Talk Show Host, etc. The Lifetime Achievement Award for Sesame Street was a bit too long. General Hospital won for Outstanding Writing. And finally, Guiding Light's special farewell tribute could have been longer and was cut off without so much as a warning.
My 2009 Emmy List
Daytime Emmys this Sunday at 8 PM EST on The CW with an hour-long red carpet show airing at 7.
Here are my Emmy picks!! These are who I'm rooting for.
Outstanding Younger Actress: GH's Kirsten Storms, but I wouldn't be upset if GH's Julie Marie Berman won.
Outstanding Younger Actor: AMC's Cornelius Smith Jr.
Outstanding Supporting Actress: AMC's Alicia Minshew, but I'd enjoy seeing DAYS' Tamara Braun win.
Outstanding Supporting Actor: Either ATWT's Van Hansis or GL's Jeff Branson
Outstanding Lead Actress: OLTL's Susan Haskell, but it'd also be great to see AMC's Debbi Morgan or ATWT's Maura West win.
Outstanding Lead Actor: GL's Daniel Cosgrove. DAYS' Peter Reckell winning would be amazing since DAYS doesn't usually get Emmy recognition.
Outstanding Writing: One Life To Live
Outstanding Directing: One Life To Live
Outstanding Drama Series: I'm seriously leaning towards Days Of Our Lives since I've never seen it win an Emmy. AMC and B&B don't deserve to win, in my opinion.
Here are my Emmy picks!! These are who I'm rooting for.
Outstanding Younger Actress: GH's Kirsten Storms, but I wouldn't be upset if GH's Julie Marie Berman won.
Outstanding Younger Actor: AMC's Cornelius Smith Jr.
Outstanding Supporting Actress: AMC's Alicia Minshew, but I'd enjoy seeing DAYS' Tamara Braun win.
Outstanding Supporting Actor: Either ATWT's Van Hansis or GL's Jeff Branson
Outstanding Lead Actress: OLTL's Susan Haskell, but it'd also be great to see AMC's Debbi Morgan or ATWT's Maura West win.
Outstanding Lead Actor: GL's Daniel Cosgrove. DAYS' Peter Reckell winning would be amazing since DAYS doesn't usually get Emmy recognition.
Outstanding Writing: One Life To Live
Outstanding Directing: One Life To Live
Outstanding Drama Series: I'm seriously leaning towards Days Of Our Lives since I've never seen it win an Emmy. AMC and B&B don't deserve to win, in my opinion.
OLTL 7/28 ~ My Favorite Couple...
OLTL ~ Farewell To Marcie Walsh
Last week we One Life To Live fans bid goodbye to two characters: Marcie & Michael McBain. The actors, Kathy Brier & Chris Stack, were let go from the show a couple months ago. The characters moved to Seattle, WA for a fresh start. First, they had decided that "their" baby, Hope, rightfully belonged with her teenaged parents, Starr & Cole. And out of the blue Michael told Marcie about his job offer from Seattle Grace Hospital. Just like that moving sounded like a pretty good idea. Michael said goodbye to his brother, John, while Marcie said good bye to friend Gigi. They did not leave without a happy ending for the fans: they found out that Marcie's pregnant. They had been trying different ways to have a baby, and now they finally will. At this point it doesn't matter if it's a girl or boy. Michael & Marcie will be wonderful parents.
While it was two characters who left, Marcie was the more beloved one. Michael only became prominent because of her (and John, I suppose) and was cared about more when portrayed by Nathaniel Marston. Marcie has been around since 2002, her maiden name being Walsh. She was only suppose to be on for three episodes. For a while she was a recurring character, her sole purpose being Jen Rappaport's best friend. Her role expanded, and viewers came to love her. She was real and down-to-earth. What made her so appealing was her size. She was heavy like so many women are in real life. Usually, the soap operas are full of super-thin women. It was wonderfully refreshing to have a strong female character with a real weight.
Marcie reached the height of her popularity when paired with Al Holden (also portrayed by Nathaniel Marston). They were adorable, and I probably saw their entire relationship. But so much is fuzzy because I got hooked on them towards the end of their short romance. Both attending Llanview University, Marcie was Al's tutor. They became friends, and their biggest hurdle was Al's drug addiction. She staged an intervention by herself and helped him through detoxification. Then they were free to fall in love. It was such a pure, sweet love between them. They took everything step-by-step since Marcie was afraid of making love with him. She didn't want to disappoint him, and she was self-conscious of her weight. Al was her hero through her weight issues, and he supported her stance on world peace. Classmates believed she wasn't supporting or caring about the troops fighting for their country. They treated her badly, and I'm sure thin girls saw her as easy to pick on because of her weight. Girls made her sing by a dumpster as they threw trash at her. Another night she was kidnapped, knocked out, and tossed into a dumpster. Al found her and spent the night by her side in her dorm room. College life was not easy for Marcie Walsh, but nothing could keep her down for long. She only grew stronger from those horrible experiences.
The most unique aspect of Al & Marcie was their love for music. It was such a prominent part of their lives, and it really added to their romance. Al secretly took a job as a radio host. He called himself "The Voice Of The Night", sharing words of wisdom and playing meaningful songs. Marcie got sucked into every word he said, and at some point she discovered who "the voice" was. I think that was a big factor in her falling for him. Al burned Marcie a CD, called Marcie's Mix, the very night they said their first "I love you"s. One special song on it was "This Year's Love" by David Gray. They sat together on the floor, holding each other while listening to it & talking. More songs used for them were: "Take Me Away" by Lifehouse, "Take A Little Piece Of My Heart" by Janis Joplin (sung by Marcie), and "Something Right" by Julia Fordham.
That dumpster incident came with consequences. Marcie passed along an infection to Al, and he became so ill that he needed a liver transplant. His mom donated part of hers, but it wasn't enough. Al's liver was too damaged, also in part from his drug use. Al, the love of Marcie's life, died. It was a tragedy for her and his parents - legendary characters Grabrielle Medina and Max Holden. It was also tragedy for the fans; Al & Marcie's love story had only just begun. Music continued to be used for this precious couple. Marcie played "This Year's Love" on the radio in memory of him as a montage of their greatest moments were shown. Max and Gabrielle were also shown crying, and Marcie sang along through her tears. Marcie sang "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls during Al's funeral; it was his favorite song. And "The Scientist" by Coldplay played as Gabrielle and Marcie comforted & held each other. I think they were in Al's dorm room, going through his belongings. Music expresses love & loss so beautifully, and it helps to have those songs to remember Marcie & Al by. It connects us to them.
It was so easy to feel Marcie's pain. She was sad for a good couple of months. Kathy Brier portrayed her grief brilliantly. But Marcie wouldn't be heartbroken forever. Death cannot stop true love. Like magic, Al got a second chance with Marcie, with the help of his former step-mom Luna Moody. I think first he could see & hear Marcie and everything but no one could see/hear him. Then his soul was put into Michael McBain (also Nathaniel Marston), a bitter doctor leading a lonely life. Every time Al's soul was in him, it's like he was Al. But no one knew it. Al's mission was to get Marcie to see that it was Al inside Michael by the end of Valentine's Day. He tried & tried, but Michael made some mistakes without Al's soul. And Marcie was still grieving.
On Valentine's night "Michael" had Marcie's favorite band, Simply Red, play at Capricorn. They played "Sunrise" and "You Make Me Feel Brand New". The latter is Marcie's favorite, and she danced to it with "Michael". Afterwards, Al did just about everything he could, and he finally succeeded in getting Marcie to see it was him. She stared into his eyes to Michael's soul, and for one episode we had Al & Marcie back together. It couldn't stay that way. Once time was up, they both forgot what had just happened, but Al's soul was forever inside of Michael. And the love story of Michael & Marcie began.
My memory of Michael & Marcie before their wedding is fuzzy. I know I saw everything that happened to them, but a lot is vague. I know they had their ups and downs. They broke up and got back together - that typical soap couple thing. Marcie began writing a crime novel and did some investigating on her own. She even sort of shadowed the police to understand their job better. She proved to be a talented writer. Her book, The Killing Club, was brought to life, and it was a good read. It centered on one character solving a series of murders that related to something in her past. What broke Marcie & Michael up was their strong focus on their respective careers. The killings began occurring for real, and there was a big serial killer storyline that Marcie was, of course, involved in. But I don't remember too much of that, and Marcie wasn't injured.
On another Valentine's Day (probably 2006) Michael planned to propose, and Marcie had no clue. They were at Ultra Violet to see Lifehouse perform. Again, more music. During the song "You And Me" Michael had the television screens set up to say, "Will you marry me?" Marcie was shocked. They discussed this huge decision to get married, and in the end Marcie said, "Yes." They were blissfully happy, and they wed in early May. Despite a looming tornado, the wedding went off without a hitch. It was beautiful, and the reception was like a real wedding, for the most part. What sets it a part from any other is that Marcie sang to Michael: an original song, "When It's Real". It appeared on Kathy Brier's sole album, Heartbreaker. It's suits them so well. I don't think Michael & Marcie had a honeymoon. Maybe they did, and we didn't see it.
From the tornado rubble was a baby boy. The disaster made him an orphan, and Marcie & Michael found & took care of him. They fell so in love with the baby, and Marcie realized she wanted to be a mother more than anything. They learned at some point that they couldn't have children the natural way (or so they thought). They fought to adopt the baby and named him Tommy. They were truly Tommy's parents, but it later was revealed that Tommy was biologically Todd's son with Margaret Cochran. Michael worked with Rex Balsom & Adrianna Cramer to keep it a secret. Secrets don't stay hidden for long. Once the truth was out, there was a custody battle. Todd was awarded custody, but Marcie wouldn't have it. She went on the run with Tommy, leaving Michael behind because he wasn't as determined as she was & she was still angry with him for keeping the secret.
We saw what a protective mama bear Marcie really is. She knew how dangerous Todd is and could not let him raise Tommy. She put her life on the line to protect and raise Tommy. And she truly is a wonderful mom. I was on her side through this whole thing. She and Michael would have given Tommy a better life than Todd. They deserved him more than Todd. Marcie hid at her brother's place, in a drag club, and finally ended up at The Bonjoir Cafe in Paris, TX - where Viki Lord was also hiding & living a new life. Todd was always on her tail, but she managed to hide in Texas for a while as Sally Ann, a waitress. She avoided Viki very well. But of course, everything came crashing in for her. Michael found out where she was, Viki saw her, and Todd (with the cops) closed in on her. In this story climax, Kathy Brier show her full acting abilities. Her work was amazing and totally Emmy-worthy. Marcie went to extremes by taking Viki hostage at the cafe. She had no other place to go. Michael (now Chris Stack) exchanged himself with Viki and shared emotional scenes with Marcie & Tommy. He convinced Marcie that she had to give Tommy to Todd. There was no other choice. Marcie was arrested and fortunately sentenced to community service.
Marcie tried to continue a normal life with Michael, but her budding career as a teacher was tarnished. As were their chances of adopting any more children. Parenthood didn't seem to be in their future. But when Starr Manning, Todd's daughter, got pregnant last year by Cole Thornhart, she was unsure about keeping the baby. She was only 16, and she overheard Marcie saying how much she wants to be a mom but can't. Starr decided to give her baby to Marcie via open adoption. Marcie wasn't sure at first but then agreed to it. Michael was against it because of Todd, and he moved out. Marcie was determined to go through with the adoption and raise the baby on her own if she had too. She always hoped Michael would change his mind, though. Marcie happily eased Starr along every step of the pregnancy. Meanwhile, Todd planned to steal the baby and raise it with an amnesiac Marty Saybrooke. He changed his mind the night the baby was born. But since the start of his plan was in motion, it was easy for Jessica Buchanan's alter, Bess, to switch the baby with her dead one. Marcie and Starr mourned for their baby girl, Hope, while Jessica was raising her as Chloe without any knowledge of what Bess did. Another chance at having a baby was seemingly shattered. Michael mourned too and grieved with Marcie, bringing them together again.
A recent series of events & revelations led to Hope being returned to Starr and then Marcie. Natalie Buchanan and Jared Banks learned the truth well before anyone else but kept it a secret to protect Jessica. Marcie found out that Hope couldn't have died from RH disease, as originally believed. Jessica was gradually unraveling. She reverted back to Bess and took "Chloe" since Bess knew how close the secret was to coming out. Jared & Natalie told Viki and Clint the truth, and Bess was found in West Virginia. Jessica came back out and with mom Viki's help realized her baby died & Bess switched the babies. By now, Starr's and Cole's parents learned the truth and told everything to them. Hope was returned to Starr & Cole briefly for a farewell before Marcie & Michael took her. But it didn't feel right anymore to Marcie.
Marcie got the feeling that Starr wanted to keep Hope. She was right. Also last week, she brought the baby back to Starr, and they shared very moving & poignant scenes in Starr's bedroom. I consider that to be Marcie's last hurrah. She did such a wonderful thing in giving Hope to Starr. To us, it seemed like Marcie wouldn't have a child. But maybe she had suspected she was pregnant. She did take a pregnancy test. Maybe she learned that she could have children. Of course, when someone on soaps can't have children, it doesn't stay that way.
And then, of course, Michael sprung the idea of moving out of Llanview for a fresh start. And we got a happy ending. Marcie fans, never forget her final moments: smiling while showing Michael the positive pregnancy test and then laughing as Michael picked her up & spun her around. Pure happiness. Their dream will finally come true. And we'll never forget Marcie Walsh McBain - wife, mother, sweet friend, and even singer. She began as a young college student and grew into a caring woman liked & loved by many. We will miss her & Kathy Brier and hope for nothing but the best. I'm sure Kathy will move on to more success and Marcie will raise her child on "Cloud Nine" with Michael.
I don't know if there is a Michael & Marcie website, but there is a Marcie & Al one. You can live through everything Al & Marcie (aka Marcal) on this wonderful fan-made site:
And there's always Kathy Brier's websites to support her and keep up with her music, acting, & whatever she does next:
While it was two characters who left, Marcie was the more beloved one. Michael only became prominent because of her (and John, I suppose) and was cared about more when portrayed by Nathaniel Marston. Marcie has been around since 2002, her maiden name being Walsh. She was only suppose to be on for three episodes. For a while she was a recurring character, her sole purpose being Jen Rappaport's best friend. Her role expanded, and viewers came to love her. She was real and down-to-earth. What made her so appealing was her size. She was heavy like so many women are in real life. Usually, the soap operas are full of super-thin women. It was wonderfully refreshing to have a strong female character with a real weight.
Marcie reached the height of her popularity when paired with Al Holden (also portrayed by Nathaniel Marston). They were adorable, and I probably saw their entire relationship. But so much is fuzzy because I got hooked on them towards the end of their short romance. Both attending Llanview University, Marcie was Al's tutor. They became friends, and their biggest hurdle was Al's drug addiction. She staged an intervention by herself and helped him through detoxification. Then they were free to fall in love. It was such a pure, sweet love between them. They took everything step-by-step since Marcie was afraid of making love with him. She didn't want to disappoint him, and she was self-conscious of her weight. Al was her hero through her weight issues, and he supported her stance on world peace. Classmates believed she wasn't supporting or caring about the troops fighting for their country. They treated her badly, and I'm sure thin girls saw her as easy to pick on because of her weight. Girls made her sing by a dumpster as they threw trash at her. Another night she was kidnapped, knocked out, and tossed into a dumpster. Al found her and spent the night by her side in her dorm room. College life was not easy for Marcie Walsh, but nothing could keep her down for long. She only grew stronger from those horrible experiences.
The most unique aspect of Al & Marcie was their love for music. It was such a prominent part of their lives, and it really added to their romance. Al secretly took a job as a radio host. He called himself "The Voice Of The Night", sharing words of wisdom and playing meaningful songs. Marcie got sucked into every word he said, and at some point she discovered who "the voice" was. I think that was a big factor in her falling for him. Al burned Marcie a CD, called Marcie's Mix, the very night they said their first "I love you"s. One special song on it was "This Year's Love" by David Gray. They sat together on the floor, holding each other while listening to it & talking. More songs used for them were: "Take Me Away" by Lifehouse, "Take A Little Piece Of My Heart" by Janis Joplin (sung by Marcie), and "Something Right" by Julia Fordham.
That dumpster incident came with consequences. Marcie passed along an infection to Al, and he became so ill that he needed a liver transplant. His mom donated part of hers, but it wasn't enough. Al's liver was too damaged, also in part from his drug use. Al, the love of Marcie's life, died. It was a tragedy for her and his parents - legendary characters Grabrielle Medina and Max Holden. It was also tragedy for the fans; Al & Marcie's love story had only just begun. Music continued to be used for this precious couple. Marcie played "This Year's Love" on the radio in memory of him as a montage of their greatest moments were shown. Max and Gabrielle were also shown crying, and Marcie sang along through her tears. Marcie sang "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls during Al's funeral; it was his favorite song. And "The Scientist" by Coldplay played as Gabrielle and Marcie comforted & held each other. I think they were in Al's dorm room, going through his belongings. Music expresses love & loss so beautifully, and it helps to have those songs to remember Marcie & Al by. It connects us to them.
It was so easy to feel Marcie's pain. She was sad for a good couple of months. Kathy Brier portrayed her grief brilliantly. But Marcie wouldn't be heartbroken forever. Death cannot stop true love. Like magic, Al got a second chance with Marcie, with the help of his former step-mom Luna Moody. I think first he could see & hear Marcie and everything but no one could see/hear him. Then his soul was put into Michael McBain (also Nathaniel Marston), a bitter doctor leading a lonely life. Every time Al's soul was in him, it's like he was Al. But no one knew it. Al's mission was to get Marcie to see that it was Al inside Michael by the end of Valentine's Day. He tried & tried, but Michael made some mistakes without Al's soul. And Marcie was still grieving.
On Valentine's night "Michael" had Marcie's favorite band, Simply Red, play at Capricorn. They played "Sunrise" and "You Make Me Feel Brand New". The latter is Marcie's favorite, and she danced to it with "Michael". Afterwards, Al did just about everything he could, and he finally succeeded in getting Marcie to see it was him. She stared into his eyes to Michael's soul, and for one episode we had Al & Marcie back together. It couldn't stay that way. Once time was up, they both forgot what had just happened, but Al's soul was forever inside of Michael. And the love story of Michael & Marcie began.
My memory of Michael & Marcie before their wedding is fuzzy. I know I saw everything that happened to them, but a lot is vague. I know they had their ups and downs. They broke up and got back together - that typical soap couple thing. Marcie began writing a crime novel and did some investigating on her own. She even sort of shadowed the police to understand their job better. She proved to be a talented writer. Her book, The Killing Club, was brought to life, and it was a good read. It centered on one character solving a series of murders that related to something in her past. What broke Marcie & Michael up was their strong focus on their respective careers. The killings began occurring for real, and there was a big serial killer storyline that Marcie was, of course, involved in. But I don't remember too much of that, and Marcie wasn't injured.
On another Valentine's Day (probably 2006) Michael planned to propose, and Marcie had no clue. They were at Ultra Violet to see Lifehouse perform. Again, more music. During the song "You And Me" Michael had the television screens set up to say, "Will you marry me?" Marcie was shocked. They discussed this huge decision to get married, and in the end Marcie said, "Yes." They were blissfully happy, and they wed in early May. Despite a looming tornado, the wedding went off without a hitch. It was beautiful, and the reception was like a real wedding, for the most part. What sets it a part from any other is that Marcie sang to Michael: an original song, "When It's Real". It appeared on Kathy Brier's sole album, Heartbreaker. It's suits them so well. I don't think Michael & Marcie had a honeymoon. Maybe they did, and we didn't see it.
From the tornado rubble was a baby boy. The disaster made him an orphan, and Marcie & Michael found & took care of him. They fell so in love with the baby, and Marcie realized she wanted to be a mother more than anything. They learned at some point that they couldn't have children the natural way (or so they thought). They fought to adopt the baby and named him Tommy. They were truly Tommy's parents, but it later was revealed that Tommy was biologically Todd's son with Margaret Cochran. Michael worked with Rex Balsom & Adrianna Cramer to keep it a secret. Secrets don't stay hidden for long. Once the truth was out, there was a custody battle. Todd was awarded custody, but Marcie wouldn't have it. She went on the run with Tommy, leaving Michael behind because he wasn't as determined as she was & she was still angry with him for keeping the secret.
We saw what a protective mama bear Marcie really is. She knew how dangerous Todd is and could not let him raise Tommy. She put her life on the line to protect and raise Tommy. And she truly is a wonderful mom. I was on her side through this whole thing. She and Michael would have given Tommy a better life than Todd. They deserved him more than Todd. Marcie hid at her brother's place, in a drag club, and finally ended up at The Bonjoir Cafe in Paris, TX - where Viki Lord was also hiding & living a new life. Todd was always on her tail, but she managed to hide in Texas for a while as Sally Ann, a waitress. She avoided Viki very well. But of course, everything came crashing in for her. Michael found out where she was, Viki saw her, and Todd (with the cops) closed in on her. In this story climax, Kathy Brier show her full acting abilities. Her work was amazing and totally Emmy-worthy. Marcie went to extremes by taking Viki hostage at the cafe. She had no other place to go. Michael (now Chris Stack) exchanged himself with Viki and shared emotional scenes with Marcie & Tommy. He convinced Marcie that she had to give Tommy to Todd. There was no other choice. Marcie was arrested and fortunately sentenced to community service.
Marcie tried to continue a normal life with Michael, but her budding career as a teacher was tarnished. As were their chances of adopting any more children. Parenthood didn't seem to be in their future. But when Starr Manning, Todd's daughter, got pregnant last year by Cole Thornhart, she was unsure about keeping the baby. She was only 16, and she overheard Marcie saying how much she wants to be a mom but can't. Starr decided to give her baby to Marcie via open adoption. Marcie wasn't sure at first but then agreed to it. Michael was against it because of Todd, and he moved out. Marcie was determined to go through with the adoption and raise the baby on her own if she had too. She always hoped Michael would change his mind, though. Marcie happily eased Starr along every step of the pregnancy. Meanwhile, Todd planned to steal the baby and raise it with an amnesiac Marty Saybrooke. He changed his mind the night the baby was born. But since the start of his plan was in motion, it was easy for Jessica Buchanan's alter, Bess, to switch the baby with her dead one. Marcie and Starr mourned for their baby girl, Hope, while Jessica was raising her as Chloe without any knowledge of what Bess did. Another chance at having a baby was seemingly shattered. Michael mourned too and grieved with Marcie, bringing them together again.
A recent series of events & revelations led to Hope being returned to Starr and then Marcie. Natalie Buchanan and Jared Banks learned the truth well before anyone else but kept it a secret to protect Jessica. Marcie found out that Hope couldn't have died from RH disease, as originally believed. Jessica was gradually unraveling. She reverted back to Bess and took "Chloe" since Bess knew how close the secret was to coming out. Jared & Natalie told Viki and Clint the truth, and Bess was found in West Virginia. Jessica came back out and with mom Viki's help realized her baby died & Bess switched the babies. By now, Starr's and Cole's parents learned the truth and told everything to them. Hope was returned to Starr & Cole briefly for a farewell before Marcie & Michael took her. But it didn't feel right anymore to Marcie.
Marcie got the feeling that Starr wanted to keep Hope. She was right. Also last week, she brought the baby back to Starr, and they shared very moving & poignant scenes in Starr's bedroom. I consider that to be Marcie's last hurrah. She did such a wonderful thing in giving Hope to Starr. To us, it seemed like Marcie wouldn't have a child. But maybe she had suspected she was pregnant. She did take a pregnancy test. Maybe she learned that she could have children. Of course, when someone on soaps can't have children, it doesn't stay that way.
And then, of course, Michael sprung the idea of moving out of Llanview for a fresh start. And we got a happy ending. Marcie fans, never forget her final moments: smiling while showing Michael the positive pregnancy test and then laughing as Michael picked her up & spun her around. Pure happiness. Their dream will finally come true. And we'll never forget Marcie Walsh McBain - wife, mother, sweet friend, and even singer. She began as a young college student and grew into a caring woman liked & loved by many. We will miss her & Kathy Brier and hope for nothing but the best. I'm sure Kathy will move on to more success and Marcie will raise her child on "Cloud Nine" with Michael.
I don't know if there is a Michael & Marcie website, but there is a Marcie & Al one. You can live through everything Al & Marcie (aka Marcal) on this wonderful fan-made site:
And there's always Kathy Brier's websites to support her and keep up with her music, acting, & whatever she does next:
SOW's 20 Most Fascinating Couples
In the May 26, 2009 issue of Soap Opera Weekly there are twenty couples featured and celebrated. Here's the little introduction paragraph and a list of the spectacular twenty.
Try narrowing 20 years of soap love stories into 20 memorable couples - it's not easy! (We're putting the 20 runners-up on our Web site.) Check our latest "20 most..." list, and then vote for your fave at Is your couple not on our list? Write them in at (Remember, the couple had to get romantically involved between 1989 and 2009, which makes some classic pairs ineligible.)
All My Children:
Noah and Julia
Tad & Dixie
Another World:
Cass and Frankie
As The World Turns:
Jack and Carly
Luke and Noah
The Bold And The Beautiful:
Deacon and Brooke
Days Of Our Lives:
Jack and Jennifer
Shawn and Belle
General Hospital:
Sonny and Carly
Guiding Light:
Bill and Lizzie
Olivia and Natalia
Casey and Aly
One Life To Live:
Jake and Megan
Patrick and Marty
Luis and Sheridan
Port Charles:
Caleb and Livvie
Santa Barbara:
Warren and BJ
Sunset Beach:
Ben and Meg
The Young And The Restless:
Michael and Lauren
Phyllis and Nick
Try narrowing 20 years of soap love stories into 20 memorable couples - it's not easy! (We're putting the 20 runners-up on our Web site.) Check our latest "20 most..." list, and then vote for your fave at Is your couple not on our list? Write them in at (Remember, the couple had to get romantically involved between 1989 and 2009, which makes some classic pairs ineligible.)
All My Children:
Noah and Julia
Tad & Dixie
Another World:
Cass and Frankie
As The World Turns:
Jack and Carly
Luke and Noah
The Bold And The Beautiful:
Deacon and Brooke
Days Of Our Lives:
Jack and Jennifer
Shawn and Belle
General Hospital:
Sonny and Carly
Guiding Light:
Bill and Lizzie
Olivia and Natalia
Casey and Aly
One Life To Live:
Jake and Megan
Patrick and Marty
Luis and Sheridan
Port Charles:
Caleb and Livvie
Santa Barbara:
Warren and BJ
Sunset Beach:
Ben and Meg
The Young And The Restless:
Michael and Lauren
Phyllis and Nick
2009 Daytime Emmy Nominations
This year the Emmys will be on the CW on August 30, hosted by Tyra Banks. The nominations came out May 14, and we now have a 3-month wait. The noms are surprising, to say the least. There are some glaring omissions. I just hope the actual ceremony will be worth-watching and not too focused on everything but soap operas. We'll have to wait and see, won't we? :)
And now for the major nominees...
Outstanding Directing Team:
All My Children
Days Our Our Lives
One Life To Live
Outstanding Writing Team:
All My Children
General Hospital
One Life To Live
The Bold And The Beautiful
Outstanding Younger Actress:
Meredith Hagner (Liberty, ATWT)
Rachel Melvin (Chelsea, DAYS)
Kirsten Storms (Maxie, GH)
Julie Marie Berman (Lulu, GH)
Emily O'Brien (Jana, Y&R)
Outstanding Younger Actor:
Cornelius Smith Jr. (Frankie, AMC)
Darin Brooks (Max, DAYS)
Blake Berris (Nick, DAYS)
EJ Bonilla (Rafe, GL)
Bryton McClure (Devon, Y&R)
Outstanding Supporting Actress:
Melissa Claire Egan (Annie, AMC)
Alicia Minshew (Kendall, AMC)
Julie Pinson (Janet, ATWT)
Tamara Braun (Ava, DAYS)
Bree Williamson (Jessica, OLTL)
Outstanding Supporting Actor:
Vincent Irizarry (David, AMC)
Jacob Young (JR, AMC)
Van Hansis (Luke, ATWT)
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH)
Jeff Branson (Shayne, GL)
Outstanding Lead Actress:
Debbi Morgan (Angie, AMC)
Maura West (Carly, ATWT)
Susan Haskell (Marty, OLTL)
Susan Flannery (Stephanie, B&B)
Jeanne Cooper (Katherine, Y&R)
Outstanding Lead Actor:
Thorsten Kaye (Zach, AMC)
Peter Reckell (Bo, DAYS)
Anthony Geary (Luke, GH)
Daniel Cosgrove (Bill, GL)
Christian LeBlanc (Michael, Y&R)
Outstanding Drama Series:
All My Children
Days Of Our Lives
The Bold And The Beautiful
I am NOT amused! Nor impressed! Every year now these nominations end up being surprising & disappointing. This year's are a bit better than last year's, from what I remember. But overall, they're a let-down. In a personal way, there isn't anyone I'm overly excited about. None of my favorites are here. As an All My Children viewer, I cannot believe it has the most nominations. It doesn't deserve all of those noms! Being a huge supporter of the soap world, there seems to be some balance in the acting categories, except for AMC's apparent domination and Bold & Beautiful's one lonely nom.
AMC has many talented actors, but I don't understand Irizarry's and Young's nominations. Aren't there more deserving supporting actors than them? I'm the happiest with Morgan's nomination, and THANK GOD that Brianne Moncrief (Colby) didn't get a nom. But what about Michael E. Knight (Tad)? He had some top notch work in '08.
I'm happy with most of As The World Turns' and all of One Life To Live's nominations. Not sure about ATWT's Hagner and Pinson; I haven't watched enough of them to see if they deserve Emmys. Hansis should win for Supporting Actor; it's been a long time coming. OLTL's Haskell should win for Lead Actress; the "rapemance" story was HUGE for her. Why Kristen Alderson (Starr) & Brandon Buddy (Cole) didn't get nominated I don't know. And yet again Kathy Brier (Marcie) is omitted.
I love Guiding Light's nominations; I wish there was more. How about Marcy Rylan (Lizzie), Crystal Chappell (Olivia), and Gina Tognoni (Dinah)?
The usual General Hospital actors are nominated, and again, I don't know why Geary is. He's stuck with the same kind of material year after year plus he gets two long vacations. What did he do this past year that deserves an Emmy? Why wasn't there more GH noms?
Then you have the usual Y&R nominees, but I'm surprised there's no Kristoff St. John (Neil). I'm also stunned that Y&R doesn't have two nominees in both lead categories. And I keep hearing about how amazing Billy Miller (Billy) and Elizabeth Hendrickson (Chloe) are! No noms for them?
I'm pleased with all the Days Of Our Lives noms because that show usually doesn't get the credit & recognition it deserves.
B&B is the one that got shafted. Way to go, Flannery, for B&B's single acting nomination! Not sure if there should have been more or not.
On the whole, I'm the happiest with the Lead Actress category because I know all of those women deserve to be there. I'm the most displeased with BOTH younger categories because I believe there may be better actresses & actors than some of the ones there.
I'm rooting for OLTL in both the Directing and Writing categories because it is one of the best soaps. It has been for, like, 2 years now. AMC had better not win for Writing because most of the past year it has been sh*t!
This leads us to the biggest reason to hate the Daytime Emmys this year: Outstanding Drama Series. What the f**k?? Only three nominees and not the most deserving AT ALL! DAYS maybe, but the other two, no. AMC is in a deep hole, and I can't believe it's better than OLTL or GH. That being said, where are OLTL & GH? Or even Y&R - the other best soap? I think even GL was pretty good this past year. And WHY only THREE nominees? That doesn't make sense! I think I'm honestly rooting for DAYS , but being a long-time AMC fan I could easily change my mind. Of course, it all depends on what episodes were submitted. AMC did have some great ones in the beginning of the year. Maybe because of that, they deserve to win. It's just shocking that other, more-deserving soaps are omitted.
And now for the major nominees...
Outstanding Directing Team:
All My Children
Days Our Our Lives
One Life To Live
Outstanding Writing Team:
All My Children
General Hospital
One Life To Live
The Bold And The Beautiful
Outstanding Younger Actress:
Meredith Hagner (Liberty, ATWT)
Rachel Melvin (Chelsea, DAYS)
Kirsten Storms (Maxie, GH)
Julie Marie Berman (Lulu, GH)
Emily O'Brien (Jana, Y&R)
Outstanding Younger Actor:
Cornelius Smith Jr. (Frankie, AMC)
Darin Brooks (Max, DAYS)
Blake Berris (Nick, DAYS)
EJ Bonilla (Rafe, GL)
Bryton McClure (Devon, Y&R)
Outstanding Supporting Actress:
Melissa Claire Egan (Annie, AMC)
Alicia Minshew (Kendall, AMC)
Julie Pinson (Janet, ATWT)
Tamara Braun (Ava, DAYS)
Bree Williamson (Jessica, OLTL)
Outstanding Supporting Actor:
Vincent Irizarry (David, AMC)
Jacob Young (JR, AMC)
Van Hansis (Luke, ATWT)
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH)
Jeff Branson (Shayne, GL)
Outstanding Lead Actress:
Debbi Morgan (Angie, AMC)
Maura West (Carly, ATWT)
Susan Haskell (Marty, OLTL)
Susan Flannery (Stephanie, B&B)
Jeanne Cooper (Katherine, Y&R)
Outstanding Lead Actor:
Thorsten Kaye (Zach, AMC)
Peter Reckell (Bo, DAYS)
Anthony Geary (Luke, GH)
Daniel Cosgrove (Bill, GL)
Christian LeBlanc (Michael, Y&R)
Outstanding Drama Series:
All My Children
Days Of Our Lives
The Bold And The Beautiful
I am NOT amused! Nor impressed! Every year now these nominations end up being surprising & disappointing. This year's are a bit better than last year's, from what I remember. But overall, they're a let-down. In a personal way, there isn't anyone I'm overly excited about. None of my favorites are here. As an All My Children viewer, I cannot believe it has the most nominations. It doesn't deserve all of those noms! Being a huge supporter of the soap world, there seems to be some balance in the acting categories, except for AMC's apparent domination and Bold & Beautiful's one lonely nom.
AMC has many talented actors, but I don't understand Irizarry's and Young's nominations. Aren't there more deserving supporting actors than them? I'm the happiest with Morgan's nomination, and THANK GOD that Brianne Moncrief (Colby) didn't get a nom. But what about Michael E. Knight (Tad)? He had some top notch work in '08.
I'm happy with most of As The World Turns' and all of One Life To Live's nominations. Not sure about ATWT's Hagner and Pinson; I haven't watched enough of them to see if they deserve Emmys. Hansis should win for Supporting Actor; it's been a long time coming. OLTL's Haskell should win for Lead Actress; the "rapemance" story was HUGE for her. Why Kristen Alderson (Starr) & Brandon Buddy (Cole) didn't get nominated I don't know. And yet again Kathy Brier (Marcie) is omitted.
I love Guiding Light's nominations; I wish there was more. How about Marcy Rylan (Lizzie), Crystal Chappell (Olivia), and Gina Tognoni (Dinah)?
The usual General Hospital actors are nominated, and again, I don't know why Geary is. He's stuck with the same kind of material year after year plus he gets two long vacations. What did he do this past year that deserves an Emmy? Why wasn't there more GH noms?
Then you have the usual Y&R nominees, but I'm surprised there's no Kristoff St. John (Neil). I'm also stunned that Y&R doesn't have two nominees in both lead categories. And I keep hearing about how amazing Billy Miller (Billy) and Elizabeth Hendrickson (Chloe) are! No noms for them?
I'm pleased with all the Days Of Our Lives noms because that show usually doesn't get the credit & recognition it deserves.
B&B is the one that got shafted. Way to go, Flannery, for B&B's single acting nomination! Not sure if there should have been more or not.
On the whole, I'm the happiest with the Lead Actress category because I know all of those women deserve to be there. I'm the most displeased with BOTH younger categories because I believe there may be better actresses & actors than some of the ones there.
I'm rooting for OLTL in both the Directing and Writing categories because it is one of the best soaps. It has been for, like, 2 years now. AMC had better not win for Writing because most of the past year it has been sh*t!
This leads us to the biggest reason to hate the Daytime Emmys this year: Outstanding Drama Series. What the f**k?? Only three nominees and not the most deserving AT ALL! DAYS maybe, but the other two, no. AMC is in a deep hole, and I can't believe it's better than OLTL or GH. That being said, where are OLTL & GH? Or even Y&R - the other best soap? I think even GL was pretty good this past year. And WHY only THREE nominees? That doesn't make sense! I think I'm honestly rooting for DAYS , but being a long-time AMC fan I could easily change my mind. Of course, it all depends on what episodes were submitted. AMC did have some great ones in the beginning of the year. Maybe because of that, they deserve to win. It's just shocking that other, more-deserving soaps are omitted.
GL ~ Two Traveling Couples
This past week on Guiding Light we saw two pairs leave Springfield on spontaneous trips. Shayne & Dinah went to the country of Bosnia while Bill & Lizzie went first to New York City and then to Orlando, Florida. "Shaynah" left for serious business & closure, and "Bizzie" left for dating & fun. I adore both couples, so I was paying attention to their every moment. It is something that they had trips during the same week, but extremely different things happened with them. And I know their trips are still going on (Bizzie's is, at least), but I wanted to just write about this first week.
It was Dinah's idea for Shayne to travel to Bosnia. They were listening to Lara's music box and dancing since Lara had always wanted to learn to dance. Dinah thought of going to Bosnia so Shayne could finally make peace with her death. She felt Shayne should visit Lara's grave site to receive closure. She opted to go with him for support, and it shows how much she cares about him. How they found such a quick flight to Bosnia I have no clue. Once there, Shayne showed Dinah where he & Lara had their work set up and explained how much things have changed for Bosnia citizens. He also told how he & Lara met and fell in love. Dinah didn't mind hearing all of that; she has been wonderfully patient with him as he deals with Lara's & their baby's deaths. I just think that is so beautiful. You can tell that they're falling love because they keep getting closer. They are always there for one another. At the grave site Dinah left Shayne alone for a little while so he could talk to Lara and ended up talking to a nun from the Bosnian Orphanage. Dinah had helped Mallet & Marina adopt (albeit illegally) a baby boy, but the nun believed she stole him. Dinah explained everything, and we find out at the very end of Thursday's episode that the baby was Lara's. Holy cow! That revelation caught me by surprise and totally blew me away. It did not see that coming. The nun explained that the baby was delivered before Lara died, and they didn't know who the father is. Thus, he ended up in the orphanage. Dinah hasn't told Shayne yet. She tried to (without much effort), but he has made his peace and is ready to put the past behind him. To him he can finally move on with Dinah, which is so nice. But now we (and Dinah) know his baby is alive & living happily with Mallet & Marina. I love and hate this angst. This is such a good twist that combines two storylines, but at the same time this pains me. Mallet and Marina are so in love with the baby, and they've made such a great home for him. I can't imagine anything taking him away from them, but he is Shayne's baby & Shayne's everlasting connection to Lara. I don't know who to root for in this situation, but look out for Edmund wanting to take his grandchild & keep him from Shayne.
Meanwhile, it was Bill's idea to travel to New York City for time alone with Lizzie away from family, work, and any other distractions. But their alone time was unique, to say the least. Bill and Lizzie have begun dating as if they haven't been involved for the past year or so. They re-introduced themselves and are getting to know one another the slow way that couples should. They've done an impressive job keeping that up. No sleeping together, no making out. None of that. They're not getting each other wrapped up in family drama, though they both work at Spaulding Enterprises. They've been calling each other and setting up dates. I believe they've had dates 1 through 4, and somehow Bill had the thought of a fun New York City trip for dates 5 through 10. Wonderful idea! What better place than NYC to have a bunch of different dates?! They flew by private jet, and once there, they still called one another to set up their dates. I think I got a little annoyed with that. They were standing just A FEW FEET apart talking on the phone. Did that bother anyone else? I understand why they did that, but still! Anyway... It seemed like numerous dates occurred in ONE day. Of course, if they were in the city overnight, they had separate hotel rooms. Bill discovered that Lizzie knows the city very well and has already done or been to what they did on their dates. There were restaurants, the theater, a carriage ride, and the carousel in Central Park. She had never done those things with Bill, though, but he wanted to take her someplace new. They took the private jet to Orlando, Florida for some sunny, pool-side relaxation. Bill had Lizzie pampered with that and a spa massage he had arranged. They also played around in the pool, which was sweet. All the while, Bill had planned a day of fun for Lizzie, which she knew about. As of Friday's episode, it's suppose to be the next day. He wants for Lizzie to be a child again, and they will be at Universal Studios this week. Very exciting! It should be an enjoyable week. After a day of being a child, they're suppose to return to being adults, and they would have had at least 10 dates. Maybe more. BUT according to previews, their alone time will be interrupted with Phillip, Beth, Alan, and James showing up. And I think more characters are suppose to arrive too since this was a prominent location shoot for GL. I cannot wait to see what happens!
And there you have it, readers! Two couples. Two very different adventures. One was dramatic, the other lighthearted. We are left with new startling information and awaiting more from a sunny paradise. There is much more to come this week. Perhaps I'll be compelled to write a part two next weekend.
It was Dinah's idea for Shayne to travel to Bosnia. They were listening to Lara's music box and dancing since Lara had always wanted to learn to dance. Dinah thought of going to Bosnia so Shayne could finally make peace with her death. She felt Shayne should visit Lara's grave site to receive closure. She opted to go with him for support, and it shows how much she cares about him. How they found such a quick flight to Bosnia I have no clue. Once there, Shayne showed Dinah where he & Lara had their work set up and explained how much things have changed for Bosnia citizens. He also told how he & Lara met and fell in love. Dinah didn't mind hearing all of that; she has been wonderfully patient with him as he deals with Lara's & their baby's deaths. I just think that is so beautiful. You can tell that they're falling love because they keep getting closer. They are always there for one another. At the grave site Dinah left Shayne alone for a little while so he could talk to Lara and ended up talking to a nun from the Bosnian Orphanage. Dinah had helped Mallet & Marina adopt (albeit illegally) a baby boy, but the nun believed she stole him. Dinah explained everything, and we find out at the very end of Thursday's episode that the baby was Lara's. Holy cow! That revelation caught me by surprise and totally blew me away. It did not see that coming. The nun explained that the baby was delivered before Lara died, and they didn't know who the father is. Thus, he ended up in the orphanage. Dinah hasn't told Shayne yet. She tried to (without much effort), but he has made his peace and is ready to put the past behind him. To him he can finally move on with Dinah, which is so nice. But now we (and Dinah) know his baby is alive & living happily with Mallet & Marina. I love and hate this angst. This is such a good twist that combines two storylines, but at the same time this pains me. Mallet and Marina are so in love with the baby, and they've made such a great home for him. I can't imagine anything taking him away from them, but he is Shayne's baby & Shayne's everlasting connection to Lara. I don't know who to root for in this situation, but look out for Edmund wanting to take his grandchild & keep him from Shayne.
Meanwhile, it was Bill's idea to travel to New York City for time alone with Lizzie away from family, work, and any other distractions. But their alone time was unique, to say the least. Bill and Lizzie have begun dating as if they haven't been involved for the past year or so. They re-introduced themselves and are getting to know one another the slow way that couples should. They've done an impressive job keeping that up. No sleeping together, no making out. None of that. They're not getting each other wrapped up in family drama, though they both work at Spaulding Enterprises. They've been calling each other and setting up dates. I believe they've had dates 1 through 4, and somehow Bill had the thought of a fun New York City trip for dates 5 through 10. Wonderful idea! What better place than NYC to have a bunch of different dates?! They flew by private jet, and once there, they still called one another to set up their dates. I think I got a little annoyed with that. They were standing just A FEW FEET apart talking on the phone. Did that bother anyone else? I understand why they did that, but still! Anyway... It seemed like numerous dates occurred in ONE day. Of course, if they were in the city overnight, they had separate hotel rooms. Bill discovered that Lizzie knows the city very well and has already done or been to what they did on their dates. There were restaurants, the theater, a carriage ride, and the carousel in Central Park. She had never done those things with Bill, though, but he wanted to take her someplace new. They took the private jet to Orlando, Florida for some sunny, pool-side relaxation. Bill had Lizzie pampered with that and a spa massage he had arranged. They also played around in the pool, which was sweet. All the while, Bill had planned a day of fun for Lizzie, which she knew about. As of Friday's episode, it's suppose to be the next day. He wants for Lizzie to be a child again, and they will be at Universal Studios this week. Very exciting! It should be an enjoyable week. After a day of being a child, they're suppose to return to being adults, and they would have had at least 10 dates. Maybe more. BUT according to previews, their alone time will be interrupted with Phillip, Beth, Alan, and James showing up. And I think more characters are suppose to arrive too since this was a prominent location shoot for GL. I cannot wait to see what happens!
And there you have it, readers! Two couples. Two very different adventures. One was dramatic, the other lighthearted. We are left with new startling information and awaiting more from a sunny paradise. There is much more to come this week. Perhaps I'll be compelled to write a part two next weekend.
Best & Worst of 2008 (Version 2)
The internet radio show, Stardish Radio, also had a two-hour episode discussing the best and worst of the soap world. A couple people called in throughout the show, and special guest Michael Fairman discussed his choices as well. It was pretty insightful but also a bit rushed since they couldn't go into overtime so easily like podcasts can. And there were plenty of interesting categories.
You can listen to the episode here: Best & Worst with Michael Fairman
Since not all of the categories were covered, you can check out Michael's site for the rest of his picks: Michael's Best & Worst
I followed along with the show, making my own picks again. And looking at Michael's site, I made picks in categories that the show didn't get to. There were a few I left out, but most of them I have covered. There are a couple categories that were also featured on Daytime Confidential. I think most of the categories are different and will make you think about who you'd choose. This list is also ABC-soap-heavy since I haven't been a regular GL & ATWT viewer in a while.
Best Comeback(s): Debbi Morgan & Darnell Williams (Angie & Jesse, AMC) - The story that ensued after their return wasn't great, but it's all about the moment they first saw each other after being apart for 20 years. That moment at the train station... Jesse rushed off the train. Angie turned at just the right time to see him through the train's smoke. And it was this perfect moment when they came together with Alicia Keys' "Like You'll Never See Me Again" playing. The next few episodes they were alone together in every way that counts. Beautiful return!
Florencia Lozano (Tea, OLTL) - I LOVE TEA! I looked forward to her return but not to seeing her with Todd. (Tea has only interacted with Roger Howardth's Todd.) To my surprise I have loved every second of her being back, and most of her scenes have been with Todd. Florencia makes one fabulous attorney even though I don't agree with Tea defending Todd. Despite all of what Todd put her through, she is back in Lanview with a backbone. No one can take her down, and I love it!
Worst Comeback: Rebecca Budig (Greenlee, AMC) - It all started with those promos advertising Rebecca as the "real" Greenlee. Terrible for ex-Greenlee Sabine Singh. And it went downhill from there. Rebecca had bad story throughout her entire return. Greenlee almost died of root poisoning, which was preposterous. She was with Aiden, and they didn't have any chemistry. She moved on from Aiden back to Ryan too quickly. Two bad pairings were what Rebecca was stuck with.
Most Underrated Actor: Cornelius Smith Jr. (Frankie, AMC) - He has been put to task by sharing scenes with the great Darnell Williams, Debbi Morgan, Ricky Paull Goldin, and Beth Ehlers. And he shined in all of those scenes with those & other actors. He amazes me; I believe he has a great future with this show. Cornelius has become a fine actor, and I don't think he gets enough praise.
Most Underrated Actress: Carolyn Hennesy (Diane, GH) - She does not get the credit she deserves, at least not by TPTB. Every time she is on screen she is phenomenal. You do not turn away when Diane is on because she steals the show. Place her with Alexis, she's funny. Place her with Sonny, she's tough. Place her with ANYONE, she's fantastic. She needs more material. I believe she could handle anything.
Moment of the Year (Male): AMC's Tad (Michael E. Knight) meeting his daughter, Kate - We fans had long known that Kathy, Julia's "niece", was Tad & Dixie's mistakenly-given-up daughter, Kate. It just took over a year for Tad to find out. Through the power of Dixie's spiritual intervention, Tad & Kate were finally united. And the scenes where Tad talked to Kate/Kathy were so moving and something that all Tad/Dixie fans were waiting for. Michael did an awesome job as Tad connected with the daughter that he & Dixie always wanted.
Moment(s) of the Year (Female): OLTL's Jessica saying goodbye to Nash - Bree Williamson drove me to tears when Jessica had to say goodbye to her husband, Nash. I wasn't a big Nash/Jessica fan, but his death was heartbreaking. I don't believe he had to die to leave the show, but it produced amazing scenes. Jessica had such a tearful farewell with him, and he couldn't even speak. She also brought in their daughter and told him she was pregnant. Bree just blew me away and made me cry.
OLTL's Marcie giving up Tommy - At the very beginning of the year there was the huge climax to the Todd/Tommy/Marcie story. Marcie was driven to extremes when she got cornered in the Bonjour Cafe. She took Viki hostage and remained determined to keep "running" with little Tommy (aka Sam). Husband Michael got in and made her realize she had to surrender Tommy to Todd. Kathy Brier did a fabulous job portraying a desperate adoptive mom coming to terms with having no other option but to give up her son.
Best Performance(s) by a Duo: We've got my two favorite pairs here.
AMC's Tad & Dixie's heavenly reunion - I enjoyed this so much. Michael E. Knight and Cady McClain are wonderful together, and seeing just the two of them in all their scenes was a real treat. It was bittersweet to watch what Tad & Dixie's life could have been like raising their daughter, Kate. All of their scenes were touching; Michael and Cady are still magical together. It was sad to see them letting each other go at the end. Their goodbye was painful, and we need Dixie back alive & Cady back full-time.
GL's Gus & Harley's farewell - This time I'm talking about their real goodbye in the hospital before Gus had (unsuccessful) surgery. Gus laid there in the hospital bed connected to machines and stuff. Harley came in to see him, and they had some sweet words. When it was time for him to go into surgery, Harley realized that he most likely won't make it. And they said the most beautiful, heartbreaking words... Harley: "...You're the love of my life forever and ever and ever and ever, okay..." Gus: "...You're the love of my life too." Ricky Paull Goldin and Beth Ehlers had the magic again!
Worst Couple: Aiden & Greenlee (AMC) - Yuck, yuck, yuck! It's not the actors faults, but they just don't have any chemistry. Aiden & Greenlee were together most of the year, and I couldn't stand them. They're just not good together. And Greenlee was too wishy-washy when she was happy with him.
Paul & Meg (ATWT) - I only saw the show once this year, and this pair was on. They were boring as hell! They were boring when I was watching over a year ago. And I've heard nothing but dislike from the Daytime Confidential podcast. Paul and Meg are completely BORING together!
Best Couple: Rex & Gigi (OLTL) - This is a repeat choice from "Version 1". To keep it short, I love them. They have so much chemistry. I was rooting for them through all their obstacles. They are electric and adorable and so in love. I enjoy seeing them be a family with Shane.
Bianca & Reese (AMC) - The writing for them is terrible, and I hate that Reese is teetering on the bisexual realm. The reason they're a "best couple" is because they're so loving together. I love their hugging, kissing, and other affections. It's also refreshing to see a gay couple with a baby and plans to get married. And it was nice to see Bianca happy.
Character You Originally Liked But Ended Up Hating: This was extremely tough because I don't really hate anyone. I choose AMC's Colby Chandler simply because she was recasted. Amber Childers started out as a bratty Colby, but she improved so much. I began liking her, and I don't understand why she was let go. Brianne Moncrief took over as Colby, and she can't act. Colby is a bore, and I can't stand watching her.
Character You Originally Hated But Ended Up Liking: Lizzie Spaulding (GL) - I had always hated Lizzie, with both Crystal Hunt & Marcy Rylan portraying her. She was such a spoiled brat. And I understand that THAT is who she was, but it was annoying. By having a child, though, Lizzie grew up. I completely understand now how pivotal a character she is. When I do watch GL, I enjoy seeing her. She's especially good with Bill.
Worst Storyline: Besides GL's Gus and Harley's horribly separate triangles (explained in "Version 1"), there was GH's text-message killer. There was no point to this, and it seemed to last too long. Characters were killed that shouldn't have been (IE: Georgie, Emily). To make it worse was the killer's reveal - Diego Alcazar. It made no sense why he would murder people, and he wasn't someone people cared much about.
Best Storyline: Besides GH Night Shift's Robert's colon cancer (explained in "Version 1"), Starr's pregnancy on OLTL was groundbreaking and remarkable. OLTL fans have watched Starr grow up with the same actress, Kristen Alderson, portraying her. Seeing her have sex for the first time and learn she was pregnant were startling. It made for great story because it was still Kristen in the role. TPTB could have taken the easy way out, but instead we endured a full 9-month pregnancy right along with Starr. Each step brought amazing scenes for every teenager & parent to see.
Worst-Written Soap: Guiding Light - I have heard that it improved over the past year. I believe it. But the beginning of the year was a tragedy. Josh and Cassie were still together, and Josh became a minister. Gus and Harley were literally kept separated from each other. Harley stole Marina's boyfriend. Rafe & Daisy were boring. Olivia had a secret heart disease. Sometimes there wasn't any talking in scenes, and a lot of scenes had people doing nothing. Having four head writers doesn't help.
Best-Written Soap: One Life To Live - Everything seamed together... There were compelling stories, witty dialogue, character-driven actions, amazing scenes, etc. The writing has been the best I've ever seen. Everything made sense this past year, even the Todd/Marty story, which made more sense with the fall-out. Even though the Mendorra and 1968 stories weren't loved by all, I believe they still kept all fans hooked. It was a semi-perfect year for Ron Carlivati's writing team.
Best Recast: Ricky Paull Goldin as AMC's Jake Martin - Jake was always a pretty boring, listless character in my opinion. Ricky Paull has put spark into Jake and just shines in the role. Ricky is a refreshing addition to AMC and has such a wonderful energy about him. He has made Jake his own already and has chemistry with everyone. Love him as Jake!
Worst Recast: Brianne Moncrief as AMC's Colby Chandler - Like I said earlier, I do not understand WHY Colby was recasted. Amber Childers grew into the role and improved as an actress. Colcy became someone to root for. WHY recast her? Colby has been dumbed down and is pointless since Brianne took over. Brianne can't act and can put you to sleep. She should be let go to take acting lessons.
Over-The-Top Acting: Laura Wright (Carly, GH) - I love her as Carly, and I had a tough time with this category. But there were times over the course of 2008 that Carly was annoying. So many times was Carly/Laura yelling at whoever she was talking to (Jason, Sonny, Jax, Kate, etc). Yikes! She needs to take it down a notch sometimes. I understand the fire in Carly, but she doesn't need to be screaming all the time.
Worst Decision made by an Executive Producer: Ellen Wheeler changing GL's production model - In February 2008 all scenes became filmed using cheap hand-held cameras in real houses & buildings at Peapack, NJ. At first the cameras were up in the actors' faces too much, but it has improved. However, I still do not think the production should have changed. It hasn't helped save the show, and the sets are poor. GL doesn't even look like a soap anymore.
Best Decision made by an Executive Producer: AMC's TPTB snatching up Ricky Paull Goldin - One week I was reading about him leaving GL, and the next I was reading about him joining AMC as Jake. Great move on AMC's part because Ricky is such an amazing actor. He's doing a wonderful job as Jake. AMC's executives made a smart decision even if it was to stick it to Procter & Gamble and Barabara Bloom (president of CBS daytime).
Best Breaking News: Andrea Evans' return to OLTL - This is a personal favorite of mine; I couldn't think of something that affected the whole soap world. I had been wanting Andrea Evans' to return for a while, and with the cancellation of Passions I had hope. I was excited about the news of her return, and it was a major thing for her to go back to her old soap stomping ground. The reason she left was because she had a stalker. She obviously dealt with that, and she was ready to play Tina again. Every moment of Tina was enjoyable even though her story wasn't up to par.
Worst Breaking News: Drake Hogestyn & Deidre Hall fired from DAYS - John and Marlena is Days Of Our Lives best supercouple. Every soap fan near & far know who they are. Everyone knows who Drake & Deidre are. I've never been a regular viewer/fan of DAYS, and I know how huge they are! It was shocking to read that they were fired. FIRED! This is terrible because it's something that rocks the entire soap world. It means that no one is safe from being axed, and DAYS could eventually be canceled. Two major stars fired brings consequences.
Worst Performance by an Actress: Justis Bolding (Sarah, OLTL) - I like her, and I think she's a better Sarah than the previous one (when Sarah went by Flash). Here's the "but": when Christian suddenly spotted Sarah from an airplane after she had gone over a waterfall, she wasn't very traumatized. Justis hardly acted at all. She did not do a good job playing someone who had a terrifying, life-and-death experience. Sarah looked fine, and acted like she was simply lost in the woods.
Worst Performance by an Actor: Aidan Turner (Aiden, AMC) - He's bad pretty much all the time. I can't stand him or his accent. You can't understand him half the time. His lines come off as gibberish sometimes because of his thick accent. And I don't see the need for him on AMC anymore; Aiden's just a pointless character.
Most Irritating Couple: OLTL's Tess Brennan - She's was great her first time around, but this second time she became so annoying. She was all about getting back at Natalie & Jared for Nash dying. And it just lasted a bit too long. It's like she was all talk and no action. Natalie was in the secret room FOREVER before Tess had that bomb to kill her. Also, Tess seemed to complain and yell all the time. So annoying!
GH's Jerry Jax - I NEVER liked him, and I NEVER bought that he was the real Jerry Jax. He did horrible things to people throughout his whole time on the show. And yet he romanced Alexis , the District Attorney & my favorite character, while STILL being a criminal. He was annoying because he never paid for his crimes, and I didn't care for his accent.
Worst New Character: OLTL's Vanessa - Can't stand her at all! She is so irritating and terrible to watch. I don't like her with Christian. They don't have any chemistry, and she practically stole him from Sarah. I don't care about her, especially since we're discovering that she killed Lola's mother instead of Ray. Hopefully, she's on her way out of town soon.
Best New Character: AMC's Taylor Thompson - This is obviously a biased choice because I LOVE Beth Ehlers. I really do enjoy Taylor, though, because she's so unlike the other females on the show. She isn't glamorous. She's her own tough person, and she really knows how to defend herself. She's a breath of fresh air. I'm eager to see her interact with more characters and become central to the show.
GH's Olivia Falconeri - What spunk she has! I was glad GH finally decided to explain who Olivia is, but I wasn't quite ready for another new character. That feeling didn't last long, though. I've enjoyed Olivia since day one just like her cousin, Kate Howard, when she first arrived. And the two of them together are explosive! Olivia is a force to be reckoned with. GH has found gold in Lisa LoCicero.
Worst Character: Natalia Rivera (GL) - I believe with this category I didn't feel like thinking too much, so I took the easy way out. Choosing Natalia is a total personal bias because she helped keep my favorite couple, Gus & Harley, apart. And that was only the beginning of the year; she might have improved now. But at the time I could not stand the sight of her. She was somewhat annoying, and I never accepted her with Gus. I wish she never came to town.
Best Character: Jake Martin (AMC) - Yum, yum, yum! I've enjoyed every moment of him because Ricky Paull Goldin is SO GOOD! So freakin' brilliant! Jake has chemistry with everyone he talks to. He's adorable with Taylor, Tad, and Frankie. He has so much potential and is a ton of fun to watch. He was such a treat in 2008.
Nora Buchanan (OLTL) - I've enjoyed her throughout the past year too. She had so many great scenes with Bo, Clint, Dorian, Tea, Cole, etc. Hilary B. Smith hits it out of the park every time. Nora's tough, funny, smart, and just plain wonderful. I'm so glad she finally got some storyline again.
Best Special Episode: OLTL's 40th anniversary - Two shows of Viki in heaven (again) and Dorian being "haunted" by Mel. It was all amazing! Viki encountered her niece, Megan (played by Erin Torpey, ex-Jessica), Asa, Ben, and "God" - Agnes Nixon (OLTL's creator). It was an emotional, poignant journey. Meanwhile, Mel had to coax Dorian into bringing Viki back to life, and their scenes made me remember how great they are together. And the Rex/Bo 1968 story began as well, which was hilarious.
AMC's tribute to Eileen Herle/Myrtle Fargate - Simply beautiful! Myrtle was a matriarch of the show, and sadly, she died in real life. So, she had to pass away on the show too. In the episode, Myrtle had left gifts for Erica, Opal, Bianca, and Zach that brought numerous flashbacks. People like Amanda, Frankie, and even Kelly Tyler visited Myrtle's Boarding House. And then everyone gathered at Zach's new casino, which was decorated like a carnival in honor of Myrte's circus days. It was a very moving show, and even Agnes Nixon (also AMC's creator) made an appearance.
Best Actor: Robert S. Woods (Bo, OLTL) - He was amazing as always this past year. He deserves an Emmy one of these years. He had scenes with Nora back in January or February in which they hashed out what went wrong with them and why he still can't get over it. He was brilliant. And he stood his ground when confronting Clint and Jared during everything going on with Buchanan Enterprises. He was hilarious with Rex during the 1968 storyline. Robert has a full range of emotions; he never ceases to amaze me.
Best Actress: Susan Haskell (Marty, OLTL) - She wasn't that great when she returned, lying around and falling for Todd. Once Marty discovered Todd's lies, she completely bounced back. Susan stunned me, and she has been phenomenal through the whole "rapemance" fallout. Marty doesn't know who she is, and she hates Todd with a passion. Susan has nailed every scene during Todd's hearing and dealing with everyone Marty doesn't remember (Nora, Cole, Blair, etc). I had no idea how powerful an actress she really is.
Biggest Waste of Talent: Ricky Paull Goldin and Beth Ehlers (Jake and Taylor, AMC) - They both left GL, and ABC snatched them up with every intention of making them a couple. Before Beth arrived, Ricky's Jake was roaming around without much of a story. There was more for him once Taylor came on. Jake & Taylor inched their way closer, but Brot's arrival put a damper on that. And now they're walking around without much to do. For pretty much most of 2008 their story wasn't much. So, two powerful actors are on AMC, and nothing is going on with them. Why bother hiring them at all if you're not going to use them?
Worst Special Effects: All My Children's Tornado - It was cheesy; it just didn't look real enough. You could tell by the actors and sets that the dark skies & tornadoes weren't really there. The tornado chasing Zach's car looked cool, but overall, the tornado stuff did not work well. And I didn't really care about The Comeback Bar's damage (Babe's injuries especially).
Best Special Effects: AMC's Jesse/Angie wedding drama - The roof shots with the helicopter were pretty cool. The background buildings and everything seemed real. There was so much great suspense surrounding these effects. I cared about what was going on with Jesse, Angie, Tad, Jake, and Rob Gardner. And Darnell Williams/Jesse looked awesome leaping over the building to reach the helicopter.
Best Soap: One Life To Live - It has it all: writing, acting, sets, music, etc. Everything is working and meshing well together on that show. Kudos to the wonderful actors, head writer Ron Carlivati, and exec producer Frank Valentini. Check out "Version 1" for further explanation.
Worst Soap: All My Children - It has phenomenal actors, but they're not being used right. We have a bunch of choppy storylines. And I think it's sinking fast! Kudos to exec producer Julie Hanan Carruthers and head writer Chuck Pratt Jr to wrecking & bringing this show down. Check out "Version 1" for further explanation.
Best New Actor/Actress: Mark Lawson (Brody, OLTL) - He is awesome! OLTL found brilliance with him. I was worried about him coming on because he would be another obstacle for Rex & Gigi. But he caught on quick. Brody is a great complex character that meshes so well with Rex, Gigi, Adrianna, and most recently Jessica. He proved to be a fascinating obstacle for Rex & Gigi with his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Mark brings it to the table in every scene, and I hope he sticks around.
Best Actor in a New Role on Another Soap: Jason Cook (Matt, GH) - This one was tough because there aren't too many actors playing new roles on my shows. So, Jason Cook gets it because Matt has become a likable guy and Jason is working his way into GH well. I saw him a little on Days Of Our Lives, so I knew he's a good actor. I was worried about TPTB throwing Matt with Maxie right away. Thank God that didn't happen, and it's great that he's Patrick's brother. But he needs more story.
Best Actress in a New Role on Another Soap: Tamara Braun (Reese, AMC) - I love her from her GH years, so I knew it would be a treat to watch her again. I'm thrilled she's on AMC playing Bianca's love interest. Tamara plays the hell out of this role, and I buy her as a bisexual (since it seems that Reese isn't 100% lesbian). She clicks with this cast. I enjoy her scenes with Erica, Zach, and whoever else she's with. Reese/Tamara is someone to watch.
Most Shocking Plot Twist: Tea defending Todd (OLTL) - This is a personal shock. Obviously, it's not a major shock (like Bess stealing Starr's baby), but it made my mouth drop. I knew that Tea would be returning in December, and I'm sure it's just a short stint. I didn't know WHY she was returning, and I was hoping she wouldn't interact too much with Trever St. John (the Todd recast). To my surprise she was (sort of) back to DEFEND Todd against the charges of raping Marty again. I did not think that ANYONE would be on Todd's side in this case. So, the fact that Tea is blew my mind.
Sluttiest Male: Cyrus Foley (GL) - He went from Marina to her aunt Harley FAST, and at one point he was kind of with both of them at the same time. He cheated on Harley with her best friend Cassie. He went from Marina to Harley to Cassie within just a couple months. He really knows how to get around, doesn't he?
Sluttiest Female: Amanda Dillon (AMC) - This goes along with the Glittery Hoo Hoo category in "Version 1". Amanda was with Jake, then David, and then JR. She moves fast. She dated Jake for about two months. After that, she tangled dangerously with David. She got very close to JR thanks to her deal with David. So, she's the best fit for this category.
Best Guest Performance(s): Stephen Markle (Mel, OLTL) - His return for the OLTL 40th anniversary episodes was brilliant. Mel has been gone a long time, and I had forgotten how much spark he has with Dorian. The two of them are such a treat. Mel only had scenes with Dorian, and they were the comic relief of those episodes as Viki had her emotional journey in heaven. Mel is sorely missed, and Stephen truly brought it during the 40th anniversary.
Agnes Nixon (AMC & OLTL) - We fans were spoiled the past year! Agnes, the creator of All My Children and One Life To Live, appeared on both shows! She was a lovely, graceful gem on both of them too. On OLTL she played herself in the 40th anniversary episodes, acting as God in Viki's heavenly trip. She was the icing on the cake out of everyone in heaven. On AMC after the tornado drama she played Aggie, a ghostly figure carrying around a book & acting as if she founded the town (or something like that). She was a strong presence on both shows and did a phenomenal job.
Best Performance(s) by a Vet Who Never Gets a Story: Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL) - She is one of the best. She was riveting when we finally learned that Lindsay killed Spencer Truman. Catherine brought her all during the murdering flashbacks and when everyone found out Lindsay did it. It was when Lindsay accepted The Woman of the Year award, and you know that couldn't go on without a hook. Catherine again never ceased to amaze me.
Leslie Charleson & Stuart Damon (Monica & Alan, GH) - During GH's special Christmas episode a gift was left for Monica: a pair of glasses that she never wanted to wear. She had bickered with Alan in the past about them. When she put them on, she could see Alan. Of course, he's been around for a while, but Monica could never see or hear him. Christmas magically brought them together again, and it was moving for all Quartermaine fans. Kudos to Leslie and Stuart for showing one reason why Alan should never have been killed off in the first place.
Worst Business Story: Anything involving Fusion (AMC) - This business has gone down the tubes. No one cares about Fusion anymore. With Kendall & Greenlee running it again last year, there was NO work being done. All I saw was snacking and ugly pole-dancing. When Erica took over, the whole place became a horribly bright white. At least she's trying to get some work done, but it still isn't interesting.
Best Business Story: The Buchanan Enterprises takeover (OLTL) - This was too good! This was the climax to the Jared-pretending-to-be-a-Buchanan story. We knew Dorian was plotting something since she discovered Jared's fraud, and we knew how much turmoil the Buchanan family would endure once they knew the truth. So, in grand fashion at a major benefit Dorian announced her takeover of BE and that Jared was really Charlie's son. What a bang!
Best Actor who has too much Material to Juggle & Makes it all Look Good: Trever St. John (Todd, OLTL) - He had a TON of material in 2008 with Starr's pregnancy and the rapemance with Marty. The rapemance fallout brought a lot too. Trever nailed it out of the park in every scene. He did not make romancing Marty look good, but everything else was fabulous to watch. The way Todd dealt with Starr, Cole and everyone during the Marty fallout - you couldn't not watch. Trever is powerful.
Best Actress who has too much Material to Juggle and Makes it all Look Good: Kirsten Storms (Maxie, GH) - She was on almost every single day, or so it seemed, last year. She may not have had huge storylines, but she had tons of material. She's usually a joy to watch. Maxie has so much spunk and energy, just like a regular young adult. She's fast-talking, social, and a busy bee. She's everywhere with (almost) everyone. And Kirsten makes it all good. You can't help but love her.
Best Goody Two-Shoes Character Showing a Backbone: GL's Marina Cooper - During the triangle with Cyrus and Aunt Harley, I believe it was Cyrus who told her about his feelings for & sleeping with Harley. Marina had been a pretty weak, sappy character with Mandy Bruno portraying her. But she finally got some toughness in her when she was face-to-face with Harley. Marina wasn't about to go soft on her. She railed Harley and tore her down. Mandy finally showed some powerful acting, and Marina showed that she can truly defend herself & get angry at someone.
Best Socially Conscious Effort: Starr's pregnancy (OLTL) - As explained in the "Best Storyline" category, Starr was pregnant a full 9 months. The writers displayed every step of her pregnancy and what she was feeling. She was only 16, and this baby changed her life forever. OLTL made a real effort to reach out to teenagers & parents and educate them. Kristen Alderson kept a blog each week, writing about happenings in the story and encouraging teens & parents to communicate with each other about sex. OLTL told a teen pregnancy story without preaching what the "right" choice is; they showed multiple sides of the situation. And they pulled it off wonderfully.
You can listen to the episode here: Best & Worst with Michael Fairman
Since not all of the categories were covered, you can check out Michael's site for the rest of his picks: Michael's Best & Worst
I followed along with the show, making my own picks again. And looking at Michael's site, I made picks in categories that the show didn't get to. There were a few I left out, but most of them I have covered. There are a couple categories that were also featured on Daytime Confidential. I think most of the categories are different and will make you think about who you'd choose. This list is also ABC-soap-heavy since I haven't been a regular GL & ATWT viewer in a while.
Best Comeback(s): Debbi Morgan & Darnell Williams (Angie & Jesse, AMC) - The story that ensued after their return wasn't great, but it's all about the moment they first saw each other after being apart for 20 years. That moment at the train station... Jesse rushed off the train. Angie turned at just the right time to see him through the train's smoke. And it was this perfect moment when they came together with Alicia Keys' "Like You'll Never See Me Again" playing. The next few episodes they were alone together in every way that counts. Beautiful return!
Florencia Lozano (Tea, OLTL) - I LOVE TEA! I looked forward to her return but not to seeing her with Todd. (Tea has only interacted with Roger Howardth's Todd.) To my surprise I have loved every second of her being back, and most of her scenes have been with Todd. Florencia makes one fabulous attorney even though I don't agree with Tea defending Todd. Despite all of what Todd put her through, she is back in Lanview with a backbone. No one can take her down, and I love it!
Worst Comeback: Rebecca Budig (Greenlee, AMC) - It all started with those promos advertising Rebecca as the "real" Greenlee. Terrible for ex-Greenlee Sabine Singh. And it went downhill from there. Rebecca had bad story throughout her entire return. Greenlee almost died of root poisoning, which was preposterous. She was with Aiden, and they didn't have any chemistry. She moved on from Aiden back to Ryan too quickly. Two bad pairings were what Rebecca was stuck with.
Most Underrated Actor: Cornelius Smith Jr. (Frankie, AMC) - He has been put to task by sharing scenes with the great Darnell Williams, Debbi Morgan, Ricky Paull Goldin, and Beth Ehlers. And he shined in all of those scenes with those & other actors. He amazes me; I believe he has a great future with this show. Cornelius has become a fine actor, and I don't think he gets enough praise.
Most Underrated Actress: Carolyn Hennesy (Diane, GH) - She does not get the credit she deserves, at least not by TPTB. Every time she is on screen she is phenomenal. You do not turn away when Diane is on because she steals the show. Place her with Alexis, she's funny. Place her with Sonny, she's tough. Place her with ANYONE, she's fantastic. She needs more material. I believe she could handle anything.
Moment of the Year (Male): AMC's Tad (Michael E. Knight) meeting his daughter, Kate - We fans had long known that Kathy, Julia's "niece", was Tad & Dixie's mistakenly-given-up daughter, Kate. It just took over a year for Tad to find out. Through the power of Dixie's spiritual intervention, Tad & Kate were finally united. And the scenes where Tad talked to Kate/Kathy were so moving and something that all Tad/Dixie fans were waiting for. Michael did an awesome job as Tad connected with the daughter that he & Dixie always wanted.
Moment(s) of the Year (Female): OLTL's Jessica saying goodbye to Nash - Bree Williamson drove me to tears when Jessica had to say goodbye to her husband, Nash. I wasn't a big Nash/Jessica fan, but his death was heartbreaking. I don't believe he had to die to leave the show, but it produced amazing scenes. Jessica had such a tearful farewell with him, and he couldn't even speak. She also brought in their daughter and told him she was pregnant. Bree just blew me away and made me cry.
OLTL's Marcie giving up Tommy - At the very beginning of the year there was the huge climax to the Todd/Tommy/Marcie story. Marcie was driven to extremes when she got cornered in the Bonjour Cafe. She took Viki hostage and remained determined to keep "running" with little Tommy (aka Sam). Husband Michael got in and made her realize she had to surrender Tommy to Todd. Kathy Brier did a fabulous job portraying a desperate adoptive mom coming to terms with having no other option but to give up her son.
Best Performance(s) by a Duo: We've got my two favorite pairs here.
AMC's Tad & Dixie's heavenly reunion - I enjoyed this so much. Michael E. Knight and Cady McClain are wonderful together, and seeing just the two of them in all their scenes was a real treat. It was bittersweet to watch what Tad & Dixie's life could have been like raising their daughter, Kate. All of their scenes were touching; Michael and Cady are still magical together. It was sad to see them letting each other go at the end. Their goodbye was painful, and we need Dixie back alive & Cady back full-time.
GL's Gus & Harley's farewell - This time I'm talking about their real goodbye in the hospital before Gus had (unsuccessful) surgery. Gus laid there in the hospital bed connected to machines and stuff. Harley came in to see him, and they had some sweet words. When it was time for him to go into surgery, Harley realized that he most likely won't make it. And they said the most beautiful, heartbreaking words... Harley: "...You're the love of my life forever and ever and ever and ever, okay..." Gus: "...You're the love of my life too." Ricky Paull Goldin and Beth Ehlers had the magic again!
Worst Couple: Aiden & Greenlee (AMC) - Yuck, yuck, yuck! It's not the actors faults, but they just don't have any chemistry. Aiden & Greenlee were together most of the year, and I couldn't stand them. They're just not good together. And Greenlee was too wishy-washy when she was happy with him.
Paul & Meg (ATWT) - I only saw the show once this year, and this pair was on. They were boring as hell! They were boring when I was watching over a year ago. And I've heard nothing but dislike from the Daytime Confidential podcast. Paul and Meg are completely BORING together!
Best Couple: Rex & Gigi (OLTL) - This is a repeat choice from "Version 1". To keep it short, I love them. They have so much chemistry. I was rooting for them through all their obstacles. They are electric and adorable and so in love. I enjoy seeing them be a family with Shane.
Bianca & Reese (AMC) - The writing for them is terrible, and I hate that Reese is teetering on the bisexual realm. The reason they're a "best couple" is because they're so loving together. I love their hugging, kissing, and other affections. It's also refreshing to see a gay couple with a baby and plans to get married. And it was nice to see Bianca happy.
Character You Originally Liked But Ended Up Hating: This was extremely tough because I don't really hate anyone. I choose AMC's Colby Chandler simply because she was recasted. Amber Childers started out as a bratty Colby, but she improved so much. I began liking her, and I don't understand why she was let go. Brianne Moncrief took over as Colby, and she can't act. Colby is a bore, and I can't stand watching her.
Character You Originally Hated But Ended Up Liking: Lizzie Spaulding (GL) - I had always hated Lizzie, with both Crystal Hunt & Marcy Rylan portraying her. She was such a spoiled brat. And I understand that THAT is who she was, but it was annoying. By having a child, though, Lizzie grew up. I completely understand now how pivotal a character she is. When I do watch GL, I enjoy seeing her. She's especially good with Bill.
Worst Storyline: Besides GL's Gus and Harley's horribly separate triangles (explained in "Version 1"), there was GH's text-message killer. There was no point to this, and it seemed to last too long. Characters were killed that shouldn't have been (IE: Georgie, Emily). To make it worse was the killer's reveal - Diego Alcazar. It made no sense why he would murder people, and he wasn't someone people cared much about.
Best Storyline: Besides GH Night Shift's Robert's colon cancer (explained in "Version 1"), Starr's pregnancy on OLTL was groundbreaking and remarkable. OLTL fans have watched Starr grow up with the same actress, Kristen Alderson, portraying her. Seeing her have sex for the first time and learn she was pregnant were startling. It made for great story because it was still Kristen in the role. TPTB could have taken the easy way out, but instead we endured a full 9-month pregnancy right along with Starr. Each step brought amazing scenes for every teenager & parent to see.
Worst-Written Soap: Guiding Light - I have heard that it improved over the past year. I believe it. But the beginning of the year was a tragedy. Josh and Cassie were still together, and Josh became a minister. Gus and Harley were literally kept separated from each other. Harley stole Marina's boyfriend. Rafe & Daisy were boring. Olivia had a secret heart disease. Sometimes there wasn't any talking in scenes, and a lot of scenes had people doing nothing. Having four head writers doesn't help.
Best-Written Soap: One Life To Live - Everything seamed together... There were compelling stories, witty dialogue, character-driven actions, amazing scenes, etc. The writing has been the best I've ever seen. Everything made sense this past year, even the Todd/Marty story, which made more sense with the fall-out. Even though the Mendorra and 1968 stories weren't loved by all, I believe they still kept all fans hooked. It was a semi-perfect year for Ron Carlivati's writing team.
Best Recast: Ricky Paull Goldin as AMC's Jake Martin - Jake was always a pretty boring, listless character in my opinion. Ricky Paull has put spark into Jake and just shines in the role. Ricky is a refreshing addition to AMC and has such a wonderful energy about him. He has made Jake his own already and has chemistry with everyone. Love him as Jake!
Worst Recast: Brianne Moncrief as AMC's Colby Chandler - Like I said earlier, I do not understand WHY Colby was recasted. Amber Childers grew into the role and improved as an actress. Colcy became someone to root for. WHY recast her? Colby has been dumbed down and is pointless since Brianne took over. Brianne can't act and can put you to sleep. She should be let go to take acting lessons.
Over-The-Top Acting: Laura Wright (Carly, GH) - I love her as Carly, and I had a tough time with this category. But there were times over the course of 2008 that Carly was annoying. So many times was Carly/Laura yelling at whoever she was talking to (Jason, Sonny, Jax, Kate, etc). Yikes! She needs to take it down a notch sometimes. I understand the fire in Carly, but she doesn't need to be screaming all the time.
Worst Decision made by an Executive Producer: Ellen Wheeler changing GL's production model - In February 2008 all scenes became filmed using cheap hand-held cameras in real houses & buildings at Peapack, NJ. At first the cameras were up in the actors' faces too much, but it has improved. However, I still do not think the production should have changed. It hasn't helped save the show, and the sets are poor. GL doesn't even look like a soap anymore.
Best Decision made by an Executive Producer: AMC's TPTB snatching up Ricky Paull Goldin - One week I was reading about him leaving GL, and the next I was reading about him joining AMC as Jake. Great move on AMC's part because Ricky is such an amazing actor. He's doing a wonderful job as Jake. AMC's executives made a smart decision even if it was to stick it to Procter & Gamble and Barabara Bloom (president of CBS daytime).
Best Breaking News: Andrea Evans' return to OLTL - This is a personal favorite of mine; I couldn't think of something that affected the whole soap world. I had been wanting Andrea Evans' to return for a while, and with the cancellation of Passions I had hope. I was excited about the news of her return, and it was a major thing for her to go back to her old soap stomping ground. The reason she left was because she had a stalker. She obviously dealt with that, and she was ready to play Tina again. Every moment of Tina was enjoyable even though her story wasn't up to par.
Worst Breaking News: Drake Hogestyn & Deidre Hall fired from DAYS - John and Marlena is Days Of Our Lives best supercouple. Every soap fan near & far know who they are. Everyone knows who Drake & Deidre are. I've never been a regular viewer/fan of DAYS, and I know how huge they are! It was shocking to read that they were fired. FIRED! This is terrible because it's something that rocks the entire soap world. It means that no one is safe from being axed, and DAYS could eventually be canceled. Two major stars fired brings consequences.
Worst Performance by an Actress: Justis Bolding (Sarah, OLTL) - I like her, and I think she's a better Sarah than the previous one (when Sarah went by Flash). Here's the "but": when Christian suddenly spotted Sarah from an airplane after she had gone over a waterfall, she wasn't very traumatized. Justis hardly acted at all. She did not do a good job playing someone who had a terrifying, life-and-death experience. Sarah looked fine, and acted like she was simply lost in the woods.
Worst Performance by an Actor: Aidan Turner (Aiden, AMC) - He's bad pretty much all the time. I can't stand him or his accent. You can't understand him half the time. His lines come off as gibberish sometimes because of his thick accent. And I don't see the need for him on AMC anymore; Aiden's just a pointless character.
Most Irritating Couple: OLTL's Tess Brennan - She's was great her first time around, but this second time she became so annoying. She was all about getting back at Natalie & Jared for Nash dying. And it just lasted a bit too long. It's like she was all talk and no action. Natalie was in the secret room FOREVER before Tess had that bomb to kill her. Also, Tess seemed to complain and yell all the time. So annoying!
GH's Jerry Jax - I NEVER liked him, and I NEVER bought that he was the real Jerry Jax. He did horrible things to people throughout his whole time on the show. And yet he romanced Alexis , the District Attorney & my favorite character, while STILL being a criminal. He was annoying because he never paid for his crimes, and I didn't care for his accent.
Worst New Character: OLTL's Vanessa - Can't stand her at all! She is so irritating and terrible to watch. I don't like her with Christian. They don't have any chemistry, and she practically stole him from Sarah. I don't care about her, especially since we're discovering that she killed Lola's mother instead of Ray. Hopefully, she's on her way out of town soon.
Best New Character: AMC's Taylor Thompson - This is obviously a biased choice because I LOVE Beth Ehlers. I really do enjoy Taylor, though, because she's so unlike the other females on the show. She isn't glamorous. She's her own tough person, and she really knows how to defend herself. She's a breath of fresh air. I'm eager to see her interact with more characters and become central to the show.
GH's Olivia Falconeri - What spunk she has! I was glad GH finally decided to explain who Olivia is, but I wasn't quite ready for another new character. That feeling didn't last long, though. I've enjoyed Olivia since day one just like her cousin, Kate Howard, when she first arrived. And the two of them together are explosive! Olivia is a force to be reckoned with. GH has found gold in Lisa LoCicero.
Worst Character: Natalia Rivera (GL) - I believe with this category I didn't feel like thinking too much, so I took the easy way out. Choosing Natalia is a total personal bias because she helped keep my favorite couple, Gus & Harley, apart. And that was only the beginning of the year; she might have improved now. But at the time I could not stand the sight of her. She was somewhat annoying, and I never accepted her with Gus. I wish she never came to town.
Best Character: Jake Martin (AMC) - Yum, yum, yum! I've enjoyed every moment of him because Ricky Paull Goldin is SO GOOD! So freakin' brilliant! Jake has chemistry with everyone he talks to. He's adorable with Taylor, Tad, and Frankie. He has so much potential and is a ton of fun to watch. He was such a treat in 2008.
Nora Buchanan (OLTL) - I've enjoyed her throughout the past year too. She had so many great scenes with Bo, Clint, Dorian, Tea, Cole, etc. Hilary B. Smith hits it out of the park every time. Nora's tough, funny, smart, and just plain wonderful. I'm so glad she finally got some storyline again.
Best Special Episode: OLTL's 40th anniversary - Two shows of Viki in heaven (again) and Dorian being "haunted" by Mel. It was all amazing! Viki encountered her niece, Megan (played by Erin Torpey, ex-Jessica), Asa, Ben, and "God" - Agnes Nixon (OLTL's creator). It was an emotional, poignant journey. Meanwhile, Mel had to coax Dorian into bringing Viki back to life, and their scenes made me remember how great they are together. And the Rex/Bo 1968 story began as well, which was hilarious.
AMC's tribute to Eileen Herle/Myrtle Fargate - Simply beautiful! Myrtle was a matriarch of the show, and sadly, she died in real life. So, she had to pass away on the show too. In the episode, Myrtle had left gifts for Erica, Opal, Bianca, and Zach that brought numerous flashbacks. People like Amanda, Frankie, and even Kelly Tyler visited Myrtle's Boarding House. And then everyone gathered at Zach's new casino, which was decorated like a carnival in honor of Myrte's circus days. It was a very moving show, and even Agnes Nixon (also AMC's creator) made an appearance.
Best Actor: Robert S. Woods (Bo, OLTL) - He was amazing as always this past year. He deserves an Emmy one of these years. He had scenes with Nora back in January or February in which they hashed out what went wrong with them and why he still can't get over it. He was brilliant. And he stood his ground when confronting Clint and Jared during everything going on with Buchanan Enterprises. He was hilarious with Rex during the 1968 storyline. Robert has a full range of emotions; he never ceases to amaze me.
Best Actress: Susan Haskell (Marty, OLTL) - She wasn't that great when she returned, lying around and falling for Todd. Once Marty discovered Todd's lies, she completely bounced back. Susan stunned me, and she has been phenomenal through the whole "rapemance" fallout. Marty doesn't know who she is, and she hates Todd with a passion. Susan has nailed every scene during Todd's hearing and dealing with everyone Marty doesn't remember (Nora, Cole, Blair, etc). I had no idea how powerful an actress she really is.
Biggest Waste of Talent: Ricky Paull Goldin and Beth Ehlers (Jake and Taylor, AMC) - They both left GL, and ABC snatched them up with every intention of making them a couple. Before Beth arrived, Ricky's Jake was roaming around without much of a story. There was more for him once Taylor came on. Jake & Taylor inched their way closer, but Brot's arrival put a damper on that. And now they're walking around without much to do. For pretty much most of 2008 their story wasn't much. So, two powerful actors are on AMC, and nothing is going on with them. Why bother hiring them at all if you're not going to use them?
Worst Special Effects: All My Children's Tornado - It was cheesy; it just didn't look real enough. You could tell by the actors and sets that the dark skies & tornadoes weren't really there. The tornado chasing Zach's car looked cool, but overall, the tornado stuff did not work well. And I didn't really care about The Comeback Bar's damage (Babe's injuries especially).
Best Special Effects: AMC's Jesse/Angie wedding drama - The roof shots with the helicopter were pretty cool. The background buildings and everything seemed real. There was so much great suspense surrounding these effects. I cared about what was going on with Jesse, Angie, Tad, Jake, and Rob Gardner. And Darnell Williams/Jesse looked awesome leaping over the building to reach the helicopter.
Best Soap: One Life To Live - It has it all: writing, acting, sets, music, etc. Everything is working and meshing well together on that show. Kudos to the wonderful actors, head writer Ron Carlivati, and exec producer Frank Valentini. Check out "Version 1" for further explanation.
Worst Soap: All My Children - It has phenomenal actors, but they're not being used right. We have a bunch of choppy storylines. And I think it's sinking fast! Kudos to exec producer Julie Hanan Carruthers and head writer Chuck Pratt Jr to wrecking & bringing this show down. Check out "Version 1" for further explanation.
Best New Actor/Actress: Mark Lawson (Brody, OLTL) - He is awesome! OLTL found brilliance with him. I was worried about him coming on because he would be another obstacle for Rex & Gigi. But he caught on quick. Brody is a great complex character that meshes so well with Rex, Gigi, Adrianna, and most recently Jessica. He proved to be a fascinating obstacle for Rex & Gigi with his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Mark brings it to the table in every scene, and I hope he sticks around.
Best Actor in a New Role on Another Soap: Jason Cook (Matt, GH) - This one was tough because there aren't too many actors playing new roles on my shows. So, Jason Cook gets it because Matt has become a likable guy and Jason is working his way into GH well. I saw him a little on Days Of Our Lives, so I knew he's a good actor. I was worried about TPTB throwing Matt with Maxie right away. Thank God that didn't happen, and it's great that he's Patrick's brother. But he needs more story.
Best Actress in a New Role on Another Soap: Tamara Braun (Reese, AMC) - I love her from her GH years, so I knew it would be a treat to watch her again. I'm thrilled she's on AMC playing Bianca's love interest. Tamara plays the hell out of this role, and I buy her as a bisexual (since it seems that Reese isn't 100% lesbian). She clicks with this cast. I enjoy her scenes with Erica, Zach, and whoever else she's with. Reese/Tamara is someone to watch.
Most Shocking Plot Twist: Tea defending Todd (OLTL) - This is a personal shock. Obviously, it's not a major shock (like Bess stealing Starr's baby), but it made my mouth drop. I knew that Tea would be returning in December, and I'm sure it's just a short stint. I didn't know WHY she was returning, and I was hoping she wouldn't interact too much with Trever St. John (the Todd recast). To my surprise she was (sort of) back to DEFEND Todd against the charges of raping Marty again. I did not think that ANYONE would be on Todd's side in this case. So, the fact that Tea is blew my mind.
Sluttiest Male: Cyrus Foley (GL) - He went from Marina to her aunt Harley FAST, and at one point he was kind of with both of them at the same time. He cheated on Harley with her best friend Cassie. He went from Marina to Harley to Cassie within just a couple months. He really knows how to get around, doesn't he?
Sluttiest Female: Amanda Dillon (AMC) - This goes along with the Glittery Hoo Hoo category in "Version 1". Amanda was with Jake, then David, and then JR. She moves fast. She dated Jake for about two months. After that, she tangled dangerously with David. She got very close to JR thanks to her deal with David. So, she's the best fit for this category.
Best Guest Performance(s): Stephen Markle (Mel, OLTL) - His return for the OLTL 40th anniversary episodes was brilliant. Mel has been gone a long time, and I had forgotten how much spark he has with Dorian. The two of them are such a treat. Mel only had scenes with Dorian, and they were the comic relief of those episodes as Viki had her emotional journey in heaven. Mel is sorely missed, and Stephen truly brought it during the 40th anniversary.
Agnes Nixon (AMC & OLTL) - We fans were spoiled the past year! Agnes, the creator of All My Children and One Life To Live, appeared on both shows! She was a lovely, graceful gem on both of them too. On OLTL she played herself in the 40th anniversary episodes, acting as God in Viki's heavenly trip. She was the icing on the cake out of everyone in heaven. On AMC after the tornado drama she played Aggie, a ghostly figure carrying around a book & acting as if she founded the town (or something like that). She was a strong presence on both shows and did a phenomenal job.
Best Performance(s) by a Vet Who Never Gets a Story: Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL) - She is one of the best. She was riveting when we finally learned that Lindsay killed Spencer Truman. Catherine brought her all during the murdering flashbacks and when everyone found out Lindsay did it. It was when Lindsay accepted The Woman of the Year award, and you know that couldn't go on without a hook. Catherine again never ceased to amaze me.
Leslie Charleson & Stuart Damon (Monica & Alan, GH) - During GH's special Christmas episode a gift was left for Monica: a pair of glasses that she never wanted to wear. She had bickered with Alan in the past about them. When she put them on, she could see Alan. Of course, he's been around for a while, but Monica could never see or hear him. Christmas magically brought them together again, and it was moving for all Quartermaine fans. Kudos to Leslie and Stuart for showing one reason why Alan should never have been killed off in the first place.
Worst Business Story: Anything involving Fusion (AMC) - This business has gone down the tubes. No one cares about Fusion anymore. With Kendall & Greenlee running it again last year, there was NO work being done. All I saw was snacking and ugly pole-dancing. When Erica took over, the whole place became a horribly bright white. At least she's trying to get some work done, but it still isn't interesting.
Best Business Story: The Buchanan Enterprises takeover (OLTL) - This was too good! This was the climax to the Jared-pretending-to-be-a-Buchanan story. We knew Dorian was plotting something since she discovered Jared's fraud, and we knew how much turmoil the Buchanan family would endure once they knew the truth. So, in grand fashion at a major benefit Dorian announced her takeover of BE and that Jared was really Charlie's son. What a bang!
Best Actor who has too much Material to Juggle & Makes it all Look Good: Trever St. John (Todd, OLTL) - He had a TON of material in 2008 with Starr's pregnancy and the rapemance with Marty. The rapemance fallout brought a lot too. Trever nailed it out of the park in every scene. He did not make romancing Marty look good, but everything else was fabulous to watch. The way Todd dealt with Starr, Cole and everyone during the Marty fallout - you couldn't not watch. Trever is powerful.
Best Actress who has too much Material to Juggle and Makes it all Look Good: Kirsten Storms (Maxie, GH) - She was on almost every single day, or so it seemed, last year. She may not have had huge storylines, but she had tons of material. She's usually a joy to watch. Maxie has so much spunk and energy, just like a regular young adult. She's fast-talking, social, and a busy bee. She's everywhere with (almost) everyone. And Kirsten makes it all good. You can't help but love her.
Best Goody Two-Shoes Character Showing a Backbone: GL's Marina Cooper - During the triangle with Cyrus and Aunt Harley, I believe it was Cyrus who told her about his feelings for & sleeping with Harley. Marina had been a pretty weak, sappy character with Mandy Bruno portraying her. But she finally got some toughness in her when she was face-to-face with Harley. Marina wasn't about to go soft on her. She railed Harley and tore her down. Mandy finally showed some powerful acting, and Marina showed that she can truly defend herself & get angry at someone.
Best Socially Conscious Effort: Starr's pregnancy (OLTL) - As explained in the "Best Storyline" category, Starr was pregnant a full 9 months. The writers displayed every step of her pregnancy and what she was feeling. She was only 16, and this baby changed her life forever. OLTL made a real effort to reach out to teenagers & parents and educate them. Kristen Alderson kept a blog each week, writing about happenings in the story and encouraging teens & parents to communicate with each other about sex. OLTL told a teen pregnancy story without preaching what the "right" choice is; they showed multiple sides of the situation. And they pulled it off wonderfully.
Best & Worst of 2008 (Version 1)
Daytime Confidential recently did an extra-long episode in which they discussed the best and worst of 2008 in soaps. It was their third annual edition of this type of show. It was a very entertaining episode, and they had a bunch of different categories to make you reflect on the past year.
You can find the episode here: Best & Worst Supersized
I followed along with the show, making my own choices, and sometimes it was tough to decide. So, this entry contains all of my picks. Some of them are typical for me, and others are ones that a bunch of soap fans would agree on. And I'll warn you now: this is pretty ABC-soap-heavy. Also, some of these categories are...unique to say the least. They all came from Daytime Confidential!
Most Improved Actor: Brandon Buddy (Cole, OLTL) - I had a tough time thinking about who improved over the year because I don't find myself very good at detecting improvement. I choose Brandon Buddy because he has definitely grown as an actor since he started on the show. I don't think there was much to him at the beginning of 2008, but through the pregnancy story he was amazing. He came into his own and shined against the great Trever St. John (Todd) and Kristen Alderson (Starr).
Most Improved Actress: Melissa Claire Egan (Annie, AMC) - Annie was always a dull character that had no purpose except for being attached to Ryan. I never liked Annie, and I didn't like Melissa too much either. I've chosen her because over the course of this year Annie has gone absolutely crazy. And Melissa is doing a heck of a job portraying InsAnnie. She has me believing 100% that Annie is so far gone.
Most Improved Male Character: AMC's Jake Martin - He was always a dull supporting character when the previous two actors played him. Now that Ricky Paull Goldin has stepped into the role, Jake is a vibrant, hunky, & entertaining character. Ricky has made the role his own, and he is excelling in all his scenes. I'm really rooting for Jake in work and love and everything.
Most Improved Female Character: OLTL's Adrianna Cramer - She was a boring character too for the longest time. But when she returned from Paris, France about the beginning of the year, she had spunk & edge. She had gotten her groove back or something. And she was ready to kick Gigi's ass and claim Rex as hers. She was "Bitchy Bangs" as the Daytime Confidential crew call her, and she became a much more dynamic character.
Biggest Waste of Male Talent: Ricky Paull Goldin (Jake, AMC) - What are they doing with him? Practically NOTHING! When Ricky joined the show, we fans were promised a story of what happened to Jake while he was in Africa. And it took MONTHS to find out that his wife left him for another man. And just like that he seemed to be over it and fell in love with Taylor. So, most of Jake's comeback has been him wandering here, there, and wherever. He hasn't really had a STORY, and he deserves one.
Biggest Waste of Female Talent: TIE - Beth Ehlers (Taylor, AMC) and Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis, GH) - Beth is at the same place as Ricky, sort of. TPTB snatched her up with every intention of pairing her with Ricky's Jake. But that hasn't worked out, and now Taylor's trying to work it out with Brot. But she isn't on much, and there isn't much of a story. Beth is a phenomenal actress, and she deserves more. We're lucky to see Nancy one or twice a week. Where is Alexis? She weaves in and out of stories here and there. Nancy is too good for that. She's one of the best on GH, and she shines in what little scenes she has. She needs much more than just playing mother, aunt, and District Attorney.
Most In Need of a Makeover: Bree Williamson (Jess/Tess/Bess, OLTL) - I had a touch time with this category too. I choose Bree because frankly, I'm tired of her boring, straight, blonde hair. She needs a change. I know that Jessica hasn't been herself and is now at St. Ann's, but at some point she's got to spruce up her hair style or color or something.
Most In Need of a Story: Three-way TIE - Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis, GH), The Quartermaine family of GH, and Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL) - I'll make this short but sweet... Nancy, as I said earlier, is fabulous, and she continues to have no story. She deserves a big one and win an Emmy for it. The Quartermaines have almost completely disappeared; there are hardly any members left! They are such a core family that needs a revival. Catherine is another phenomenal actress that always comes and goes. And when she's on, you don't have a choice but to watch her. She's someone to admire, and it doesn't make sense that she never has a story anymore.
Best Stunt Casting: Cady McClain (ex-Dixie, AMC) - Here's a little explanation of this category: it includes all of those short-term stints by popular actors/characters and all the small stints of famous celebrities (such as Betty White as Stephanie's mother on B&B). I choose Cady for her two month run as ghost Dixie. I, as well as many fans, want her back full-time and for Dixie to be alive. But what we got in May & June was very entertaining, poignant, and bittersweet. Her scenes were delightful as she haunted Adam, looked in on her family, and reunited in "heaven" with Tad. To top it off, she led Tad to their daughter, Kate (aka Kathy). Perhaps Dixie will return ALIVE someday.
Dreams Really Do Come True: Andrea Evans returns to OLTL - This is something I've been hoping for ever since I learned about Tina from the 30th anniversary book & the OLTL weddings video. She sounded like someone I would like, and I saw Andrea on B&B and Passions a couple times. I knew of her stalker situation from her previous run on OLTL. And yet I never gave up on dreaming of her returning. Summer of 2008 it happened. It got botched up and was too short, but it was worth it to finally see Andrea as Tina.
Be Careful What You Wish For: I came up with two "wishes", but I'll make one of them an honorable mention. Rebecca Budig returning to AMC - I didn't like the fact that TPTB recasted Greenlee. Even though it wasn't the same, Sabine Singh still did a pretty good job. When I heard about Rebecca returning, I was thrilled...only to be disappointed in her storyline. A sparkless relationship with Aiden and now a fast-paced reunion with Ryan. Not great story, in my opinion.
My honorable mention is Beth Ehlers joining All My Children. I wanted that so bad once Ricky Paull Goldin left GL. I thought it was best for Beth to leave as well, all the better if she went to AMC with Ricky. I was so psyched about her playing Taylor, and I've enjoyed her story. BUT before she arrived, I was so hooked on Jake & wanted him with everybody. Seeing Jake and Taylor while she was in the hospital, I began wanting Jake only with Taylor. So, maybe it would be better for me as a Ricky fan if Beth never joined the show. Who knows?
Best Couple: Rex & Gigi (OLTL) - LOVE them! Had no trouble thinking of this one. They have so much spark! From their first scene together, they have had chemistry. And I was rooting for them every step of the way. I enjoyed the whole roller coaster that led them to finally being together. I loved the Gigi/Rex/Adrianna triangle. Throwing Brody into it turned out to be great. I LOVED the 1968 time travel story and Rex getting shot. There was a ton of rooting value, but I will say that they've fizzled out. But even though they're now boring, I still love them.
Honorable Mention: Jared & Natalie (OLTL) - Love them too! They've fizzled as well, and the story with Tess got tiring. Before that, though, they were wonderful. Everything going on with Buchanan Enterprises and Jared faking his paternity - there was so much heat between them! I love that Jared told Natalie the truth and she was in on it for a while. I believe they had rooting value too.
Worst Couple: Greenlee & Aiden (AMC) - Neither Sabine's nor Rebecca's Greenlee had chemistry with Aiden. I find them boring, uninteresting, and lacking a spark. There's nothing there. Their love scenes were nauseating. No offense to the actors, but they just aren't good together. And they got married too quickly. I'm glad they're over. They weren't meant to be.
Honorable Mention: Jack & Carmen (AMC) - They could have been a good couple if AMC showed their relationship develop. Instead, they made no sense at all. All of a sudden they were dating and a couple, and Carmen's friendship with Erica was tainted. What?! I couldn't follow this.
Best Triangle: Cole/Starr/Todd (OLTL) - I had trouble thinking of real triangles, so I came up with this unique one. Todd never like Starr dating Cole, and Starr wanted nothing but to be with Cole. Todd planned to move his family to Hawaii, which led to the teens having sex for the first time. Todd ruined their bliss, and he practically shut Starr from the world. Starr found out she was pregnant and went on the run with Cole. But of course Todd found them. Starr was being pulled in opposite directions with loving Cole & being forced to obey her father. It was great story.
Worst Triangle: Natalia/Gus/Olivia (GL) - This is a personal distaste. Besides being a boring triangle, it's one that didn't make sense. How did Gus become interested in Olivia? And if he had feelings for her, why did he rush into a marriage with Natalia? And to top it all off, how could he be over Harley that fast? I couldn't buy that he was in love with Natalia. I couldn't buy that he had more-than-friendship feelings for Olivia. Harley was the love of Gus's life, and all of a sudden he had two more loves.
Best Quadrangle: Adrianna/Rex/Gigi/Brody (OLTL) - Like I was saying under Best Couple, Rex and Gigi had rooting value, and yet it was genius to have Adrianna and Brody as their obstacles. I really enjoyed the Gigi/Rex/Adrianna situation. You could see that Rex fell out of love with Adrianna, but she was not going to let him go. It was Adrianna vs. Gigi for Rex, or at least it felt that way sometimes. Adding Brody to the mix made it even more frustrating, but it paid off in a big way - Brody shooting Rex and Adrianna finally letting Rex go.
Worst Quadrangle: Annie/Ryan/Greenlee/Aiden/Kendall/Zach (AMC) - It's more than a quad, but it was horrible. This six-angled thing was a total mess throughout most of the year. They hogged the screen too much and just had sucky story with Ryan's amnesia. Ryan was in love with all three women at some point. Greenlee went from Aiden to Ryan real quick and almost had something going with Zach. They were all in each other's business, and I didn't like any of it.
Most Tortured Couple: Jason & Elizabeth (GH) - They had moments this past year. Nothing more. They have NEVER been a real couple. They've never had a true chance at happiness and being together. 2008 - it looked like that could change. But no. They kept their love a secret and failed at making time for each other. What sealed the deal was Jake, their son, being kidnapped by mobsters. And now Elizabeth can't handle Jason's dangerous life...again. I feel bad for their fans.
Worst Storyline: Gus & Harley's separate stories (GL) - This is another personal thing. I already explained my reasons for not liking Gus's triangle with Olivia & Natalia. I kind of liked Harley's triangle with Cyrus & Marina. But what I HATED is that Gus and Harley were ripped at the seams and placed in SEPARATE storylines. It never made ANY sense how quickly they were over each other and how completely separated they became. To this day I can't stand it.
Best Storyline: I've got three for this category. They were all wonderful in their own right...
1) The 1968 time travel story (OLTL) was a ton of fun. I loved it so much, and it lasted a good length. It was funny to see Bo & Rex confused and to see the other characters as characters from the past.
2) Angie & Jesse's return (AMC) was so unexpected. I thought Jesse was dead for good. But low and behold, first Angie was back and then Jesse. Their reunion was magical, and it was like time stood still at that train station.
3) Robert's colon cancer (GH: Night Shift) was a beautiful social issue. It reunited Robert with Robin and Anna as they stood by his side. There were a bunch of tearjerkingly sweet moments. It was written so good and was the best story of both Nigh Shift seasons.
Worst Scene: Anytime Gus kissed Natalia (GL) - Another personal issue since I'm a huge Gus and Harley fan. I couldn't stand Gus with Natalia. It was disgusting to me, and I wasn't use to seeing Gus with anyone but Harley. I never got use to Gus with Natalia. So, every time they kissed, my eyes burned, I got sick to my stomach, and my heart broke a little more.
Best Scene: GL's Gus & Harley's goodbyes (real & fantasy) - Their finale when Gus died was well-written, I believe. It wasn't enough to make up for their destroyed relationship, but it was the best GusH we had gotten in months. So, their last scenes stand out as being the best to me. They had a tearful, heartbreaking goodbye before Gus had surgery & ended up brain-dead. The next day Gus was either a ghost or Harley imagined him, and they had a few short scenes before he went away for good. They said "I love you" for the last time, and it was so lovely.
Honorable Mention: Dorian & Mel's scenes from OLTL's 40th anniversary show - VERY funny! I forgot how wonderful Mel is, and he's so entertaining with Dorian. I think that's my favorite Dorian pairing. They have such a comical yet loving dynamic. Mel came to her as a ghost to get her to save Viki's life, and their scenes were perfection.
Guy Whose Chestnuts we want Roasting over an Open Fire: Chuck Pratt Jr. (AMC's head writer) - He has taken All My Children to a new low level. I thought Megan McTavish was bad, but Chuck's work is not only bad but also very confusing. There is discontinuity and gaping holes and the stories. Since when do Adam & Erica have romantic feelings for one another? How can Jesse have a 19 year-old daughter, meaning he moved on very quickly after leaving Angie? Where's the development in Jake & Taylor's feelings for each other? Why would Zach and Bianca go behind Kendall's back to create a baby? Some of the stories don't make sense, and the others have missing scenes. There's too many holes!
Biggest Ho Ho Ho: Harley Cooper (GL) - I had a tough time with this. For all these categories I wracked my brain with the ABC soaps. But I had to choose Harley simply for stealing Cyrus away from her own niece, Marina. I love Harley dearly, but it wasn't right for her to do that. At first I didn't view it as stealing, but clearly, that is what happened. She got Cyrus for herself, and they totally screwed around behind Marina's back. When their relationship became public, they continued screwing around. Harley must have been in her sexual prime with Cyrus.
Glittery Hoo-Hoo of the Year: Amanda Dillon (AMC) - This category is for the ladies who have a lot of men going after them. And Amanda stands out in my mind as having guys around her, wanting her. She had sex with Jake, David, and JR all within a few months. She can't stay away from sex too long, can she? I know that's only three guys, but I couldn't come up with anyone else.
Magical Penis (MP) of the Year: This category is for the men who have...been around and around some more. It was named after GH's Sonny Corinthos, who has had so many women & children over the years. And he is who I choose. I couldn't think of anyone better. This past year he slept with Kate, Carly, and Claudia. And we know that he father's Olivia's son (yet another child for him). So, he deserves this title.
Most In Need of a Love Interest: This one was tough too, but I believe Annie Lavery needs a NEW love interest when she's sane again. She has been attached to Ryan ever since she arrived on the show, and it has escalated to obsession. I can't take it anymore! She needs to get over Ryan and move on! I here Jake is available.
Most In Need of a Roll in the Hay: I have a tie for this one. Up until a few days ago, Luke & Noah (ATWT) needed to roll around with each other. I haven't regularly watched the show in about two years, but from what I've heard and read Luke & Noah were totally being deprived of kissing & sex. What gives? They're a wonderful, hot couple. Glad that "it" finally happened! My second choice is AMC's Jake Martin. I KNOW he was getting some from Amanda just a couple months ago. But Jake is such a hottie that he should be steaming up the screens in love scenes every week. LOL! So, give him a good love interest that he has chemistry with (like Greenlee).
Dumbest Character: Gus Aitoro (GL) - He is my choice simply for forgetting who his true love is (Harley). It's kind of like he got amnesia or something. How did he get over her so fast and move on with Natalia? His love for his "Coop" was much deeper than his love for Nat. I've seen his love in action, and it really was the deepest love I had ever seen. So, he's dumb for "losing" that part of him and never fighting to get Harley back.
Smartest Character: David Hayward (AMC) - He is charming, swarmy, and highly intelligent. He knows what he's doing, and he's a doctor. He has elaborate schemes, and so far they are working. He has gotten what he wants. He's using Amanda to get JR drunk, showing that JR's a bad father. He wormed his way into Krystal's orbit and now has her in his clutches, so to speak. And he wrecked Tad's life in the process. Who knows what he'll do next, but he is a very crafty fellow.
Scenery Chewer of the Year: Sarah Brown as Claudia Zaachara (GH) - In this category you pick the character you dislike who is on-screen constantly. For me that is Sarah's Claudia. She's on way too much, and she isn't all that enjoyable. Claudia was suppose to be the female equivalent to Sonny, but she isn't. She's annoying and has daddy issues. She's not as strong as I hoped she'd be. But lately I've been liking her. So, maybe things will changethis year.
Excellence in Hair Modeling: Either Natalia or Colby (AMC) - These two characters are pointless, and their portrayers need acting lessons. Sorry to them, but they were hired for their looks. That's how All My Children has been casting young people lately. Looks matter. Both of these characters are boring to watch, and the only thing they have going for them is their hair.
The Megan McTavish Award for Dismantling a Series: I'm choosing Brian Frons just for tearing apart SoapNet. I know that's a network, but it counts. There aren't even soaps on there anymore, and he isn't planning a third season of GH Night Shift. He also doesn't want the Daytime Emmys to be broadcasted on SoapNet or ABC. And he also isn't treating the ABC soaps very well. He just makes bad decisions on who should be shown and who should be paired with who. He isn't being a very good soap president right now, unfortunately, to put it mildly.
Worst Drama: All My Children - It's sinking real fast. I described its main problems when discussing its head writer. AMC has so much gaps and discontinuity. A bunch of things just don't make sense (ie: Adam & Erica, Aiden helping Annie, Jesse's past). Some things were left behind - Jake's pain from what happened in Africa, Carmen, Kathy hating Krystal, Colby & Frankie's friendship, etc. And there are some characters that just aren't clicking with the audience. Basically, AMC is a total mess right now, and it better improve before it's too late.
Best Drama: One Life To Live - It did have an icy patch during the summer with the Marty/Todd "rapemance", but for most of the year it was the perfect soap. Everything clicks together, and its rich history hasn't been forgotten. The stories make sense. The way the characters interact make sense. It has compelling and character-driven plots. It combines humor with drama, and fans love almost every single character, I think. Praise goes to Frank Valentini (executive producer) and Ron Carlivati (head writer) this wonderful show, which includes Starr's pregnancy, the 40th anniversary episodes, David Vickers' returns, the Buchanan Enterprises takeover, Rex finding out he's a dad, Tea's return, and the emotional fallout from the "rapemance".
Honorable Mention: General Hospital Night Shift - It was so well-written. Everything weaved together, and the characters meshed well together. It had, romance, humor, drama, the hospital, explosions, social issues, and everything else. It had gripping stories as it revolved around the hospital. The highlight for me was Robert's colon cancer, which reflected on the history of its main show, General Hospital. It brought past, present, and medicine together nicely.
You can find the episode here: Best & Worst Supersized
I followed along with the show, making my own choices, and sometimes it was tough to decide. So, this entry contains all of my picks. Some of them are typical for me, and others are ones that a bunch of soap fans would agree on. And I'll warn you now: this is pretty ABC-soap-heavy. Also, some of these categories are...unique to say the least. They all came from Daytime Confidential!
Most Improved Actor: Brandon Buddy (Cole, OLTL) - I had a tough time thinking about who improved over the year because I don't find myself very good at detecting improvement. I choose Brandon Buddy because he has definitely grown as an actor since he started on the show. I don't think there was much to him at the beginning of 2008, but through the pregnancy story he was amazing. He came into his own and shined against the great Trever St. John (Todd) and Kristen Alderson (Starr).
Most Improved Actress: Melissa Claire Egan (Annie, AMC) - Annie was always a dull character that had no purpose except for being attached to Ryan. I never liked Annie, and I didn't like Melissa too much either. I've chosen her because over the course of this year Annie has gone absolutely crazy. And Melissa is doing a heck of a job portraying InsAnnie. She has me believing 100% that Annie is so far gone.
Most Improved Male Character: AMC's Jake Martin - He was always a dull supporting character when the previous two actors played him. Now that Ricky Paull Goldin has stepped into the role, Jake is a vibrant, hunky, & entertaining character. Ricky has made the role his own, and he is excelling in all his scenes. I'm really rooting for Jake in work and love and everything.
Most Improved Female Character: OLTL's Adrianna Cramer - She was a boring character too for the longest time. But when she returned from Paris, France about the beginning of the year, she had spunk & edge. She had gotten her groove back or something. And she was ready to kick Gigi's ass and claim Rex as hers. She was "Bitchy Bangs" as the Daytime Confidential crew call her, and she became a much more dynamic character.
Biggest Waste of Male Talent: Ricky Paull Goldin (Jake, AMC) - What are they doing with him? Practically NOTHING! When Ricky joined the show, we fans were promised a story of what happened to Jake while he was in Africa. And it took MONTHS to find out that his wife left him for another man. And just like that he seemed to be over it and fell in love with Taylor. So, most of Jake's comeback has been him wandering here, there, and wherever. He hasn't really had a STORY, and he deserves one.
Biggest Waste of Female Talent: TIE - Beth Ehlers (Taylor, AMC) and Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis, GH) - Beth is at the same place as Ricky, sort of. TPTB snatched her up with every intention of pairing her with Ricky's Jake. But that hasn't worked out, and now Taylor's trying to work it out with Brot. But she isn't on much, and there isn't much of a story. Beth is a phenomenal actress, and she deserves more. We're lucky to see Nancy one or twice a week. Where is Alexis? She weaves in and out of stories here and there. Nancy is too good for that. She's one of the best on GH, and she shines in what little scenes she has. She needs much more than just playing mother, aunt, and District Attorney.
Most In Need of a Makeover: Bree Williamson (Jess/Tess/Bess, OLTL) - I had a touch time with this category too. I choose Bree because frankly, I'm tired of her boring, straight, blonde hair. She needs a change. I know that Jessica hasn't been herself and is now at St. Ann's, but at some point she's got to spruce up her hair style or color or something.
Most In Need of a Story: Three-way TIE - Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis, GH), The Quartermaine family of GH, and Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL) - I'll make this short but sweet... Nancy, as I said earlier, is fabulous, and she continues to have no story. She deserves a big one and win an Emmy for it. The Quartermaines have almost completely disappeared; there are hardly any members left! They are such a core family that needs a revival. Catherine is another phenomenal actress that always comes and goes. And when she's on, you don't have a choice but to watch her. She's someone to admire, and it doesn't make sense that she never has a story anymore.
Best Stunt Casting: Cady McClain (ex-Dixie, AMC) - Here's a little explanation of this category: it includes all of those short-term stints by popular actors/characters and all the small stints of famous celebrities (such as Betty White as Stephanie's mother on B&B). I choose Cady for her two month run as ghost Dixie. I, as well as many fans, want her back full-time and for Dixie to be alive. But what we got in May & June was very entertaining, poignant, and bittersweet. Her scenes were delightful as she haunted Adam, looked in on her family, and reunited in "heaven" with Tad. To top it off, she led Tad to their daughter, Kate (aka Kathy). Perhaps Dixie will return ALIVE someday.
Dreams Really Do Come True: Andrea Evans returns to OLTL - This is something I've been hoping for ever since I learned about Tina from the 30th anniversary book & the OLTL weddings video. She sounded like someone I would like, and I saw Andrea on B&B and Passions a couple times. I knew of her stalker situation from her previous run on OLTL. And yet I never gave up on dreaming of her returning. Summer of 2008 it happened. It got botched up and was too short, but it was worth it to finally see Andrea as Tina.
Be Careful What You Wish For: I came up with two "wishes", but I'll make one of them an honorable mention. Rebecca Budig returning to AMC - I didn't like the fact that TPTB recasted Greenlee. Even though it wasn't the same, Sabine Singh still did a pretty good job. When I heard about Rebecca returning, I was thrilled...only to be disappointed in her storyline. A sparkless relationship with Aiden and now a fast-paced reunion with Ryan. Not great story, in my opinion.
My honorable mention is Beth Ehlers joining All My Children. I wanted that so bad once Ricky Paull Goldin left GL. I thought it was best for Beth to leave as well, all the better if she went to AMC with Ricky. I was so psyched about her playing Taylor, and I've enjoyed her story. BUT before she arrived, I was so hooked on Jake & wanted him with everybody. Seeing Jake and Taylor while she was in the hospital, I began wanting Jake only with Taylor. So, maybe it would be better for me as a Ricky fan if Beth never joined the show. Who knows?
Best Couple: Rex & Gigi (OLTL) - LOVE them! Had no trouble thinking of this one. They have so much spark! From their first scene together, they have had chemistry. And I was rooting for them every step of the way. I enjoyed the whole roller coaster that led them to finally being together. I loved the Gigi/Rex/Adrianna triangle. Throwing Brody into it turned out to be great. I LOVED the 1968 time travel story and Rex getting shot. There was a ton of rooting value, but I will say that they've fizzled out. But even though they're now boring, I still love them.
Honorable Mention: Jared & Natalie (OLTL) - Love them too! They've fizzled as well, and the story with Tess got tiring. Before that, though, they were wonderful. Everything going on with Buchanan Enterprises and Jared faking his paternity - there was so much heat between them! I love that Jared told Natalie the truth and she was in on it for a while. I believe they had rooting value too.
Worst Couple: Greenlee & Aiden (AMC) - Neither Sabine's nor Rebecca's Greenlee had chemistry with Aiden. I find them boring, uninteresting, and lacking a spark. There's nothing there. Their love scenes were nauseating. No offense to the actors, but they just aren't good together. And they got married too quickly. I'm glad they're over. They weren't meant to be.
Honorable Mention: Jack & Carmen (AMC) - They could have been a good couple if AMC showed their relationship develop. Instead, they made no sense at all. All of a sudden they were dating and a couple, and Carmen's friendship with Erica was tainted. What?! I couldn't follow this.
Best Triangle: Cole/Starr/Todd (OLTL) - I had trouble thinking of real triangles, so I came up with this unique one. Todd never like Starr dating Cole, and Starr wanted nothing but to be with Cole. Todd planned to move his family to Hawaii, which led to the teens having sex for the first time. Todd ruined their bliss, and he practically shut Starr from the world. Starr found out she was pregnant and went on the run with Cole. But of course Todd found them. Starr was being pulled in opposite directions with loving Cole & being forced to obey her father. It was great story.
Worst Triangle: Natalia/Gus/Olivia (GL) - This is a personal distaste. Besides being a boring triangle, it's one that didn't make sense. How did Gus become interested in Olivia? And if he had feelings for her, why did he rush into a marriage with Natalia? And to top it all off, how could he be over Harley that fast? I couldn't buy that he was in love with Natalia. I couldn't buy that he had more-than-friendship feelings for Olivia. Harley was the love of Gus's life, and all of a sudden he had two more loves.
Best Quadrangle: Adrianna/Rex/Gigi/Brody (OLTL) - Like I was saying under Best Couple, Rex and Gigi had rooting value, and yet it was genius to have Adrianna and Brody as their obstacles. I really enjoyed the Gigi/Rex/Adrianna situation. You could see that Rex fell out of love with Adrianna, but she was not going to let him go. It was Adrianna vs. Gigi for Rex, or at least it felt that way sometimes. Adding Brody to the mix made it even more frustrating, but it paid off in a big way - Brody shooting Rex and Adrianna finally letting Rex go.
Worst Quadrangle: Annie/Ryan/Greenlee/Aiden/Kendall/Zach (AMC) - It's more than a quad, but it was horrible. This six-angled thing was a total mess throughout most of the year. They hogged the screen too much and just had sucky story with Ryan's amnesia. Ryan was in love with all three women at some point. Greenlee went from Aiden to Ryan real quick and almost had something going with Zach. They were all in each other's business, and I didn't like any of it.
Most Tortured Couple: Jason & Elizabeth (GH) - They had moments this past year. Nothing more. They have NEVER been a real couple. They've never had a true chance at happiness and being together. 2008 - it looked like that could change. But no. They kept their love a secret and failed at making time for each other. What sealed the deal was Jake, their son, being kidnapped by mobsters. And now Elizabeth can't handle Jason's dangerous life...again. I feel bad for their fans.
Worst Storyline: Gus & Harley's separate stories (GL) - This is another personal thing. I already explained my reasons for not liking Gus's triangle with Olivia & Natalia. I kind of liked Harley's triangle with Cyrus & Marina. But what I HATED is that Gus and Harley were ripped at the seams and placed in SEPARATE storylines. It never made ANY sense how quickly they were over each other and how completely separated they became. To this day I can't stand it.
Best Storyline: I've got three for this category. They were all wonderful in their own right...
1) The 1968 time travel story (OLTL) was a ton of fun. I loved it so much, and it lasted a good length. It was funny to see Bo & Rex confused and to see the other characters as characters from the past.
2) Angie & Jesse's return (AMC) was so unexpected. I thought Jesse was dead for good. But low and behold, first Angie was back and then Jesse. Their reunion was magical, and it was like time stood still at that train station.
3) Robert's colon cancer (GH: Night Shift) was a beautiful social issue. It reunited Robert with Robin and Anna as they stood by his side. There were a bunch of tearjerkingly sweet moments. It was written so good and was the best story of both Nigh Shift seasons.
Worst Scene: Anytime Gus kissed Natalia (GL) - Another personal issue since I'm a huge Gus and Harley fan. I couldn't stand Gus with Natalia. It was disgusting to me, and I wasn't use to seeing Gus with anyone but Harley. I never got use to Gus with Natalia. So, every time they kissed, my eyes burned, I got sick to my stomach, and my heart broke a little more.
Best Scene: GL's Gus & Harley's goodbyes (real & fantasy) - Their finale when Gus died was well-written, I believe. It wasn't enough to make up for their destroyed relationship, but it was the best GusH we had gotten in months. So, their last scenes stand out as being the best to me. They had a tearful, heartbreaking goodbye before Gus had surgery & ended up brain-dead. The next day Gus was either a ghost or Harley imagined him, and they had a few short scenes before he went away for good. They said "I love you" for the last time, and it was so lovely.
Honorable Mention: Dorian & Mel's scenes from OLTL's 40th anniversary show - VERY funny! I forgot how wonderful Mel is, and he's so entertaining with Dorian. I think that's my favorite Dorian pairing. They have such a comical yet loving dynamic. Mel came to her as a ghost to get her to save Viki's life, and their scenes were perfection.
Guy Whose Chestnuts we want Roasting over an Open Fire: Chuck Pratt Jr. (AMC's head writer) - He has taken All My Children to a new low level. I thought Megan McTavish was bad, but Chuck's work is not only bad but also very confusing. There is discontinuity and gaping holes and the stories. Since when do Adam & Erica have romantic feelings for one another? How can Jesse have a 19 year-old daughter, meaning he moved on very quickly after leaving Angie? Where's the development in Jake & Taylor's feelings for each other? Why would Zach and Bianca go behind Kendall's back to create a baby? Some of the stories don't make sense, and the others have missing scenes. There's too many holes!
Biggest Ho Ho Ho: Harley Cooper (GL) - I had a tough time with this. For all these categories I wracked my brain with the ABC soaps. But I had to choose Harley simply for stealing Cyrus away from her own niece, Marina. I love Harley dearly, but it wasn't right for her to do that. At first I didn't view it as stealing, but clearly, that is what happened. She got Cyrus for herself, and they totally screwed around behind Marina's back. When their relationship became public, they continued screwing around. Harley must have been in her sexual prime with Cyrus.
Glittery Hoo-Hoo of the Year: Amanda Dillon (AMC) - This category is for the ladies who have a lot of men going after them. And Amanda stands out in my mind as having guys around her, wanting her. She had sex with Jake, David, and JR all within a few months. She can't stay away from sex too long, can she? I know that's only three guys, but I couldn't come up with anyone else.
Magical Penis (MP) of the Year: This category is for the men who have...been around and around some more. It was named after GH's Sonny Corinthos, who has had so many women & children over the years. And he is who I choose. I couldn't think of anyone better. This past year he slept with Kate, Carly, and Claudia. And we know that he father's Olivia's son (yet another child for him). So, he deserves this title.
Most In Need of a Love Interest: This one was tough too, but I believe Annie Lavery needs a NEW love interest when she's sane again. She has been attached to Ryan ever since she arrived on the show, and it has escalated to obsession. I can't take it anymore! She needs to get over Ryan and move on! I here Jake is available.
Most In Need of a Roll in the Hay: I have a tie for this one. Up until a few days ago, Luke & Noah (ATWT) needed to roll around with each other. I haven't regularly watched the show in about two years, but from what I've heard and read Luke & Noah were totally being deprived of kissing & sex. What gives? They're a wonderful, hot couple. Glad that "it" finally happened! My second choice is AMC's Jake Martin. I KNOW he was getting some from Amanda just a couple months ago. But Jake is such a hottie that he should be steaming up the screens in love scenes every week. LOL! So, give him a good love interest that he has chemistry with (like Greenlee).
Dumbest Character: Gus Aitoro (GL) - He is my choice simply for forgetting who his true love is (Harley). It's kind of like he got amnesia or something. How did he get over her so fast and move on with Natalia? His love for his "Coop" was much deeper than his love for Nat. I've seen his love in action, and it really was the deepest love I had ever seen. So, he's dumb for "losing" that part of him and never fighting to get Harley back.
Smartest Character: David Hayward (AMC) - He is charming, swarmy, and highly intelligent. He knows what he's doing, and he's a doctor. He has elaborate schemes, and so far they are working. He has gotten what he wants. He's using Amanda to get JR drunk, showing that JR's a bad father. He wormed his way into Krystal's orbit and now has her in his clutches, so to speak. And he wrecked Tad's life in the process. Who knows what he'll do next, but he is a very crafty fellow.
Scenery Chewer of the Year: Sarah Brown as Claudia Zaachara (GH) - In this category you pick the character you dislike who is on-screen constantly. For me that is Sarah's Claudia. She's on way too much, and she isn't all that enjoyable. Claudia was suppose to be the female equivalent to Sonny, but she isn't. She's annoying and has daddy issues. She's not as strong as I hoped she'd be. But lately I've been liking her. So, maybe things will changethis year.
Excellence in Hair Modeling: Either Natalia or Colby (AMC) - These two characters are pointless, and their portrayers need acting lessons. Sorry to them, but they were hired for their looks. That's how All My Children has been casting young people lately. Looks matter. Both of these characters are boring to watch, and the only thing they have going for them is their hair.
The Megan McTavish Award for Dismantling a Series: I'm choosing Brian Frons just for tearing apart SoapNet. I know that's a network, but it counts. There aren't even soaps on there anymore, and he isn't planning a third season of GH Night Shift. He also doesn't want the Daytime Emmys to be broadcasted on SoapNet or ABC. And he also isn't treating the ABC soaps very well. He just makes bad decisions on who should be shown and who should be paired with who. He isn't being a very good soap president right now, unfortunately, to put it mildly.
Worst Drama: All My Children - It's sinking real fast. I described its main problems when discussing its head writer. AMC has so much gaps and discontinuity. A bunch of things just don't make sense (ie: Adam & Erica, Aiden helping Annie, Jesse's past). Some things were left behind - Jake's pain from what happened in Africa, Carmen, Kathy hating Krystal, Colby & Frankie's friendship, etc. And there are some characters that just aren't clicking with the audience. Basically, AMC is a total mess right now, and it better improve before it's too late.
Best Drama: One Life To Live - It did have an icy patch during the summer with the Marty/Todd "rapemance", but for most of the year it was the perfect soap. Everything clicks together, and its rich history hasn't been forgotten. The stories make sense. The way the characters interact make sense. It has compelling and character-driven plots. It combines humor with drama, and fans love almost every single character, I think. Praise goes to Frank Valentini (executive producer) and Ron Carlivati (head writer) this wonderful show, which includes Starr's pregnancy, the 40th anniversary episodes, David Vickers' returns, the Buchanan Enterprises takeover, Rex finding out he's a dad, Tea's return, and the emotional fallout from the "rapemance".
Honorable Mention: General Hospital Night Shift - It was so well-written. Everything weaved together, and the characters meshed well together. It had, romance, humor, drama, the hospital, explosions, social issues, and everything else. It had gripping stories as it revolved around the hospital. The highlight for me was Robert's colon cancer, which reflected on the history of its main show, General Hospital. It brought past, present, and medicine together nicely.
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