
Best & Worst of 2008 (Version 1)

Daytime Confidential recently did an extra-long episode in which they discussed the best and worst of 2008 in soaps. It was their third annual edition of this type of show. It was a very entertaining episode, and they had a bunch of different categories to make you reflect on the past year.

You can find the episode here: Best & Worst Supersized

I followed along with the show, making my own choices, and sometimes it was tough to decide. So, this entry contains all of my picks. Some of them are typical for me, and others are ones that a bunch of soap fans would agree on. And I'll warn you now: this is pretty ABC-soap-heavy. Also, some of these categories are...unique to say the least. They all came from Daytime Confidential!

Most Improved Actor: Brandon Buddy (Cole, OLTL) - I had a tough time thinking about who improved over the year because I don't find myself very good at detecting improvement. I choose Brandon Buddy because he has definitely grown as an actor since he started on the show. I don't think there was much to him at the beginning of 2008, but through the pregnancy story he was amazing. He came into his own and shined against the great Trever St. John (Todd) and Kristen Alderson (Starr).

Most Improved Actress: Melissa Claire Egan (Annie, AMC) - Annie was always a dull character that had no purpose except for being attached to Ryan. I never liked Annie, and I didn't like Melissa too much either. I've chosen her because over the course of this year Annie has gone absolutely crazy. And Melissa is doing a heck of a job portraying InsAnnie. She has me believing 100% that Annie is so far gone.

Most Improved Male Character: AMC's Jake Martin - He was always a dull supporting character when the previous two actors played him. Now that Ricky Paull Goldin has stepped into the role, Jake is a vibrant, hunky, & entertaining character. Ricky has made the role his own, and he is excelling in all his scenes. I'm really rooting for Jake in work and love and everything.

Most Improved Female Character: OLTL's Adrianna Cramer - She was a boring character too for the longest time. But when she returned from Paris, France about the beginning of the year, she had spunk & edge. She had gotten her groove back or something. And she was ready to kick Gigi's ass and claim Rex as hers. She was "Bitchy Bangs" as the Daytime Confidential crew call her, and she became a much more dynamic character.

Biggest Waste of Male Talent: Ricky Paull Goldin (Jake, AMC) - What are they doing with him? Practically NOTHING! When Ricky joined the show, we fans were promised a story of what happened to Jake while he was in Africa. And it took MONTHS to find out that his wife left him for another man. And just like that he seemed to be over it and fell in love with Taylor. So, most of Jake's comeback has been him wandering here, there, and wherever. He hasn't really had a STORY, and he deserves one.

Biggest Waste of Female Talent: TIE - Beth Ehlers (Taylor, AMC) and Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis, GH) - Beth is at the same place as Ricky, sort of. TPTB snatched her up with every intention of pairing her with Ricky's Jake. But that hasn't worked out, and now Taylor's trying to work it out with Brot. But she isn't on much, and there isn't much of a story. Beth is a phenomenal actress, and she deserves more. We're lucky to see Nancy one or twice a week. Where is Alexis? She weaves in and out of stories here and there. Nancy is too good for that. She's one of the best on GH, and she shines in what little scenes she has. She needs much more than just playing mother, aunt, and District Attorney.

Most In Need of a Makeover: Bree Williamson (Jess/Tess/Bess, OLTL) - I had a touch time with this category too. I choose Bree because frankly, I'm tired of her boring, straight, blonde hair. She needs a change. I know that Jessica hasn't been herself and is now at St. Ann's, but at some point she's got to spruce up her hair style or color or something.

Most In Need of a Story: Three-way TIE - Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis, GH), The Quartermaine family of GH, and Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL) - I'll make this short but sweet... Nancy, as I said earlier, is fabulous, and she continues to have no story. She deserves a big one and win an Emmy for it. The Quartermaines have almost completely disappeared; there are hardly any members left! They are such a core family that needs a revival. Catherine is another phenomenal actress that always comes and goes. And when she's on, you don't have a choice but to watch her. She's someone to admire, and it doesn't make sense that she never has a story anymore.

Best Stunt Casting: Cady McClain (ex-Dixie, AMC) - Here's a little explanation of this category: it includes all of those short-term stints by popular actors/characters and all the small stints of famous celebrities (such as Betty White as Stephanie's mother on B&B). I choose Cady for her two month run as ghost Dixie. I, as well as many fans, want her back full-time and for Dixie to be alive. But what we got in May & June was very entertaining, poignant, and bittersweet. Her scenes were delightful as she haunted Adam, looked in on her family, and reunited in "heaven" with Tad. To top it off, she led Tad to their daughter, Kate (aka Kathy). Perhaps Dixie will return ALIVE someday.

Dreams Really Do Come True: Andrea Evans returns to OLTL - This is something I've been hoping for ever since I learned about Tina from the 30th anniversary book & the OLTL weddings video. She sounded like someone I would like, and I saw Andrea on B&B and Passions a couple times. I knew of her stalker situation from her previous run on OLTL. And yet I never gave up on dreaming of her returning. Summer of 2008 it happened. It got botched up and was too short, but it was worth it to finally see Andrea as Tina.

Be Careful What You Wish For: I came up with two "wishes", but I'll make one of them an honorable mention. Rebecca Budig returning to AMC - I didn't like the fact that TPTB recasted Greenlee. Even though it wasn't the same, Sabine Singh still did a pretty good job. When I heard about Rebecca returning, I was thrilled...only to be disappointed in her storyline. A sparkless relationship with Aiden and now a fast-paced reunion with Ryan. Not great story, in my opinion.
My honorable mention is Beth Ehlers joining All My Children. I wanted that so bad once Ricky Paull Goldin left GL. I thought it was best for Beth to leave as well, all the better if she went to AMC with Ricky. I was so psyched about her playing Taylor, and I've enjoyed her story. BUT before she arrived, I was so hooked on Jake & wanted him with everybody. Seeing Jake and Taylor while she was in the hospital, I began wanting Jake only with Taylor. So, maybe it would be better for me as a Ricky fan if Beth never joined the show. Who knows?

Best Couple: Rex & Gigi (OLTL) - LOVE them! Had no trouble thinking of this one. They have so much spark! From their first scene together, they have had chemistry. And I was rooting for them every step of the way. I enjoyed the whole roller coaster that led them to finally being together. I loved the Gigi/Rex/Adrianna triangle. Throwing Brody into it turned out to be great. I LOVED the 1968 time travel story and Rex getting shot. There was a ton of rooting value, but I will say that they've fizzled out. But even though they're now boring, I still love them.
Honorable Mention: Jared & Natalie (OLTL) - Love them too! They've fizzled as well, and the story with Tess got tiring. Before that, though, they were wonderful. Everything going on with Buchanan Enterprises and Jared faking his paternity - there was so much heat between them! I love that Jared told Natalie the truth and she was in on it for a while. I believe they had rooting value too.

Worst Couple: Greenlee & Aiden (AMC) - Neither Sabine's nor Rebecca's Greenlee had chemistry with Aiden. I find them boring, uninteresting, and lacking a spark. There's nothing there. Their love scenes were nauseating. No offense to the actors, but they just aren't good together. And they got married too quickly. I'm glad they're over. They weren't meant to be.
Honorable Mention: Jack & Carmen (AMC) - They could have been a good couple if AMC showed their relationship develop. Instead, they made no sense at all. All of a sudden they were dating and a couple, and Carmen's friendship with Erica was tainted. What?! I couldn't follow this.

Best Triangle: Cole/Starr/Todd (OLTL) - I had trouble thinking of real triangles, so I came up with this unique one. Todd never like Starr dating Cole, and Starr wanted nothing but to be with Cole. Todd planned to move his family to Hawaii, which led to the teens having sex for the first time. Todd ruined their bliss, and he practically shut Starr from the world. Starr found out she was pregnant and went on the run with Cole. But of course Todd found them. Starr was being pulled in opposite directions with loving Cole & being forced to obey her father. It was great story.

Worst Triangle: Natalia/Gus/Olivia (GL) - This is a personal distaste. Besides being a boring triangle, it's one that didn't make sense. How did Gus become interested in Olivia? And if he had feelings for her, why did he rush into a marriage with Natalia? And to top it all off, how could he be over Harley that fast? I couldn't buy that he was in love with Natalia. I couldn't buy that he had more-than-friendship feelings for Olivia. Harley was the love of Gus's life, and all of a sudden he had two more loves.

Best Quadrangle: Adrianna/Rex/Gigi/Brody (OLTL) - Like I was saying under Best Couple, Rex and Gigi had rooting value, and yet it was genius to have Adrianna and Brody as their obstacles. I really enjoyed the Gigi/Rex/Adrianna situation. You could see that Rex fell out of love with Adrianna, but she was not going to let him go. It was Adrianna vs. Gigi for Rex, or at least it felt that way sometimes. Adding Brody to the mix made it even more frustrating, but it paid off in a big way - Brody shooting Rex and Adrianna finally letting Rex go.

Worst Quadrangle: Annie/Ryan/Greenlee/Aiden/Kendall/Zach (AMC) - It's more than a quad, but it was horrible. This six-angled thing was a total mess throughout most of the year. They hogged the screen too much and just had sucky story with Ryan's amnesia. Ryan was in love with all three women at some point. Greenlee went from Aiden to Ryan real quick and almost had something going with Zach. They were all in each other's business, and I didn't like any of it.

Most Tortured Couple: Jason & Elizabeth (GH) - They had moments this past year. Nothing more. They have NEVER been a real couple. They've never had a true chance at happiness and being together. 2008 - it looked like that could change. But no. They kept their love a secret and failed at making time for each other. What sealed the deal was Jake, their son, being kidnapped by mobsters. And now Elizabeth can't handle Jason's dangerous life...again. I feel bad for their fans.

Worst Storyline: Gus & Harley's separate stories (GL) - This is another personal thing. I already explained my reasons for not liking Gus's triangle with Olivia & Natalia. I kind of liked Harley's triangle with Cyrus & Marina. But what I HATED is that Gus and Harley were ripped at the seams and placed in SEPARATE storylines. It never made ANY sense how quickly they were over each other and how completely separated they became. To this day I can't stand it.

Best Storyline: I've got three for this category. They were all wonderful in their own right...
1) The 1968 time travel story (OLTL) was a ton of fun. I loved it so much, and it lasted a good length. It was funny to see Bo & Rex confused and to see the other characters as characters from the past.
2) Angie & Jesse's return (AMC) was so unexpected. I thought Jesse was dead for good. But low and behold, first Angie was back and then Jesse. Their reunion was magical, and it was like time stood still at that train station.
3) Robert's colon cancer (GH: Night Shift) was a beautiful social issue. It reunited Robert with Robin and Anna as they stood by his side. There were a bunch of tearjerkingly sweet moments. It was written so good and was the best story of both Nigh Shift seasons.

Worst Scene: Anytime Gus kissed Natalia (GL) - Another personal issue since I'm a huge Gus and Harley fan. I couldn't stand Gus with Natalia. It was disgusting to me, and I wasn't use to seeing Gus with anyone but Harley. I never got use to Gus with Natalia. So, every time they kissed, my eyes burned, I got sick to my stomach, and my heart broke a little more.

Best Scene: GL's Gus & Harley's goodbyes (real & fantasy) - Their finale when Gus died was well-written, I believe. It wasn't enough to make up for their destroyed relationship, but it was the best GusH we had gotten in months. So, their last scenes stand out as being the best to me. They had a tearful, heartbreaking goodbye before Gus had surgery & ended up brain-dead. The next day Gus was either a ghost or Harley imagined him, and they had a few short scenes before he went away for good. They said "I love you" for the last time, and it was so lovely.
Honorable Mention: Dorian & Mel's scenes from OLTL's 40th anniversary show - VERY funny! I forgot how wonderful Mel is, and he's so entertaining with Dorian. I think that's my favorite Dorian pairing. They have such a comical yet loving dynamic. Mel came to her as a ghost to get her to save Viki's life, and their scenes were perfection.

Guy Whose Chestnuts we want Roasting over an Open Fire: Chuck Pratt Jr. (AMC's head writer) - He has taken All My Children to a new low level. I thought Megan McTavish was bad, but Chuck's work is not only bad but also very confusing. There is discontinuity and gaping holes and the stories. Since when do Adam & Erica have romantic feelings for one another? How can Jesse have a 19 year-old daughter, meaning he moved on very quickly after leaving Angie? Where's the development in Jake & Taylor's feelings for each other? Why would Zach and Bianca go behind Kendall's back to create a baby? Some of the stories don't make sense, and the others have missing scenes. There's too many holes!

Biggest Ho Ho Ho: Harley Cooper (GL) - I had a tough time with this. For all these categories I wracked my brain with the ABC soaps. But I had to choose Harley simply for stealing Cyrus away from her own niece, Marina. I love Harley dearly, but it wasn't right for her to do that. At first I didn't view it as stealing, but clearly, that is what happened. She got Cyrus for herself, and they totally screwed around behind Marina's back. When their relationship became public, they continued screwing around. Harley must have been in her sexual prime with Cyrus.

Glittery Hoo-Hoo of the Year: Amanda Dillon (AMC) - This category is for the ladies who have a lot of men going after them. And Amanda stands out in my mind as having guys around her, wanting her. She had sex with Jake, David, and JR all within a few months. She can't stay away from sex too long, can she? I know that's only three guys, but I couldn't come up with anyone else.

Magical Penis (MP) of the Year: This category is for the men who have...been around and around some more. It was named after GH's Sonny Corinthos, who has had so many women & children over the years. And he is who I choose. I couldn't think of anyone better. This past year he slept with Kate, Carly, and Claudia. And we know that he father's Olivia's son (yet another child for him). So, he deserves this title.

Most In Need of a Love Interest: This one was tough too, but I believe Annie Lavery needs a NEW love interest when she's sane again. She has been attached to Ryan ever since she arrived on the show, and it has escalated to obsession. I can't take it anymore! She needs to get over Ryan and move on! I here Jake is available.

Most In Need of a Roll in the Hay: I have a tie for this one. Up until a few days ago, Luke & Noah (ATWT) needed to roll around with each other. I haven't regularly watched the show in about two years, but from what I've heard and read Luke & Noah were totally being deprived of kissing & sex. What gives? They're a wonderful, hot couple. Glad that "it" finally happened! My second choice is AMC's Jake Martin. I KNOW he was getting some from Amanda just a couple months ago. But Jake is such a hottie that he should be steaming up the screens in love scenes every week. LOL! So, give him a good love interest that he has chemistry with (like Greenlee).

Dumbest Character: Gus Aitoro (GL) - He is my choice simply for forgetting who his true love is (Harley). It's kind of like he got amnesia or something. How did he get over her so fast and move on with Natalia? His love for his "Coop" was much deeper than his love for Nat. I've seen his love in action, and it really was the deepest love I had ever seen. So, he's dumb for "losing" that part of him and never fighting to get Harley back.

Smartest Character: David Hayward (AMC) - He is charming, swarmy, and highly intelligent. He knows what he's doing, and he's a doctor. He has elaborate schemes, and so far they are working. He has gotten what he wants. He's using Amanda to get JR drunk, showing that JR's a bad father. He wormed his way into Krystal's orbit and now has her in his clutches, so to speak. And he wrecked Tad's life in the process. Who knows what he'll do next, but he is a very crafty fellow.

Scenery Chewer of the Year: Sarah Brown as Claudia Zaachara (GH) - In this category you pick the character you dislike who is on-screen constantly. For me that is Sarah's Claudia. She's on way too much, and she isn't all that enjoyable. Claudia was suppose to be the female equivalent to Sonny, but she isn't. She's annoying and has daddy issues. She's not as strong as I hoped she'd be. But lately I've been liking her. So, maybe things will changethis year.

Excellence in Hair Modeling: Either Natalia or Colby (AMC) - These two characters are pointless, and their portrayers need acting lessons. Sorry to them, but they were hired for their looks. That's how All My Children has been casting young people lately. Looks matter. Both of these characters are boring to watch, and the only thing they have going for them is their hair.

The Megan McTavish Award for Dismantling a Series: I'm choosing Brian Frons just for tearing apart SoapNet. I know that's a network, but it counts. There aren't even soaps on there anymore, and he isn't planning a third season of GH Night Shift. He also doesn't want the Daytime Emmys to be broadcasted on SoapNet or ABC. And he also isn't treating the ABC soaps very well. He just makes bad decisions on who should be shown and who should be paired with who. He isn't being a very good soap president right now, unfortunately, to put it mildly.

Worst Drama: All My Children - It's sinking real fast. I described its main problems when discussing its head writer. AMC has so much gaps and discontinuity. A bunch of things just don't make sense (ie: Adam & Erica, Aiden helping Annie, Jesse's past). Some things were left behind - Jake's pain from what happened in Africa, Carmen, Kathy hating Krystal, Colby & Frankie's friendship, etc. And there are some characters that just aren't clicking with the audience. Basically, AMC is a total mess right now, and it better improve before it's too late.

Best Drama: One Life To Live - It did have an icy patch during the summer with the Marty/Todd "rapemance", but for most of the year it was the perfect soap. Everything clicks together, and its rich history hasn't been forgotten. The stories make sense. The way the characters interact make sense. It has compelling and character-driven plots. It combines humor with drama, and fans love almost every single character, I think. Praise goes to Frank Valentini (executive producer) and Ron Carlivati (head writer) this wonderful show, which includes Starr's pregnancy, the 40th anniversary episodes, David Vickers' returns, the Buchanan Enterprises takeover, Rex finding out he's a dad, Tea's return, and the emotional fallout from the "rapemance".
Honorable Mention: General Hospital Night Shift - It was so well-written. Everything weaved together, and the characters meshed well together. It had, romance, humor, drama, the hospital, explosions, social issues, and everything else. It had gripping stories as it revolved around the hospital. The highlight for me was Robert's colon cancer, which reflected on the history of its main show, General Hospital. It brought past, present, and medicine together nicely.

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