This is the start of my own Top Fives for the ones used on the Daytime Confidential podcast. Enjoy!
Top 5 Current Younger Actresses
5. Lindze Letherman (GH's Georgie) - I use to dislike her because GH casted her to SORAS Georgie, but she quickly grew on me. She's a lovely actress and has made Georgie a fan-favorite to root for. She's great with her on-screen family - Kirsten Storms, John J. York, and Kimberly McCullough. She'd be just as great with on-screen mom Kristina Wagner if she would return. I enjoyed Georgie battling Tracy when she was dating and married to Dillion; Lindze held her own against the amazing Jane Elliot. She was best with Scott Cliffton; Georgie and Dillion were one of GH's most adorable and endearing young couples. And now that Dillion has left, she's got a sweet friendship with Spinelli. Lindze shines with every on-screen relationship. Barring rumors of her departure, it'd be great to see her in a real story and have a romance with Bradford Anderson's Spinelli.
4. Mandy Bruno (GL's Marina) - While some people find her annoying, I think she's simply adorable. Granted, it was tough liking her since I'm a fan of a previous Marina (Aubrey Dollar), but she's proven herself worthy of being a Cooper. Mandy really clicks with her on-screen family; she's a Cooper all the way. She's a true light with her bubbly spirit. I do believe Marina has lost some of her tough spunkiness, but Mandy has kept the role a rootable heroine. She had chemistry with Paul Anthony Stewart (Danny) and now has quite a fiery spark with Murray Bartlett (Cyrus). I wonder if they'll be deemed a supercouple.
3. Julie Marie Berman (GH's Lulu) - What can one say about the actress who portrays the daughter of America's most famous supercouple, Luke and Laura? She's unbelievable! She's the most talented younger actress GH has! I'll admit I had my doubts when I learned Lulu would be SORASed; the only thing to be happy about was that she's blonde like her parents (as opposed to that dark hair of her childhood - ick). But I came to love Lulu fast because Julie stuned me with her talent. Her looks too; she resembles Anthony Geary and Genie Francis. Julie has given Emmy-worthy performances; she brings so much to the table in every scene. She works so well with her co-stars. She's one of those oustanding performers who can travel far and ace many roles. Godspeed to her.
2. Jennifer Landon (ATWT's Gwen) - She has really proven herself a wonderful actress. I remember when Gwen was a new character, not having much of a purpose. I thought she'd end up as one of those really annoying characters that viewers hate, but obviously that wasn't so. She stakes claim in the show quickly with her pregnancy and friendship with Will, and the pieces fit perfectly by making her Carly's sister. From then on Gwen has been a valuable character as Jennifer has shown her talent. I cried for Gwen when she learned "Billy" wasn't her son and her real Billy had died. I've rooted for her since then, and I've embraced her relationship with Will. Jennifer proved her excellence when taking on dual roles even though Cleo was a terrible character. She stands her own ground in scenes with powerhouse actresses Maura West and Colleen Zenk Pinter (Barbara). She has earned two Emmys, but she was already a golden gem without them.
1. Kristen Alderson (OLTL's Starr) - She's portrayed Starr for nearly ten years, starting out as a kid and now growing up before our very eyes. She was a bit of a brat in her younger years, but that's how Starr was suppose to be. Now Starr is trying to survive high school. And through it all, Kristen has been quite the superb bright talent. She's not only the best but also my favorite young star of daytime and OLTL. Starr's definitely a Cramer woman-in-training and just like her father; no one can keep her down. Kristen shows that wonderfully, and she has sweet romantic & friendship chemistry with Brandon Buddy (Cole) and Brittany Underwood (Langston), respectively. I'm glad OLTL has kept Kristen on our screens so that we can watch her blossom into a sensational woman. She'll only get better as she continues on her acting journey.
Honorable Mentions: Brittany Underwood (Langston, OLTL), Alexandra Chando (even though she recently exited ATWT as Maddie), Kirsten Storms (Maxie, GH), Leven Rambin (Lily & Ava, AMC; would've had her on the list if I remembered her), Ambyr Childers (Colby, AMC), and Bonnie Dennison (Daisy, GL).
Lover of all things All My Children, One Life To Live, and General Hospital. And even a little Days Of Our Lives and The Young & The Restless. RIP, Guiding Light and As The World Turns. Read my thoughts here, and share your own. :)

All you soap lovers out should be listening to the Daytime Confidential podcast. It's the best one around for soap operas because it covers all nine soaps. Hosted by Luke and Lisa (with some guests), it is entertaining, comical, and informative. They report on all the latest news and gossip. They recap a week's worth of episodes with amusing opinions. They have Top Fives for everything you can imagine - Idiots, Younger Actors, Families, Wannabe Villains, and so much more. It's a podcast for every soap fan out there even if you only one soap. Luke and Lisa keep fans' attention no matter what show they're discussing. It's a true gem for the daytime world.
Important Links:
TV Fan Online ~ where not only DC exists but also the Movie Junkie and Primetime Pulse podcasts. Join the numerous soap discussions in the forums, and maybe you'll hear your post on the DC podcast!
Daytime ~ wonderful new site for DC!
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Podcast Alley ~ register in order to vote for DC every month.
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So, tune in to Daytime Confidential. Trust me, you will fall in love with it!
GH ~ The Next Love of Sonny's Life
Lily, Brenda, Carly - the loves of Sonny Corinthos' life. I thought there was only one love/person for everyone. Sonny must be special because now he has a love we never knew about - Kate Howard aka Connie Falconeri.
Isn't she just a breath of fresh air? There are numerous new characters brought on to each soap opera, and many do not go over well with fans. For whatever reason they just don't work. But Kate Howard is one of the few that works quite well. From day one she's been riveting. She's one of the best new characters I've ever seen on GH. And I'm baffled by how much I like her.
I am not a Sonny lover by any means, but I'm also not a complete Sonny hater. He's on way too much, and I'm not a fan of mobster crap. But I love him with Carly and as a father. And I'm enjoying him with Kate. The fact that she's only connected to Sonny would state my non-interest in her right off the bat. However, a different side of Sonny is released when they're together. He is extremely likeable with her; no one can deny that. Sonny does not need yet another love interest, but she is good with and for him.
Comedy has entered the mob boss' life, and it's been such a joy. Sonny and Kate = bickering to the max! They are perfect for General Hospital, which is usually dark, depressing, and violent. They just keep bumping into each other and messing with each other's lives. How many times has Sonny ruined Kate's moving? Broken statues, wreckage from Michael & Morgan, and other unexpected surprises. Fabulous! And she sabotaged another quickie between him and Amelia by flaming up the smoke detector. Wonderful!
New is good. New character. New love. But as viewers know, Kate is not so new to Sonny.
Connie Falconeri was Sonny's high school sweetheart girlfriend, and she left him to pursue her career dreams. Now together again they've got spark and spunk. Kate wants to leave her Connie days and manners behind, but Sonny won't let her. He knows the real her, and he's not buying the facade that is Kate Howard. They have a good dynamic and an intriguing relationship. Comedy is not their only strong point. They've got chemistry.
Sonny is still interested in her even if he doesn't know it. Kate is denying her interest in him, but it is painfully obvious she's jealous of all women in his life. Why else would she set off that smoke alarm? They so want each other. Sexual tension is in the room whenever they're together. It's only a matter of time...
Yes, I love Sonny and Carly, but Sonny and Kate are so great. I would love to see a Carly/Sonny/Kate triangle. Maybe that will happen someday. But until then, I'm fine with Carly being out of the romantic picture. Kate can be it for Sonny right now.
My final word for this entry is: I am loving Kate Howard! Kudos to the writers and her portrayer, Megan Ward!
Isn't she just a breath of fresh air? There are numerous new characters brought on to each soap opera, and many do not go over well with fans. For whatever reason they just don't work. But Kate Howard is one of the few that works quite well. From day one she's been riveting. She's one of the best new characters I've ever seen on GH. And I'm baffled by how much I like her.
I am not a Sonny lover by any means, but I'm also not a complete Sonny hater. He's on way too much, and I'm not a fan of mobster crap. But I love him with Carly and as a father. And I'm enjoying him with Kate. The fact that she's only connected to Sonny would state my non-interest in her right off the bat. However, a different side of Sonny is released when they're together. He is extremely likeable with her; no one can deny that. Sonny does not need yet another love interest, but she is good with and for him.
Comedy has entered the mob boss' life, and it's been such a joy. Sonny and Kate = bickering to the max! They are perfect for General Hospital, which is usually dark, depressing, and violent. They just keep bumping into each other and messing with each other's lives. How many times has Sonny ruined Kate's moving? Broken statues, wreckage from Michael & Morgan, and other unexpected surprises. Fabulous! And she sabotaged another quickie between him and Amelia by flaming up the smoke detector. Wonderful!
New is good. New character. New love. But as viewers know, Kate is not so new to Sonny.
Connie Falconeri was Sonny's high school sweetheart girlfriend, and she left him to pursue her career dreams. Now together again they've got spark and spunk. Kate wants to leave her Connie days and manners behind, but Sonny won't let her. He knows the real her, and he's not buying the facade that is Kate Howard. They have a good dynamic and an intriguing relationship. Comedy is not their only strong point. They've got chemistry.
Sonny is still interested in her even if he doesn't know it. Kate is denying her interest in him, but it is painfully obvious she's jealous of all women in his life. Why else would she set off that smoke alarm? They so want each other. Sexual tension is in the room whenever they're together. It's only a matter of time...
Yes, I love Sonny and Carly, but Sonny and Kate are so great. I would love to see a Carly/Sonny/Kate triangle. Maybe that will happen someday. But until then, I'm fine with Carly being out of the romantic picture. Kate can be it for Sonny right now.
My final word for this entry is: I am loving Kate Howard! Kudos to the writers and her portrayer, Megan Ward!
ATWT ~ A Grand Return
Here's some news:
Cady McClain is coming back to As The World Turns as the popular spitfire Rosanna Cabot. Her taping begins in late June. Her first airdate has yet to be announced, but she should be back sometime in July.
My reaction: Whoohoo!! I am so excited! I don't know if her return is truly needed for the show right now, but as a Cady McClain fan I'm happy. She was fired from All My Children. Her character, Dixie, is dead for real, and I've given up on her ever returning. Thus, I'm all for her portraying Rosanna again. She's a wonderful actress, and she'll get much better material on ATWT than the crappy story AMC gave her. Cady's better off at ATWT. Congrats to her.
Because of the return, I'll be watching ATWT again. I watched all summer last year, and I stopped mainly because of school. This time...since I heard Carly's absense burned a hole in the show, I began tuning in a couple of days after she came back. No matter when I first tuned in, it is very important to be tuned in now in order to know everything that's going on for when Rosanna does resurface. And what will occur when that happens?
Rosanna has been in a coma for the past two years thanks to Craig. She is without her "son", Cabot, and she was in love with Paul. He was in love with her; it was quite sad for him to say goodbye and let her be shipped to Swtizerland. Things have drastically changed since then. Both Paul and Craig are after Meg. Rosanna's sister, Carly, has become a criminal; her niece and nephews have grown. There are new people for her to deal with (Vienna, Gwen, etc). She also has Brad Snyder to deal with. So many changes... Who knows what frame of mind Rosanna will be in when she awakens? Oakdale will be a whole new world for her.
And how will Rosanna return to town? Who will be there when she wakes up? What will her storyline be?
So many questions, so many predictions to make. She could still be in love with Paul and thus be sucked into a quadrangle with him, Meg, and Craig. She could be drawn to Brad and be in a huge "drangle" with him, Carly, Jack, and Katie. Or she could be completely idependent of men and fight to be at the top of the business world again.
One thing I know for sure is that Rosanna will be welcomed back by viewers. She is loved, and she has been missed. Hopefully she'll wake up as her old bitchy self, which is how we prefer her.
Cady McClain is coming back to As The World Turns as the popular spitfire Rosanna Cabot. Her taping begins in late June. Her first airdate has yet to be announced, but she should be back sometime in July.
My reaction: Whoohoo!! I am so excited! I don't know if her return is truly needed for the show right now, but as a Cady McClain fan I'm happy. She was fired from All My Children. Her character, Dixie, is dead for real, and I've given up on her ever returning. Thus, I'm all for her portraying Rosanna again. She's a wonderful actress, and she'll get much better material on ATWT than the crappy story AMC gave her. Cady's better off at ATWT. Congrats to her.
Because of the return, I'll be watching ATWT again. I watched all summer last year, and I stopped mainly because of school. This time...since I heard Carly's absense burned a hole in the show, I began tuning in a couple of days after she came back. No matter when I first tuned in, it is very important to be tuned in now in order to know everything that's going on for when Rosanna does resurface. And what will occur when that happens?
Rosanna has been in a coma for the past two years thanks to Craig. She is without her "son", Cabot, and she was in love with Paul. He was in love with her; it was quite sad for him to say goodbye and let her be shipped to Swtizerland. Things have drastically changed since then. Both Paul and Craig are after Meg. Rosanna's sister, Carly, has become a criminal; her niece and nephews have grown. There are new people for her to deal with (Vienna, Gwen, etc). She also has Brad Snyder to deal with. So many changes... Who knows what frame of mind Rosanna will be in when she awakens? Oakdale will be a whole new world for her.
And how will Rosanna return to town? Who will be there when she wakes up? What will her storyline be?
So many questions, so many predictions to make. She could still be in love with Paul and thus be sucked into a quadrangle with him, Meg, and Craig. She could be drawn to Brad and be in a huge "drangle" with him, Carly, Jack, and Katie. Or she could be completely idependent of men and fight to be at the top of the business world again.
One thing I know for sure is that Rosanna will be welcomed back by viewers. She is loved, and she has been missed. Hopefully she'll wake up as her old bitchy self, which is how we prefer her.
2007 Emmy Winners
June 15 this year was a night of disappointments, surprises, victory, and praise.
The 34th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards occurred at 9 pm right after the final show of The Price Is Right with Bob Barker as its host. Overall it was a wonderful ceremony that seemed to run very quickly. I guess time flies when there is win after win after win. And some of those wins were unexpected. Allow me to go through, one by one, the winners of the major daytime categories.
Younger Actor: Bryton McClure from Y&R. SAY WHAT?! I was completely stunned! How could the Emmy not go straight to Tom Pelphrey (GL)?! I thought it was his before I even saw everyone's submitted scenes. Having said that, Bryton's scenes left me amazed. He's good; he had a shot. But who knew that shot was great enough for him to earn his first Emmy? Too bad Pelphrey didn't win, but it's cool that Bryton did.
Younger Actress: Jennifer Landon from ATWT. No shock there. She won last year, and she's the best out of this year's nominees. She's superb, and it wouldn't surprise me if she wins next year. I'm not disappointed because, like I've said before, I was rooting for all five nominees. Too bad Leven Rambin (AMC) didn't win. She's been nominated a few times now; hopefully a win will happen soon.
Supporting Actor: Rick Hearst from GH. Hurray!!! I know I picked Trent Dawson (ATWT) in an earlier post, but I had changed my mind. Rick is phenomenal; he deserved a win. It was his first for his GH role, Ric Lansing. I think it was between him and Dan Gauthier (OLTL) because I viewed the scenes from this category. Both actors had a pretty good shot, but the win wasn't a tie. The best part of Rick's speech was him thanking his co-star Nancy Lee Grahn, who is the GH star that I love most.
Supporting Actress: Genie Francis - the famous Laura Spencer from GH. She was only back for a month, but it was long enough to gain an Emmy nomination. It's a shock that this is her first win, and I am extremely happy she won. She deserved it. I know I picked Gina Tognoni (GL), but on the inside it was always Genie. Despite having some physical pains that night, I jumped up and down without saying a word when she was proclaimed the winner.
Lead Actor: Christian LeBlanc from Y&R. SAY WHAT?! This category holds my true sadness and disappointment. My favorite actor, Ricky Paull Goldin from GL, was nominated and so should have won. He deserved an Emmy for his powerful portrayal of Gus during the detox of his addiction storyline. I thought he had a strong chance of winning, but I also thought Anthony Geary (GH) was going to win like he usually does. So, believing it was between Ricky and Anthony, I was completely stunned that Christian won. My mouth dropped, and I was speechless. But Christian and Ricky are close friends, so I'm sure Ricky's very happy for him.
Lead Actress: Maura West from ATWT. I was rooting for Crystal Chappell, but Maura is such a delight. She's a sweetheart even when her character is not. She's inspiring. She has portrayed Carly Tenney for many years, and this is her first win. She deserves it. I was so happy that I cried. And her win was a surprise. I thought Kim Zimmer (GL) would win because the majority of her storyline the past year was Reva's breast cancer. Wonderful material for an amazing actress.
Directing: As The World Turns. I'm pleased with that, but I so wanted Guiding Light to win. I thought General Hospital would win because it has won in previous years. Too bad One Life To Live didn't win; that's a good show as well.
Writing: Guiding Light! I'm extremely happy but also surprised. I don't know if GL has won in this category before, and I think The Young and the Restless had the best chance of winning. But low and behold, my show won. How awesome! There have been plenty of new aspects lately that not all viewers have liked or appreciated (the special Wednesday episodes and Josh dating Cassie), but the experimenting has prevailed. Yay Guiding Light!
Drama Series: For the first time EVER, a tie - Guiding Light and The Young and the Restless. I was so psyched when Rachel Ray said, "It's a tie." And GL was announced first. It was a wonderful moment for GL fans everywhere. I cried and was ecstatic the rest of the night. Nothing could have made me happier; it totally makes up for Ricky Paull Goldin's loss. GL is celebrating 70 years this year, and this is quite a way to celebrate. I knew I'd see it win one of these years because it has definitely improved since 2003. Hurray for Guiding Light! While I'm shocked that there was a tie, I'm not surprised that Young and Restless was the second winner. Out of the four nominees that was the one expected to win.
And there you have it.
Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!
The 34th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards occurred at 9 pm right after the final show of The Price Is Right with Bob Barker as its host. Overall it was a wonderful ceremony that seemed to run very quickly. I guess time flies when there is win after win after win. And some of those wins were unexpected. Allow me to go through, one by one, the winners of the major daytime categories.
Younger Actor: Bryton McClure from Y&R. SAY WHAT?! I was completely stunned! How could the Emmy not go straight to Tom Pelphrey (GL)?! I thought it was his before I even saw everyone's submitted scenes. Having said that, Bryton's scenes left me amazed. He's good; he had a shot. But who knew that shot was great enough for him to earn his first Emmy? Too bad Pelphrey didn't win, but it's cool that Bryton did.
Younger Actress: Jennifer Landon from ATWT. No shock there. She won last year, and she's the best out of this year's nominees. She's superb, and it wouldn't surprise me if she wins next year. I'm not disappointed because, like I've said before, I was rooting for all five nominees. Too bad Leven Rambin (AMC) didn't win. She's been nominated a few times now; hopefully a win will happen soon.
Supporting Actor: Rick Hearst from GH. Hurray!!! I know I picked Trent Dawson (ATWT) in an earlier post, but I had changed my mind. Rick is phenomenal; he deserved a win. It was his first for his GH role, Ric Lansing. I think it was between him and Dan Gauthier (OLTL) because I viewed the scenes from this category. Both actors had a pretty good shot, but the win wasn't a tie. The best part of Rick's speech was him thanking his co-star Nancy Lee Grahn, who is the GH star that I love most.
Supporting Actress: Genie Francis - the famous Laura Spencer from GH. She was only back for a month, but it was long enough to gain an Emmy nomination. It's a shock that this is her first win, and I am extremely happy she won. She deserved it. I know I picked Gina Tognoni (GL), but on the inside it was always Genie. Despite having some physical pains that night, I jumped up and down without saying a word when she was proclaimed the winner.
Lead Actor: Christian LeBlanc from Y&R. SAY WHAT?! This category holds my true sadness and disappointment. My favorite actor, Ricky Paull Goldin from GL, was nominated and so should have won. He deserved an Emmy for his powerful portrayal of Gus during the detox of his addiction storyline. I thought he had a strong chance of winning, but I also thought Anthony Geary (GH) was going to win like he usually does. So, believing it was between Ricky and Anthony, I was completely stunned that Christian won. My mouth dropped, and I was speechless. But Christian and Ricky are close friends, so I'm sure Ricky's very happy for him.
Lead Actress: Maura West from ATWT. I was rooting for Crystal Chappell, but Maura is such a delight. She's a sweetheart even when her character is not. She's inspiring. She has portrayed Carly Tenney for many years, and this is her first win. She deserves it. I was so happy that I cried. And her win was a surprise. I thought Kim Zimmer (GL) would win because the majority of her storyline the past year was Reva's breast cancer. Wonderful material for an amazing actress.
Directing: As The World Turns. I'm pleased with that, but I so wanted Guiding Light to win. I thought General Hospital would win because it has won in previous years. Too bad One Life To Live didn't win; that's a good show as well.
Writing: Guiding Light! I'm extremely happy but also surprised. I don't know if GL has won in this category before, and I think The Young and the Restless had the best chance of winning. But low and behold, my show won. How awesome! There have been plenty of new aspects lately that not all viewers have liked or appreciated (the special Wednesday episodes and Josh dating Cassie), but the experimenting has prevailed. Yay Guiding Light!
Drama Series: For the first time EVER, a tie - Guiding Light and The Young and the Restless. I was so psyched when Rachel Ray said, "It's a tie." And GL was announced first. It was a wonderful moment for GL fans everywhere. I cried and was ecstatic the rest of the night. Nothing could have made me happier; it totally makes up for Ricky Paull Goldin's loss. GL is celebrating 70 years this year, and this is quite a way to celebrate. I knew I'd see it win one of these years because it has definitely improved since 2003. Hurray for Guiding Light! While I'm shocked that there was a tie, I'm not surprised that Young and Restless was the second winner. Out of the four nominees that was the one expected to win.
And there you have it.
Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!
AMC ~ A Blessing
Today a child was born. And I was determined not to miss it.
I haven't been watching All My Children lately because of the Dixie fiasco, but I still care about my characters. And I have seen bits and pieces of the show when I'm home; I'm not completely against it. Yesterday I caught a quick glimpse of the ending - Krystal in labor.
Now, I love Krystal more than anyone else on the show, and it hurts to miss what's happening with her. But I also still hurt from what AMC did to Dixie and Cady. So, I'm not ready to give in and return to watching it every day.
But Dixie being gone is good for one reason (and one reason only)... Tad can be with Krystal again, especially since her baby is his. I've always enjoyed them together; they have magic. I was so pleased when I read that the baby's Tad's instead of Adam's. Not only is it great drama but it also sets a bond for Tad and Krystal. So, because of that and because I love Krystal, that baby is very significant to me. I think usually all soap babies are; the birth of a baby takes viewers away from drama and gives characters happiness. But the children of my favorite characters are especially important.
And seeing Krystal in labor yesterday... I could not miss the birth of her second daughter. Today being a Wednesday meant that I could only see half of the show, and man, was I lucky! Soaps typically drag out deliveries till the end of the show, but that wasn't the case here. Sure, it was an intense situation; Colby had to play doctor and the baby was stuck at one point. But it went smoothly, and it was over by mid-show.
Nothing is more precious than seeing a mother bond with her child for the first time. Watching Krystal with her new adorable baby was beautiful. But there are no rightful words to truly describe their moments together. It was just...pure sweetness and pure innocence. I could not miss it for anything in the world. It made my day a happy one.
JR and Babe showed up, and the family bonding continued. Despite any bad things going on, JR; Babe; Colby; and Krystal bonded together with the new baby. How sweet to see JR smiling and Babe meeting her new sister.
Next, mother and child made it to the hospital, which is where Tad was. I couldn't see, unfortunately, but I could hear through the radio...Tad seeing his daughter for the first time. I'm sure baby's first moments with Daddy were just as special as first moments with Mommy. I wish I could have seen them, but I'm lucky I saw her arrival.
The baby's name was going to be Charlotte, but that's when everyone thought she was Adam's. Surely she'll be given a new name.
And I don't think things have been too good between Krystal and Tad lately, but their daughter has the power to bond them like never before. Here's hoping for some sweet family scenes.
I haven't been watching All My Children lately because of the Dixie fiasco, but I still care about my characters. And I have seen bits and pieces of the show when I'm home; I'm not completely against it. Yesterday I caught a quick glimpse of the ending - Krystal in labor.
Now, I love Krystal more than anyone else on the show, and it hurts to miss what's happening with her. But I also still hurt from what AMC did to Dixie and Cady. So, I'm not ready to give in and return to watching it every day.
But Dixie being gone is good for one reason (and one reason only)... Tad can be with Krystal again, especially since her baby is his. I've always enjoyed them together; they have magic. I was so pleased when I read that the baby's Tad's instead of Adam's. Not only is it great drama but it also sets a bond for Tad and Krystal. So, because of that and because I love Krystal, that baby is very significant to me. I think usually all soap babies are; the birth of a baby takes viewers away from drama and gives characters happiness. But the children of my favorite characters are especially important.
And seeing Krystal in labor yesterday... I could not miss the birth of her second daughter. Today being a Wednesday meant that I could only see half of the show, and man, was I lucky! Soaps typically drag out deliveries till the end of the show, but that wasn't the case here. Sure, it was an intense situation; Colby had to play doctor and the baby was stuck at one point. But it went smoothly, and it was over by mid-show.
Nothing is more precious than seeing a mother bond with her child for the first time. Watching Krystal with her new adorable baby was beautiful. But there are no rightful words to truly describe their moments together. It was just...pure sweetness and pure innocence. I could not miss it for anything in the world. It made my day a happy one.
JR and Babe showed up, and the family bonding continued. Despite any bad things going on, JR; Babe; Colby; and Krystal bonded together with the new baby. How sweet to see JR smiling and Babe meeting her new sister.
Next, mother and child made it to the hospital, which is where Tad was. I couldn't see, unfortunately, but I could hear through the radio...Tad seeing his daughter for the first time. I'm sure baby's first moments with Daddy were just as special as first moments with Mommy. I wish I could have seen them, but I'm lucky I saw her arrival.
The baby's name was going to be Charlotte, but that's when everyone thought she was Adam's. Surely she'll be given a new name.
And I don't think things have been too good between Krystal and Tad lately, but their daughter has the power to bond them like never before. Here's hoping for some sweet family scenes.
Emmy Pick List
Even though I explained who I'm rooting for in my last entry, I thought I'd put them in a list for simplicity.
Younger Actor: GL's Tom Pelphrey
Younger Actress: ATWT's Alexandra Chando and GH's Julie Berman, but I love all five.
Supporting Actor: ATWT's Trent Dawson
Supporting Actress: GL's Gina Tognoni, but I'll be happy if GH's Genie Francis, GH's Rebecca Herbst, or OLTL's Renee Elise Goldsberry wins.
Lead Actor: GL's Ricky Paull Goldin - my love!
Lead Actress: GL's Crystal Chappell
Directing: GL
Writing: GL
Drama Series: GL, but it'd be a great change to see any of them win.
Younger Actor: GL's Tom Pelphrey
Younger Actress: ATWT's Alexandra Chando and GH's Julie Berman, but I love all five.
Supporting Actor: ATWT's Trent Dawson
Supporting Actress: GL's Gina Tognoni, but I'll be happy if GH's Genie Francis, GH's Rebecca Herbst, or OLTL's Renee Elise Goldsberry wins.
Lead Actor: GL's Ricky Paull Goldin - my love!
Lead Actress: GL's Crystal Chappell
Directing: GL
Writing: GL
Drama Series: GL, but it'd be a great change to see any of them win.
Emmys 07
It's that time of year again....EMMY SEASON!
Yes, the Daytime Emmys is in June this year, but the nominations were revealed mid-March. Let the discussion begin...
Before I go through each category, it's amazing the number of nominations each show got. All My Children only has FIVE! ONE of them is an acting nom. I guess the show sucked this past year. General Hospital One Life To Live each got ten, which isn't too bad. They each got a few acting noms. But GH is NOT up for best drama series while OLTL is. Wow!! As The World Turns and Guiding Light are the shows/soaps with the most nominations. ATWT: 16; GL: 17 (#1). Amazing! It's so great to see CBS's lowest-rated soaps come out on top with nominations. They have noms in almost every acting category. And GL is up for best drama series; it could be their year, which would be wonderful since they're celebrating 70 years on air.
Now for each major category, including my picks -
Younger Actor: Passions actually has a nomination! You don't see that very often, and the show has been cancelled. So, bravo to James Stevenson (Jared). Y&R's Bryton McClure (Devon) is nominated; good for him. As The World Turns has two guys - Van Hansis (Luke) and Jesse Soffer (Will). They are great; both of them had a good year. BUT GL's Tom Pelphrey (Jonathan) is on the list again after winning last year. He has the best chance, and I'm rooting for him.
Younger Actress: I LOVE everyone in this category! I'll be happy with whoever wins! AMC's only acting nom is Leven Rambin (Lily), who is superb portraying an autistic girl. ATWT's top teens are nominated - Jennifer Landon (Gwen) and Alexandra Chando (Maddie). Both are so talented and had a great year, but I LOVE Alexandra! Jennifer has a great chance, though, since she won last year. GH's Julie Berman (Lulu) is new but brilliant; she's got a nomination after her first year on the show. And last but not least, GL's Stephanie Gatschet (Tammy) has her first nomination, and she deserves it. How great would it be if she and Tom Pelphrey won?! But like I said, I'm for all five. They all have a chance in my book.
Supporting Actor: I'm not crazy about this category at all! But I am surprised that OLTL's Dan Gauthier (Kevin) is nominated. I just didn't expect it. Filing out the rest: ATWT's Trent Dawson (Henry), GH's Rick Hearst (Ric), and Y&R's Greg Rikaart (Kevin) & Kristoff St. John (Neil). Rick Hearst had a good year, but I'm rooting for Trent Dawson. His character is so lovable, and it'd be cool to see him win.
Supporting Actress: This category is tough as well. I've got four that I'd love to see win. Last year's winner is nominated again - GL's Gina Tognoni (Dinah). Love her! Two lovely ladies from GH are nominated - Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth) and Genie Francis (Laura). Now, I am surprised that Genie could get a nom since she was only back for a month. But I'm pleased it's happened, although it would be much better if she up for Lead Actress. She truly deserves a win. I'm rooting for those three women, but I also like OLTL's Renee Elise Goldsberry (Evangeline). The other two ladies nominated are OLTL's Heather Tom (Kelly), surprisingly, and B&B's Lesli Kay (Felicia).
Lead Actor: This is the category that has the most significance to me this year. Lots of talented and Emmy-deserving guys are up for the award. From Y&R nominations go to Peter Bergman (Jack) and Christian LeBlanc (Michael). They are brilliant. From ATWT Michael Park (Jack) is nominated; it'd be nice if he'd win one of these years. And as always Tony Geary (Luke) from GH is on the list. He will win; it's a given fact. I swear he always wins, but I really don't want him to this year. However, if he submitted his scenes with Genie Francis, then he deserves another win. He and Genie are superb together. After all those guys, comes MY guy: Mr. Ricky Paull Goldin (Gus) from GL. I love him so much; he's my favorite actor. He had a fantastic year, and I'm not just saying that as a fan. His character went through an addiction and detoxification - wonderful material for Ricky. He gave some of his best acting to that story. I'm rooting for him all the way; I'll be angry if he doesn't win.
Lead Actress: CBS has swamped the whole category with ladies from three of their shows. ATWT's Maura West (Carly) is nominated again; maybe she'll finally win. Y&R's Jeanne Cooper (Katherine) and Michelle Stafford (Phyllis) are included too. Congrats to Jeanne; there aren't too many matriarchs receiving nominations. GL's Kim Zimmer (Reva) is nominated again after winning last year. Every year she says she'll pull out of Emmy contention, but she hasn't yet. She has a good chance of winning becuase her character battled breast cancer last year. And last but not least, the woman I'm rooting for - GL's Crystal Chappell (Olivia). She has won an award for Supporting Actress, but this is her first shot at winning one for Lead Actress. I hope she wins because I like her very much.
Directing: ATWT, GH, GL, and OLTL fill out this category. None of these are really surprising, at least not to me. I'm rooting for GL of course; it's my main show. But I wouldn't complain if OLTL won.
Writing: We've got B&B, GH, GL, and Y&R. Bravo to all four, but of course I'm rooting for GL. Writing is more important than Directing, in my opinion, and it'd be great to see GL win this Emmy.
Drama Series: Shocking this year! GH is finally NOT nominated! I can't remember the last time this has happened! Without GH all four shows have a good chance of winning. B&B, GL, OLTL, and Y&R are the ones nominated. Since GH has dominated this category for years, I'd love to see any of them win. But it'd would be the best thing in the whole world if GL finally won. It's been nominated for the past few years, but THIS year is its 70th anniversary. To win Best Drama Series would be one hell of a way to celebrate. Good luck, GL!
And there you have it. I look forward to providing commentary next year. Until then... Congrats to everyone nominated this year! And good luck to those I'm rooting for!
Yes, the Daytime Emmys is in June this year, but the nominations were revealed mid-March. Let the discussion begin...
Before I go through each category, it's amazing the number of nominations each show got. All My Children only has FIVE! ONE of them is an acting nom. I guess the show sucked this past year. General Hospital One Life To Live each got ten, which isn't too bad. They each got a few acting noms. But GH is NOT up for best drama series while OLTL is. Wow!! As The World Turns and Guiding Light are the shows/soaps with the most nominations. ATWT: 16; GL: 17 (#1). Amazing! It's so great to see CBS's lowest-rated soaps come out on top with nominations. They have noms in almost every acting category. And GL is up for best drama series; it could be their year, which would be wonderful since they're celebrating 70 years on air.
Now for each major category, including my picks -
Younger Actor: Passions actually has a nomination! You don't see that very often, and the show has been cancelled. So, bravo to James Stevenson (Jared). Y&R's Bryton McClure (Devon) is nominated; good for him. As The World Turns has two guys - Van Hansis (Luke) and Jesse Soffer (Will). They are great; both of them had a good year. BUT GL's Tom Pelphrey (Jonathan) is on the list again after winning last year. He has the best chance, and I'm rooting for him.
Younger Actress: I LOVE everyone in this category! I'll be happy with whoever wins! AMC's only acting nom is Leven Rambin (Lily), who is superb portraying an autistic girl. ATWT's top teens are nominated - Jennifer Landon (Gwen) and Alexandra Chando (Maddie). Both are so talented and had a great year, but I LOVE Alexandra! Jennifer has a great chance, though, since she won last year. GH's Julie Berman (Lulu) is new but brilliant; she's got a nomination after her first year on the show. And last but not least, GL's Stephanie Gatschet (Tammy) has her first nomination, and she deserves it. How great would it be if she and Tom Pelphrey won?! But like I said, I'm for all five. They all have a chance in my book.
Supporting Actor: I'm not crazy about this category at all! But I am surprised that OLTL's Dan Gauthier (Kevin) is nominated. I just didn't expect it. Filing out the rest: ATWT's Trent Dawson (Henry), GH's Rick Hearst (Ric), and Y&R's Greg Rikaart (Kevin) & Kristoff St. John (Neil). Rick Hearst had a good year, but I'm rooting for Trent Dawson. His character is so lovable, and it'd be cool to see him win.
Supporting Actress: This category is tough as well. I've got four that I'd love to see win. Last year's winner is nominated again - GL's Gina Tognoni (Dinah). Love her! Two lovely ladies from GH are nominated - Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth) and Genie Francis (Laura). Now, I am surprised that Genie could get a nom since she was only back for a month. But I'm pleased it's happened, although it would be much better if she up for Lead Actress. She truly deserves a win. I'm rooting for those three women, but I also like OLTL's Renee Elise Goldsberry (Evangeline). The other two ladies nominated are OLTL's Heather Tom (Kelly), surprisingly, and B&B's Lesli Kay (Felicia).
Lead Actor: This is the category that has the most significance to me this year. Lots of talented and Emmy-deserving guys are up for the award. From Y&R nominations go to Peter Bergman (Jack) and Christian LeBlanc (Michael). They are brilliant. From ATWT Michael Park (Jack) is nominated; it'd be nice if he'd win one of these years. And as always Tony Geary (Luke) from GH is on the list. He will win; it's a given fact. I swear he always wins, but I really don't want him to this year. However, if he submitted his scenes with Genie Francis, then he deserves another win. He and Genie are superb together. After all those guys, comes MY guy: Mr. Ricky Paull Goldin (Gus) from GL. I love him so much; he's my favorite actor. He had a fantastic year, and I'm not just saying that as a fan. His character went through an addiction and detoxification - wonderful material for Ricky. He gave some of his best acting to that story. I'm rooting for him all the way; I'll be angry if he doesn't win.
Lead Actress: CBS has swamped the whole category with ladies from three of their shows. ATWT's Maura West (Carly) is nominated again; maybe she'll finally win. Y&R's Jeanne Cooper (Katherine) and Michelle Stafford (Phyllis) are included too. Congrats to Jeanne; there aren't too many matriarchs receiving nominations. GL's Kim Zimmer (Reva) is nominated again after winning last year. Every year she says she'll pull out of Emmy contention, but she hasn't yet. She has a good chance of winning becuase her character battled breast cancer last year. And last but not least, the woman I'm rooting for - GL's Crystal Chappell (Olivia). She has won an award for Supporting Actress, but this is her first shot at winning one for Lead Actress. I hope she wins because I like her very much.
Directing: ATWT, GH, GL, and OLTL fill out this category. None of these are really surprising, at least not to me. I'm rooting for GL of course; it's my main show. But I wouldn't complain if OLTL won.
Writing: We've got B&B, GH, GL, and Y&R. Bravo to all four, but of course I'm rooting for GL. Writing is more important than Directing, in my opinion, and it'd be great to see GL win this Emmy.
Drama Series: Shocking this year! GH is finally NOT nominated! I can't remember the last time this has happened! Without GH all four shows have a good chance of winning. B&B, GL, OLTL, and Y&R are the ones nominated. Since GH has dominated this category for years, I'd love to see any of them win. But it'd would be the best thing in the whole world if GL finally won. It's been nominated for the past few years, but THIS year is its 70th anniversary. To win Best Drama Series would be one hell of a way to celebrate. Good luck, GL!
And there you have it. I look forward to providing commentary next year. Until then... Congrats to everyone nominated this year! And good luck to those I'm rooting for!

OLTL ~ Young Love
One Life To Live is pretty great right now. After so long, I finally have a couple that I am so in love with. Usually it's difficult to like teen stories. But when they work, they're impossible not to enjoy. They especially work when they're focused on characters not aged and already beloved.
Starr Manning is growing up before our very eyes by Kristen Alderson, who stepped into the role around ten years ago. We watched Starr as a bratty child, and now she is a teenager. She has always been special, being a product of the infamous Todd and Blair. Now she is also dating an older guy, with whom she has so much chemistry.
I love Starr and Cole so much! They're so sweet together. And since the world is against them, it's hard not to root for them. It doesn't even matter that Cole should be WAY younger than Starr; they work!
It wasn't that long ago that I was a teenager, but I never dated. So, there was no trouble between guys and my parents. Thus, it's SO frustrating to be a Starr and Cole fan! Their parents want them apart. WHY? It's ridiculous! Starr and Cole are adorable and in love. All they are doing is dating; no one is getting hurt. Why can't they be together?
Okay...yes, months ago Cole used steroids and went on a rampage in front of Starr. He didn't hurt her! He didn't try to rape her! All he did was tear the room apart! And the things he was saying was the drugs talking. He got past all that. He stopped using the steroids; he was kicked off the football team. He and Starr have moved on from that terrible time. Why can't their parents move on?
And why can't their parents listen to them? Starr and Cole can't even get a word in about anything; they don't get the chance to explain their relationship. I know they've been lying to their parents about seeing each other, so their parents would have a hard time believing anything they say. But they'd tell the truth about their relationship if only their parents would just talk with them and hear their side of things. But that hasn't happened...
Their parents are acting like children. Marty's the most sane one; I think she wants them apart just to protect Cole from the wraths of Todd and Blair. Todd is the maniac. He believes just because of one incident that Cole can never change and not hurt Starr. And Blair... She just wants them apart because she hates Marty.
Starr and Cole love their parents, but in their eyes their parents are completely wrong. And they're right. Cole would never hurt Starr, and he would never force her to do anything she isn't ready for. And they are in love! When two people love each other, nothing can keep them apart. Their parents are blind.
But what can I do? And what can Starr & Cole do? They're teenagers. Not much can be done, which is why they reverted to sneaking around in order to be together. And recently they tried to run away. Sounded like a great idea, but they were caught by their parents, who won't let them explain anything. Parents believe what they want to believe, and they don't want to let their children go and grow up.
Hence, Starr and Cole's story is a long and frustrating one. But that's what makes it so great. They're in love, but they can't be together. When there's a likable couple in that situation, the frustration is worth it. It'll be a huge reward when they can be together. Great scenes there will be when (if) that happens.
Until then we need to hope for the best and bask in the past... I have two favorite Starr/Cole moments: their night babysitting little Tommy and their whole night alone at the ski cabin.
Nelly Furtado was playing at Capricorn, where all parents were. Michael and Marcie went too, so Starr had to babysit. It was perfect for her and Cole to be together. It was sweet and simple - pizza and a movie. Sure, they shared some kisses, and they talked about sex two important things for a young couple. But most importantly, they had that perfect evening without getting caught.
There was a Winter Festival at Llantano Mountain. Parents went, and Starr & Cole were convinced to go too. They didn't know their parents were there until they were already there. They avoided them, and the place became snowed in for the night. Starr and Cole managed to get a room just for them, and it was the most romantic time of their lives. They were together for the whole night, and they said, "I love you," to each other. And I got what I hoped for... They didn't have sex, which is good since they are so young. Instead, they slept in each other's arms and woke up together. It's so beautiful when a couple does that and sex isn't even in the picture.
But that time of course was ruined because that time they did get caught, and everything went so far down hill. Very sad indeed.
But let's end on a positive... Starr and Cole are wonderful together, and their parents are nuts.
The defense of a teenage love rests.
Starr Manning is growing up before our very eyes by Kristen Alderson, who stepped into the role around ten years ago. We watched Starr as a bratty child, and now she is a teenager. She has always been special, being a product of the infamous Todd and Blair. Now she is also dating an older guy, with whom she has so much chemistry.
I love Starr and Cole so much! They're so sweet together. And since the world is against them, it's hard not to root for them. It doesn't even matter that Cole should be WAY younger than Starr; they work!
It wasn't that long ago that I was a teenager, but I never dated. So, there was no trouble between guys and my parents. Thus, it's SO frustrating to be a Starr and Cole fan! Their parents want them apart. WHY? It's ridiculous! Starr and Cole are adorable and in love. All they are doing is dating; no one is getting hurt. Why can't they be together?
Okay...yes, months ago Cole used steroids and went on a rampage in front of Starr. He didn't hurt her! He didn't try to rape her! All he did was tear the room apart! And the things he was saying was the drugs talking. He got past all that. He stopped using the steroids; he was kicked off the football team. He and Starr have moved on from that terrible time. Why can't their parents move on?
And why can't their parents listen to them? Starr and Cole can't even get a word in about anything; they don't get the chance to explain their relationship. I know they've been lying to their parents about seeing each other, so their parents would have a hard time believing anything they say. But they'd tell the truth about their relationship if only their parents would just talk with them and hear their side of things. But that hasn't happened...
Their parents are acting like children. Marty's the most sane one; I think she wants them apart just to protect Cole from the wraths of Todd and Blair. Todd is the maniac. He believes just because of one incident that Cole can never change and not hurt Starr. And Blair... She just wants them apart because she hates Marty.
Starr and Cole love their parents, but in their eyes their parents are completely wrong. And they're right. Cole would never hurt Starr, and he would never force her to do anything she isn't ready for. And they are in love! When two people love each other, nothing can keep them apart. Their parents are blind.
But what can I do? And what can Starr & Cole do? They're teenagers. Not much can be done, which is why they reverted to sneaking around in order to be together. And recently they tried to run away. Sounded like a great idea, but they were caught by their parents, who won't let them explain anything. Parents believe what they want to believe, and they don't want to let their children go and grow up.
Hence, Starr and Cole's story is a long and frustrating one. But that's what makes it so great. They're in love, but they can't be together. When there's a likable couple in that situation, the frustration is worth it. It'll be a huge reward when they can be together. Great scenes there will be when (if) that happens.
Until then we need to hope for the best and bask in the past... I have two favorite Starr/Cole moments: their night babysitting little Tommy and their whole night alone at the ski cabin.
Nelly Furtado was playing at Capricorn, where all parents were. Michael and Marcie went too, so Starr had to babysit. It was perfect for her and Cole to be together. It was sweet and simple - pizza and a movie. Sure, they shared some kisses, and they talked about sex two important things for a young couple. But most importantly, they had that perfect evening without getting caught.
There was a Winter Festival at Llantano Mountain. Parents went, and Starr & Cole were convinced to go too. They didn't know their parents were there until they were already there. They avoided them, and the place became snowed in for the night. Starr and Cole managed to get a room just for them, and it was the most romantic time of their lives. They were together for the whole night, and they said, "I love you," to each other. And I got what I hoped for... They didn't have sex, which is good since they are so young. Instead, they slept in each other's arms and woke up together. It's so beautiful when a couple does that and sex isn't even in the picture.
But that time of course was ruined because that time they did get caught, and everything went so far down hill. Very sad indeed.
But let's end on a positive... Starr and Cole are wonderful together, and their parents are nuts.
The defense of a teenage love rests.
OLTL ~ Truman Murder
One Life To Live if HUGE right now!
The sick, evil Spencer Truman has been murdered in Blair Cramer’s hospital room.
He has caused the town so much pain and agony. It’s a hefty list to dive into. But people are angry he hasn’t paid for his crimes. Marty declared him not fit for trial, so he was supposed to go to an asylum. The town wanted him in prison! For good reason too… At the hospital he took Marty hostage and could have shot Todd. And he escaped his room again…
Spencer was crazy. Before his escape, he kept seeing and talking to Blair even though she wasn’t actually there. Then he killed his lawyer and switched clothes with him. He was free to make a getaway…straight to Blair. He’s obsessed with her. He kept pumping her with drugs. He put her in a wedding dress and had a fake ceremony; he spoke to a minister that wasn’t there. Afterwards, Spencer said it was time to consummate the marriage. He got on top of her and was so going to rape her.
But then you see the perspective of someone entering the room, picking up scissors, and stabbing Spencer multiple times in the back. Blood splattered everywhere, and Spencer fell to the floor dead. It was a brilliant murder; it looked like a rendition of Psycho.
Now, just to let you know, I missed Monday’s (1/29) show. So you guys probably know more than I do.
I am now going to provide a list of suspects – the people that I think could have done it. And just as a reminder, Blair was passed out when the murder occurred. She has no clue who did it, but we viewers can probably figure it out…
Rex Balsom - the most likely suspect. He was found in the room standing over the body and holding the murder weapon. Bo’s trying to give him time, but he’s just not telling the truth as to why he was there. He looks extremely guilty! He could be protecting someone, though, and he doesn’t want anyone to know that little Tommy McBain is really Todd’s missing son. Motive: Spencer knew the truth about Tommy; Rex could have killed him to make sure he didn’t talk. Other than that, what on Earth would lead Rex to committing murder?
Todd Manning - the one most likely to be a murderer. I’m not sure where Todd was when the murder happened, but I did see him at home with Jack before the murder. He has a criminal past, and he was in prison for an alleged murder, a set-up by Spencer. He’s not acting guilty, but he’s extremely pleased that Spencer is dead. Motive: His family has suffered enough because of Spencer. He would do anything to protect Blair and keep her safe. He would do anything to keep his family safe.
John McBain - the one wanting to see Spencer pay more than anyone else. He left abruptly from his apartment the night of the murder, and Michael found him at the hospital. I think he was helpless on the ground, due to still recovering from a car accident of course. He shouldn’t even be out and about in the first place, but he’s been the most frustrated about Spencer not going to prison. Motive: Spencer killed John’s father years ago. After finding that out, John’s been full of revenge. He wanted to go after Spencer while they were both in the hospital.
Asa Buchanan - the one who doesn’t let anyone mess with his family and get away with it. Spencer thought he was a Buchanan and wanted revenge for the way Asa treated his mother. Even though he’s not a Buchanan, he still wanted revenge. He was a Buchanan enemy, and Asa wouldn’t just sit around and do nothing. Asa was seen the night of the murder at The Palace; he had a cryptic phone call, asking, “Did you get the job done?” Motive: Spencer did all kinds of thing to his family. He even tortured Asa himself. And Asa would do anything to protect his family. Nobody messes with the Buchanans.
Michael McBain - the one who doesn’t seem capable of murder. He is a gentle soul; it’s no wonder why Marcie loves him so much. He is John’s brother, so he understands John’s revenge drive. He knows his son is really Todd’s and that Spencer knows too. He is also a doctor, so he’d have ample opportunity to kill Spencer. What’s suspicious about him is that he left Marcie in the middle of the murder night to take care of something. Motive: He hasn’t told Marcie about Tommy; he doesn’t want her to know. So, he could have murdered Spencer in order to keep the secret buried. And Spencer killed his father. So I’m sure there is a part of him that wants either revenge or justice.
Marty Saybrooke - who knows what she’s capable of? She was Spencer’s psychologist; she’s the one who saw him unfit for a trial. She also cares about John and doesn’t want to see Todd & Blair hurt anymore (I think). I don’t know where she was during the murder, but she was a little surprised to find out he’s dead. Most importantly, Spencer held her hostage at the hospital; he had a gun to her head or body, maybe both. He could have killed her had it not been for Todd. Motive: She has been scared of Spencer attacking her again; she probably wanted him dead. So, she could have taken care of him herself. Spencer also threatened her son, Cole. If anyone harmed her son, she could be capable of anything, right?
Paige Miller - the one who shares a past with Spencer. She was his ex-wife, and they had a son together. She kept their son away from Spencer by giving him up for adoption. She was also involved in the death of John & Michael’s father; she was drunk while operating on him with Spencer. She also knew Spencer was bad news when he came to town. Motive: Spencer has caused her emotional pain over the years. He has involved her in crimes she didn’t want to be a part of (he involved her in his big set-up of Todd going to prison). She could have snapped and finally gotten the “justice” that she has hoped for.
And Natalie Buchanan - the least likely suspect. There has to be someone that people would never in a million years believe would commit murder. I think Natalie is that someone. She is personally involved in the case against Spencer mainly because John McBain is her boyfriend. And I’m not sure where she was when the murder happened. But if she’s the killer, she would not let John take the fall. She’ll protect John from the police suspecting him. Motive: She could have murdered Spencer for John, who has been obsessing over him not going to prison. John’s been so focused on Spencer that she could have ended his life just to save John from himself. Also, Spencer has done harm to her family. He hated the Buchanan family with such a passion; he made her brother sterile and dangerously taunted her grandfather. Natalie could have sought revenge.
My thoughts and theories? Well…in murder storylines, the killer is always someone no one expected. Always the LEAST likeliest suspect! And that’s why I’ve included some ‘least likely’ suspects. With that in mind… I do not believe that Rex, Todd, John, or Asa did the crime. They are too obvious. Michael looks obvious too, but who would ever believe he would commit murder? He’s a doctor! Marty, Paige, and Natalie all have some good motives, and to my knowledge they had the opportunity. It would be a little surprising to me if one of them did it, but you never know. And actually, I do think Marty did it. The cops aren’t suspecting her. And where was she during the murder? Huh? She could have done it!
But… The other day someone in the dark was shown (from behind) with a newspaper. He was at his desk, and the front-page headline was about Spencer. The person was definitely a guy, and he got angry at the headline. Who was that? Is he the murderer?
We’ll have to stay tuned, OLTL viewers…
The sick, evil Spencer Truman has been murdered in Blair Cramer’s hospital room.
He has caused the town so much pain and agony. It’s a hefty list to dive into. But people are angry he hasn’t paid for his crimes. Marty declared him not fit for trial, so he was supposed to go to an asylum. The town wanted him in prison! For good reason too… At the hospital he took Marty hostage and could have shot Todd. And he escaped his room again…
Spencer was crazy. Before his escape, he kept seeing and talking to Blair even though she wasn’t actually there. Then he killed his lawyer and switched clothes with him. He was free to make a getaway…straight to Blair. He’s obsessed with her. He kept pumping her with drugs. He put her in a wedding dress and had a fake ceremony; he spoke to a minister that wasn’t there. Afterwards, Spencer said it was time to consummate the marriage. He got on top of her and was so going to rape her.
But then you see the perspective of someone entering the room, picking up scissors, and stabbing Spencer multiple times in the back. Blood splattered everywhere, and Spencer fell to the floor dead. It was a brilliant murder; it looked like a rendition of Psycho.
Now, just to let you know, I missed Monday’s (1/29) show. So you guys probably know more than I do.
I am now going to provide a list of suspects – the people that I think could have done it. And just as a reminder, Blair was passed out when the murder occurred. She has no clue who did it, but we viewers can probably figure it out…
Rex Balsom - the most likely suspect. He was found in the room standing over the body and holding the murder weapon. Bo’s trying to give him time, but he’s just not telling the truth as to why he was there. He looks extremely guilty! He could be protecting someone, though, and he doesn’t want anyone to know that little Tommy McBain is really Todd’s missing son. Motive: Spencer knew the truth about Tommy; Rex could have killed him to make sure he didn’t talk. Other than that, what on Earth would lead Rex to committing murder?
Todd Manning - the one most likely to be a murderer. I’m not sure where Todd was when the murder happened, but I did see him at home with Jack before the murder. He has a criminal past, and he was in prison for an alleged murder, a set-up by Spencer. He’s not acting guilty, but he’s extremely pleased that Spencer is dead. Motive: His family has suffered enough because of Spencer. He would do anything to protect Blair and keep her safe. He would do anything to keep his family safe.
John McBain - the one wanting to see Spencer pay more than anyone else. He left abruptly from his apartment the night of the murder, and Michael found him at the hospital. I think he was helpless on the ground, due to still recovering from a car accident of course. He shouldn’t even be out and about in the first place, but he’s been the most frustrated about Spencer not going to prison. Motive: Spencer killed John’s father years ago. After finding that out, John’s been full of revenge. He wanted to go after Spencer while they were both in the hospital.
Asa Buchanan - the one who doesn’t let anyone mess with his family and get away with it. Spencer thought he was a Buchanan and wanted revenge for the way Asa treated his mother. Even though he’s not a Buchanan, he still wanted revenge. He was a Buchanan enemy, and Asa wouldn’t just sit around and do nothing. Asa was seen the night of the murder at The Palace; he had a cryptic phone call, asking, “Did you get the job done?” Motive: Spencer did all kinds of thing to his family. He even tortured Asa himself. And Asa would do anything to protect his family. Nobody messes with the Buchanans.
Michael McBain - the one who doesn’t seem capable of murder. He is a gentle soul; it’s no wonder why Marcie loves him so much. He is John’s brother, so he understands John’s revenge drive. He knows his son is really Todd’s and that Spencer knows too. He is also a doctor, so he’d have ample opportunity to kill Spencer. What’s suspicious about him is that he left Marcie in the middle of the murder night to take care of something. Motive: He hasn’t told Marcie about Tommy; he doesn’t want her to know. So, he could have murdered Spencer in order to keep the secret buried. And Spencer killed his father. So I’m sure there is a part of him that wants either revenge or justice.
Marty Saybrooke - who knows what she’s capable of? She was Spencer’s psychologist; she’s the one who saw him unfit for a trial. She also cares about John and doesn’t want to see Todd & Blair hurt anymore (I think). I don’t know where she was during the murder, but she was a little surprised to find out he’s dead. Most importantly, Spencer held her hostage at the hospital; he had a gun to her head or body, maybe both. He could have killed her had it not been for Todd. Motive: She has been scared of Spencer attacking her again; she probably wanted him dead. So, she could have taken care of him herself. Spencer also threatened her son, Cole. If anyone harmed her son, she could be capable of anything, right?
Paige Miller - the one who shares a past with Spencer. She was his ex-wife, and they had a son together. She kept their son away from Spencer by giving him up for adoption. She was also involved in the death of John & Michael’s father; she was drunk while operating on him with Spencer. She also knew Spencer was bad news when he came to town. Motive: Spencer has caused her emotional pain over the years. He has involved her in crimes she didn’t want to be a part of (he involved her in his big set-up of Todd going to prison). She could have snapped and finally gotten the “justice” that she has hoped for.
And Natalie Buchanan - the least likely suspect. There has to be someone that people would never in a million years believe would commit murder. I think Natalie is that someone. She is personally involved in the case against Spencer mainly because John McBain is her boyfriend. And I’m not sure where she was when the murder happened. But if she’s the killer, she would not let John take the fall. She’ll protect John from the police suspecting him. Motive: She could have murdered Spencer for John, who has been obsessing over him not going to prison. John’s been so focused on Spencer that she could have ended his life just to save John from himself. Also, Spencer has done harm to her family. He hated the Buchanan family with such a passion; he made her brother sterile and dangerously taunted her grandfather. Natalie could have sought revenge.
My thoughts and theories? Well…in murder storylines, the killer is always someone no one expected. Always the LEAST likeliest suspect! And that’s why I’ve included some ‘least likely’ suspects. With that in mind… I do not believe that Rex, Todd, John, or Asa did the crime. They are too obvious. Michael looks obvious too, but who would ever believe he would commit murder? He’s a doctor! Marty, Paige, and Natalie all have some good motives, and to my knowledge they had the opportunity. It would be a little surprising to me if one of them did it, but you never know. And actually, I do think Marty did it. The cops aren’t suspecting her. And where was she during the murder? Huh? She could have done it!
But… The other day someone in the dark was shown (from behind) with a newspaper. He was at his desk, and the front-page headline was about Spencer. The person was definitely a guy, and he got angry at the headline. Who was that? Is he the murderer?
We’ll have to stay tuned, OLTL viewers…
AMC ~ Cady McClain FIRED!
It was just over a week ago that I read a spoiler in my e-mail stating that Cady McClain was fired and Dixie would be the next victim of the Satin Slayer. For the most part I kept my emotions in check, but I was shocked. On the inside I was angry and hurt. I was also in a bit of denial.
How could this happen? Cady had just returned a year ago!
Dixie being alive was a Christmas present for the fans; AMC squeezed in a couple of scenes just for us. Then in February she returned full time and was back in Pine Valley for good. There was hope and happiness in fans' eyes again; Tad and Dixie had another chance and JR got his mother back. All was well, in a sense. There was much bitterness, but everything got sorted out. Tad and Dixie had a new understanding of each other, and they were on a mission to find their missing child Kate. Fans recieved hope again for Christmas when the real Kate came to town. Everyone expected a great story of Tad and Dixie discovering her, and there was always the possibliity of Tad and Dixie reuniting. In fact, they planned a lunch date just before her fate...
Dixie died from tainted peanut butter & banana pancakes. She flatlined at the hospital on Monday after sharing one last moment with Tad, saying, "Together forever." Yesterday, Tuesday, was the ultimate heartbreak. Joe tried to revive her, but he had to break the news of her death to the family. Dixie came to her children and Tad as an angel. She saw Kathy (Kate) with Tad, and realized the girl's true identity. Her whole passing was sad and beautiful.
But how could AMC do this - not just to us but also to Cady? HOW? It's unbelievable! Dixie is a beloved character, and Cady is a huge asset to the show.
I just cannot believe they would do this!
There was so much story left for Dixie and Tad. They were suppose to find and raise Kate together! They were suppose to marry and divorce a couple more times. They were suppose to wish on stars together again. They had a future! Fans had hope! And AMC just squandered everything! They ruined the show just to provide a major death to their serial killer storyline. What a waste of a good year! Just when T&D were getting back on well as JR turning into a man Dixie can be proud of...
IT'S TERRIBLE! Every AMC viewer should be outraged by this action! I am, all the Cady/Dixie fans are, and all the Tad & Dixie fans are. It's the WORST firing AMC has EVER done!
But maybe us fans/viewers can bring Cady back...make AMC reverse their choice in a way. I don't believe that there's a chance for Dixie; we saw her die on-screen. But maybe we can get Cady back. It's not like she wanted to leave; there was no negotiation with her. AMC told her what they planned. The choice is all on their hands. So Cady could return...some way.
But she needs our help!
Write to the people of All My Children. Call the people of All My Children. Write to the soap magazines. Let yourself be heard! Sign the Save Dixie petition. And if you are so inclned to, boycott AMC. Stop watching the show. Some fans are doing that; more power to them!
Let AMC know how horrible this death/firing is!
Go here to find writing and calling information: Contacts
Here is the petition: Save Dixie
And also keep in touch with Cady; let her know how you feel: Cady's Official Site
RIP: Dixie Cooney Martin. You will always be loved and never forgotten.
How could this happen? Cady had just returned a year ago!
Dixie being alive was a Christmas present for the fans; AMC squeezed in a couple of scenes just for us. Then in February she returned full time and was back in Pine Valley for good. There was hope and happiness in fans' eyes again; Tad and Dixie had another chance and JR got his mother back. All was well, in a sense. There was much bitterness, but everything got sorted out. Tad and Dixie had a new understanding of each other, and they were on a mission to find their missing child Kate. Fans recieved hope again for Christmas when the real Kate came to town. Everyone expected a great story of Tad and Dixie discovering her, and there was always the possibliity of Tad and Dixie reuniting. In fact, they planned a lunch date just before her fate...
Dixie died from tainted peanut butter & banana pancakes. She flatlined at the hospital on Monday after sharing one last moment with Tad, saying, "Together forever." Yesterday, Tuesday, was the ultimate heartbreak. Joe tried to revive her, but he had to break the news of her death to the family. Dixie came to her children and Tad as an angel. She saw Kathy (Kate) with Tad, and realized the girl's true identity. Her whole passing was sad and beautiful.
But how could AMC do this - not just to us but also to Cady? HOW? It's unbelievable! Dixie is a beloved character, and Cady is a huge asset to the show.
I just cannot believe they would do this!
There was so much story left for Dixie and Tad. They were suppose to find and raise Kate together! They were suppose to marry and divorce a couple more times. They were suppose to wish on stars together again. They had a future! Fans had hope! And AMC just squandered everything! They ruined the show just to provide a major death to their serial killer storyline. What a waste of a good year! Just when T&D were getting back on well as JR turning into a man Dixie can be proud of...
IT'S TERRIBLE! Every AMC viewer should be outraged by this action! I am, all the Cady/Dixie fans are, and all the Tad & Dixie fans are. It's the WORST firing AMC has EVER done!
But maybe us fans/viewers can bring Cady back...make AMC reverse their choice in a way. I don't believe that there's a chance for Dixie; we saw her die on-screen. But maybe we can get Cady back. It's not like she wanted to leave; there was no negotiation with her. AMC told her what they planned. The choice is all on their hands. So Cady could return...some way.
But she needs our help!
Write to the people of All My Children. Call the people of All My Children. Write to the soap magazines. Let yourself be heard! Sign the Save Dixie petition. And if you are so inclned to, boycott AMC. Stop watching the show. Some fans are doing that; more power to them!
Let AMC know how horrible this death/firing is!
Go here to find writing and calling information: Contacts
Here is the petition: Save Dixie
And also keep in touch with Cady; let her know how you feel: Cady's Official Site

GL ~ Happy 70th!!!!!!!
70 years ago on January 25, 1937 The Guiding Light debuted on NBC radio at 4:15 pm.
It has come a long way since that day... It moved to CBS. It was on the radio for 15 years and made its transition to television in June 1952. Many soap operas had failed to survive such a transition, but creator Irna Phillips had much faith in The Guiding Light's success. And succeed, it did.
Irna Phillips is credited with being the inventor of the soap opera. Without her, where would numerous devoted fans be? Where would the actors and crew be? What path would the writers, producers, and creators have taken? Irna Phillips is a person to adore and be grateful for.
Like I said, Guiding Light has come a LONG way. Its first family was the Bauers, whose next generations are still seen today. It dropped the "The" in the late seventies and has had a couple of signature logos and theme music over the decades. No matter what, though, the lighthouse will always be its key symbol. And of course characters and families have come and gone. Today's families include the Coopers, Spauldings, and Lewises. Today's divas are Reva, Harley, and Olivia. Today's dashing men are Josh, Gus, and Alan. But no matter who pops up in town, the show reflects its history, usually.
And its history is obviously a huge one. I couldn't possibly cover it all in any blog of mine. In fact, I don't even know it all. I've only been watching six years! But one thing remains true - GL is one in a million. Why? Because it's the longest running show in broadcast history. God forbid the day that it's cancelled.
This year marks an incredible one for not only the show but also its cast, crew, and viewers. The cast and crew are having a yearlong celebration by promoting volunteerism and creating three special, spectacular episodes.
The first show was on January 3rd; it focused on the idea from the movie Pay It Forward. Their theme is called "Find Your Light". In the episode little Zach found a bag of hundreds of dollars with no identification. Later, a note was found, and the money was for the town of Springfield. Dinah was the one tracking the money and the note. What she found was that several Springfield citizens had helped one another, spreading the saying, "Find your light". The episode also showed a connection between the characters - the theme of brotherhood. I've recently discovered that this theme was vital to GL back in its early days. So, the present has fused with the past through brotherhood. But not only in that episode...
Either for this month or for the whole year, Guiding Light's opening has been altered. It features a guiding light (from a lighthouse?), hands joining together, and the cast reciting a poem that was once said before each show during its radio days.
The poem and the current theme is this:
There is a destiny that makes us brothers.
None goes his way alone.
All that we send into the lives of others
Comes back into our own.
GL's second special episode was shown today. It brought the past to the present, or the present to the past. Today's major characters/actors were the characters/actors of its radio and early TV years. The episode was quite impressive. The sets, clothes, make-up, and hair were revamped to the times of yester-years. And major players turned into major players of the past. Justin Deas (Buzz) became Papa Bauer. Crystal Chappell (Olivia) became Meta Bauer. The two most important roles went to today's biggest divas... Kim Zimmer (Reva) was the beloved Charita Bauer as Bert Bauer. And Beth Ehlers (Harley) was the intimidating Irna Phillips; she did a superb job. There are no words to perfectly describe the episode because it is quite phenomenal. I advise you to watch it even if you are not a regular viewer of Guiding Light.
The third special episode has not aired yet; tune in on February 14th. To tell the truth, it’s not even a real episode. It revolves around the actors participating in their volunteerism. GL’s cast and crew are undergoing a yearlong project to help build homes. Each month they will be helping in a new town of a different state; they’ve begun with Biloxi, Mississippi. And they plan to take viewers with them on along the way. Viewers are invited to join GL in each town, helping in any way they can. This all leads back to the slogan “Find Your Light”… There is a website for fans to keep track of GL’s anniversary celebration: You can see where the actors will be next. You can post photos of “your light” and watch the actors share their “lights”. You can see pictures from each volunteer visit. If you are a GL fan, this is a remarkable site for you.
Everything the people of Guiding Light are doing is remarkable; no other show has celebrated an anniversary in this manner. At least not that I know of.
So join GL in its yearlong celebration by visiting the website, watching the special episodes, or volunteering in either your community or the towns where GL’s cast will be. Or simply celebrate by watching past episodes or wishing Guiding Light a very happy birthday, as I will be doing today.
Now there’s only one last thing to say…
HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY, GUIDING LIGHT!!! May you continue your fun, beautiful, melodramatic ride for many more years and reach 100!
It has come a long way since that day... It moved to CBS. It was on the radio for 15 years and made its transition to television in June 1952. Many soap operas had failed to survive such a transition, but creator Irna Phillips had much faith in The Guiding Light's success. And succeed, it did.
Irna Phillips is credited with being the inventor of the soap opera. Without her, where would numerous devoted fans be? Where would the actors and crew be? What path would the writers, producers, and creators have taken? Irna Phillips is a person to adore and be grateful for.
Like I said, Guiding Light has come a LONG way. Its first family was the Bauers, whose next generations are still seen today. It dropped the "The" in the late seventies and has had a couple of signature logos and theme music over the decades. No matter what, though, the lighthouse will always be its key symbol. And of course characters and families have come and gone. Today's families include the Coopers, Spauldings, and Lewises. Today's divas are Reva, Harley, and Olivia. Today's dashing men are Josh, Gus, and Alan. But no matter who pops up in town, the show reflects its history, usually.
And its history is obviously a huge one. I couldn't possibly cover it all in any blog of mine. In fact, I don't even know it all. I've only been watching six years! But one thing remains true - GL is one in a million. Why? Because it's the longest running show in broadcast history. God forbid the day that it's cancelled.
This year marks an incredible one for not only the show but also its cast, crew, and viewers. The cast and crew are having a yearlong celebration by promoting volunteerism and creating three special, spectacular episodes.
The first show was on January 3rd; it focused on the idea from the movie Pay It Forward. Their theme is called "Find Your Light". In the episode little Zach found a bag of hundreds of dollars with no identification. Later, a note was found, and the money was for the town of Springfield. Dinah was the one tracking the money and the note. What she found was that several Springfield citizens had helped one another, spreading the saying, "Find your light". The episode also showed a connection between the characters - the theme of brotherhood. I've recently discovered that this theme was vital to GL back in its early days. So, the present has fused with the past through brotherhood. But not only in that episode...
Either for this month or for the whole year, Guiding Light's opening has been altered. It features a guiding light (from a lighthouse?), hands joining together, and the cast reciting a poem that was once said before each show during its radio days.
The poem and the current theme is this:
None goes his way alone.
All that we send into the lives of others
Comes back into our own.
GL's second special episode was shown today. It brought the past to the present, or the present to the past. Today's major characters/actors were the characters/actors of its radio and early TV years. The episode was quite impressive. The sets, clothes, make-up, and hair were revamped to the times of yester-years. And major players turned into major players of the past. Justin Deas (Buzz) became Papa Bauer. Crystal Chappell (Olivia) became Meta Bauer. The two most important roles went to today's biggest divas... Kim Zimmer (Reva) was the beloved Charita Bauer as Bert Bauer. And Beth Ehlers (Harley) was the intimidating Irna Phillips; she did a superb job. There are no words to perfectly describe the episode because it is quite phenomenal. I advise you to watch it even if you are not a regular viewer of Guiding Light.
The third special episode has not aired yet; tune in on February 14th. To tell the truth, it’s not even a real episode. It revolves around the actors participating in their volunteerism. GL’s cast and crew are undergoing a yearlong project to help build homes. Each month they will be helping in a new town of a different state; they’ve begun with Biloxi, Mississippi. And they plan to take viewers with them on along the way. Viewers are invited to join GL in each town, helping in any way they can. This all leads back to the slogan “Find Your Light”… There is a website for fans to keep track of GL’s anniversary celebration: You can see where the actors will be next. You can post photos of “your light” and watch the actors share their “lights”. You can see pictures from each volunteer visit. If you are a GL fan, this is a remarkable site for you.
Everything the people of Guiding Light are doing is remarkable; no other show has celebrated an anniversary in this manner. At least not that I know of.
So join GL in its yearlong celebration by visiting the website, watching the special episodes, or volunteering in either your community or the towns where GL’s cast will be. Or simply celebrate by watching past episodes or wishing Guiding Light a very happy birthday, as I will be doing today.
Now there’s only one last thing to say…
HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY, GUIDING LIGHT!!! May you continue your fun, beautiful, melodramatic ride for many more years and reach 100!
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