How could this happen? Cady had just returned a year ago!
Dixie being alive was a Christmas present for the fans; AMC squeezed in a couple of scenes just for us. Then in February she returned full time and was back in Pine Valley for good. There was hope and happiness in fans' eyes again; Tad and Dixie had another chance and JR got his mother back. All was well, in a sense. There was much bitterness, but everything got sorted out. Tad and Dixie had a new understanding of each other, and they were on a mission to find their missing child Kate. Fans recieved hope again for Christmas when the real Kate came to town. Everyone expected a great story of Tad and Dixie discovering her, and there was always the possibliity of Tad and Dixie reuniting. In fact, they planned a lunch date just before her fate...
Dixie died from tainted peanut butter & banana pancakes. She flatlined at the hospital on Monday after sharing one last moment with Tad, saying, "Together forever." Yesterday, Tuesday, was the ultimate heartbreak. Joe tried to revive her, but he had to break the news of her death to the family. Dixie came to her children and Tad as an angel. She saw Kathy (Kate) with Tad, and realized the girl's true identity. Her whole passing was sad and beautiful.
But how could AMC do this - not just to us but also to Cady? HOW? It's unbelievable! Dixie is a beloved character, and Cady is a huge asset to the show.
I just cannot believe they would do this!
There was so much story left for Dixie and Tad. They were suppose to find and raise Kate together! They were suppose to marry and divorce a couple more times. They were suppose to wish on stars together again. They had a future! Fans had hope! And AMC just squandered everything! They ruined the show just to provide a major death to their serial killer storyline. What a waste of a good year! Just when T&D were getting back on well as JR turning into a man Dixie can be proud of...
IT'S TERRIBLE! Every AMC viewer should be outraged by this action! I am, all the Cady/Dixie fans are, and all the Tad & Dixie fans are. It's the WORST firing AMC has EVER done!
But maybe us fans/viewers can bring Cady back...make AMC reverse their choice in a way. I don't believe that there's a chance for Dixie; we saw her die on-screen. But maybe we can get Cady back. It's not like she wanted to leave; there was no negotiation with her. AMC told her what they planned. The choice is all on their hands. So Cady could return...some way.
But she needs our help!
Write to the people of All My Children. Call the people of All My Children. Write to the soap magazines. Let yourself be heard! Sign the Save Dixie petition. And if you are so inclned to, boycott AMC. Stop watching the show. Some fans are doing that; more power to them!
Let AMC know how horrible this death/firing is!
Go here to find writing and calling information: Contacts
Here is the petition: Save Dixie
And also keep in touch with Cady; let her know how you feel: Cady's Official Site